
Wife in black

Love is a strange phenomenon as it can make you go an extra mile just as Jackson Jones who took a job as a university lecture just to see the love of his life that is now one of the pupils he teaches. What lengths will he go to get what he wants to be as the woman he wants is not as simple as she appears to be . if you like your boys more ripe and red like strawberries stick around

llovely · Urban
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8 Chs

chapter three: Skyler Kingsley

Fighting with the skinny bitch was never a problem. Actually I pride myself in that. I guess being born in a competitive family makes you always want to come at the top. Settling for less than never a choice maybe that is why I did not appreciate losing money because I was hasty in my decision-making.

She was always annoying with her dumb brain. She had beautiful looks but the sight of her disgusted me .She was just too much. Which was one of the reasons I never went to school regularly. Even though I had glasses when it was sunny they did not serve their purpose well.

Seeing the world in black and white was not tiring it was the color that made my eyes itch. The only thing that did not make me cringe was my so-called red hair because as red as it was it was still dark enough to tolerate.

Mr Jones had definitely enjoyed this little argument with the skinny girl . He had that smirk in his face. He was handsome with it.

He had the most amazing voice ever that had a short yet sexiness in it. He was older which was why I tried my best to refrain from him because he had great sexual chemistry. He was dripping with testosterone. Because you could tell from his tall built and large frame that he was a handsome man . Although I did not know the colour of his eyes I was still glad from moment to moment I would catch them on me.

It made me feel somehow not so ugly. But it also concerned me because it could have happened that he was not into me just looking at my abnormal big ass on the small wait. I could not help it if I liked my food as a kid.

Mr Jones quickly adjourned the class as his time was up.

As I started packing my things I heard him say," Miss Kingsley. Please stay I'd like to speak to you"

I quickly packed my things as I waited for everyone to leave the classroom .

After every one was gone I quickly stood up to Mr Jones. I adjusted my glasses looking at him " Can I help you?",I asked . He gave me some papers as he signaled for me to walk. We walked silently to his office.

Whether it was all white or light colours I did not ask . I placed the papers on his table and sat on a chair that he had signaled me to sit on. I sat opposite of him staring at him. He had this magnificent look on him .

"Miss Kingsley the management is worried about your absenteeism. You're a bright student you need to get at school to keep that brightness in you don't you think? he said looking at me in the way that my father usually looked at me if I did something wrong .

"Why ,did I fail ?" I asked with a straight face.

"No but you will ,if you don't come to school regularly "

"No I won't ,I have an aggregate of 100% with being mostly absent, I do just fine"

"Fine I have a test planned for tomorrow,it's supposed to be a surprise test but knowing you ,you'll be absent tomorrow,can you come in?"

" really?.. ah fine I will be here. If that is all I would like to leave I have a class to attend",with that stood I up and left. He was my teacher and a test was a big deal which meant I had to be there .

The rest of the day sucked as I had to jiggle all around school listening to worthless lectures.

When I finally got home I received a call from my family

"Hey princess",I heard my brother say that made my heart flatter because I had missed him

" Hi dude how are you?"

" Were you fine but have you been holding up in a foreign country?"

" I'm doing great but I think I'm gonna need new glasses Jade when can I see you?"

"You know ..what about in 2 weeks will that be enough…?"

" Yes it will be fine,where is daddy?"

"He said he had a date with a young mistress, expect to have a mother soon …ha ha ha"

"That sounds weird as a f please never say it because she might be your age…haha ha",we both blast into laughter. It was nice hearing Jade's voice since we both had busy lives.

All of us were busy to tell the truth. From the oldest to the youngest. We were busy Jaden was the oldest child and he was a doctor . To be specific my eye doctor because he helped me with my sight.

There was Maximilian who was the second born he was the family's interior designer. He was the one who made my penthouse this masterpiece to accommodate my sight.

We were all from a rich family that breeds geniuses . Everyone was unique except for me who had nothing more to offer than brains . You could say I was blind because I was sensitive to colours. The house that I lived in had a dark interior . From the living room to the bathrooms. Not only was the furniture dark ,the lights were limited because they made my eyes extra sensitive. The glasses I wore were to reduce the effect the light had on my eyes. Actually I'm not sure what that did because I never paid attention if it happened that Jade explained it.

I slowly stood up from the phone after speaking to Jade for the past hour.

It was 4 already. I stood up because I had to make something to eat . I took out some veggies and steak to cook. I poured myself a glass of juice before turning up the song to start cooking. It was always nice to have some music while busy.

-its not my fault…you like..like…like in love with me..it's not my fault you're like in love with me you like in love with me.-

I continued singing with my heart. I finished cooking in a short time. The steak and veggies were now ready to be served. I placed it on the heaters to avoid it cooling down.

I left to go to the bathroom. I took my time in the shower and wore my pajamas and went back to the kitchen . I served in food with love and saved some for later.

I started preparing for the test I had while I was eating. I could already feel the hundred percent waiting for me.