
Wife in black

Love is a strange phenomenon as it can make you go an extra mile just as Jackson Jones who took a job as a university lecture just to see the love of his life that is now one of the pupils he teaches. What lengths will he go to get what he wants to be as the woman he wants is not as simple as she appears to be . if you like your boys more ripe and red like strawberries stick around

llovely · Urban
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chapter five: Skyler Kingsley

That was ridiculous .

How was that a test on business administration? The rest of the answers I got were right . But because that shit head of a teacher got bored of questions. I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I removed my glasses immediately and wiped out my tears. I finished the test with one question unanswered. Stupid two marks that were gonna ruin my perfect grades. The old man was gonna lecture me about imperfections. I did not like losing no matter how petty it sounded. I could not bring myself to accept that I was gonna get 48 . Me ..? No ,this was absurd. How was he even a teacher? The dick head. I felt my anger build up in my chest.

I felt like a failure because he used my own weakness on me. I stood up and submitted the paperwork. He looked at me directly. I am sure he was looking at the redness on my checks.

"Fuck you",I mouthed the words looking at him directly. I felt his tight grip on my hand that made me flinch. His grip was tight and sort of hurting. His hands were huge. He glared at me for a bit. I do not know where I got my eyes and my unyielding attitude. But it helped as he looked at me with his deep eyes. In my vision they looked dark yet the smirk on his lips made him look sinister .

Most learners in class turned their heads up and looked at us. I tried pulling my hand out of his which led to no avail, while maintaining the uncomfortable gaze with him. I ended up avoiding my gaze from him. He let my hand go and I left with my face hot and heart fluttering. He looked terribly handsome. But that was not important.

Forget he was handsome he just became the one to create my demise. As I have lost my perfect score. I am sure my dad would be glad if he knew that I know what failure looks like. That man celebrated failure more than success. With his boring long tiring lectures .

I stood by the door of the lecture door trying to calm myself and correct my blood flow.

I made my way to Mr Jones' office in the rush. I found the door unlocked. I stood horribly uncomfortable on the side of his office door. Twenty minutes went by. The square boots that I was wearing were now hurting. The teachers who had been passing asked me what I was waiting for. They pissed the shit out of me. Smiling was not a problem but I'm not a good person at pretending which made me almost blow on one of them .

When I saw him coming I felt the composure I had gathered slipping. I saw him carrying some papers. Must have been the test. He greeted me ,"Miss Kingsley" acknowledging my presence. He came into his office and I followed him. I placed my bag on the floor and waited for him to turn around.

"What the fuck was up with question 5c …?",I asked blowing up on him .

He slowly turned around his body and looked at me with his head slowly tilted down to look at my short built

"Not only are you rude Miss Kingsley,but you're unprincipled",he said calmly while looking at me with his hand folder on his chest.

"Aha…",I scoffed. I looked at him, "that is out of the question, at least I'm rude ,you're dumb"

"Oh ,Miss Kingsley, get out so that you can knock on my door then I will let you in my office. Shall we Miss Kingsley?",he said again leaving me dumbstruck. He slowly pointed at the door with his hand .

I looked at him directly trying to figure out what was up with him . He had the softest smile on his face for a second. And soon it was gone. Nothing but darkness prevailed. The tall 190 cm plus tall man that had a perfect suit that you could tell was tailor made just for him . His shirt and suit was still straight and looked neat and formal. With a square face and his perfectly shaped beard and his neat hair . Ugh! What a douchebag.

I turned my body around and just when I was about to turn the door knob. I heard him say, "Miss Kingsley your school bag."

I felt my face crack into a smile as I turned my head around to look at him. I picked up my bag and left the room .I knocked on the door a couple of times to no avail. On my third time knocking I finally heard his voice permitting me to enter. My knocking was now quieter . Must've been my anger subsidized.

I quickly made my way inside the office. The sound of my heel was the only thing that could be heard in the room. He stood and leaned on his office desk. His perfectly neat suit was now messed up. His blazer was placed neatly on his hanger on the side. His tire crooked and his white shirt was folded up on the wrist to almost his elbow. His hair was no longer neat but it had a tiny strand of hair on his face.

I stood with my fat body looking at him .

"Miss Kingsley you got a 48 on the test we were writing. Is there something you did not understand well on the question?",he asked with his arms folded on his chest

" You…you bag of poop what the fuck was up with question 5c ",I asked shouting at him while looking at him directly in the felt the anger that I had thought subsided erupt like a volcano. I felt my chest getting heavy from the harsh breathing.

I walked up to him and pissed him on the chest but he was unmoving. Looking at him I felt a huge pool of range drowning me in. Before I knew it I had slapped his face. I felt shocked looking at his. His face was still in shock and facing the left side as directed by my slap.

"Mhh..",he scoffed, slowly turning his face to look at me again. He quickly grabbed my hand that was still frozen mid air and pulled me to him. In my head that thought i was gonna bash into his chest he spun my body and pushed my body into the table behind him.