
Wife And Mother

Good Wife: The faithful wife or Sophie would become Filthy: The cheating wife. Follow the great story of Sophia or Sophie with her husband Jaxon, and see what lies ahead in there new house and town. Thus his son should will have a first girlfriend and Ellie would become a famous model in his dads working company. And Sophie could get another hot stuff with her husband and a drean come true third baby. Follow the stories and know what it lies ahead. A fanfic of Wife and a mother (18+ games) Mature content warning! SPG (Strong Parental Guidance) Audience is advice. A game by lust and passion

yasouuuuuu · Video Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Meanwhile at the arrival terminal, Sophie'sister Patricia and her husband Carl were already waiting. 

"Their plane should have landed over an hour ago! God. I hope nothing happened!" Patricia said.

Patricia is the younger sister of Sophie with her husband Karl. Patricia married 5 years ago and moved in with him in his huge mansion. According to her, she didn't marry him because of his money. But nevertheless, she seems overjoyed with the luxury in which she is now living. Karl buys her everything she want, One day Patricia dream to have a one private island, but Karl brought 5 islands. Patricia work as a manager of a huge luxury hotel. They have no children yet and don't talk about that topic with anybody. Jaxon often makes fun of it and says that its bacause Karl impotent. Patricia has a very close relationship with her older sister and adores her nephew and niece.

"Hey, darling! Look who's finally here!" Carl said.

"There you are!" Sophia greatly said.

"Unbelievable, she's punctual!" Jaxon is impressed.

Sophie dropped her luggage and ran to Patricia. The sisters screamed and embraced each other.

"Finally! Come here and give me a hug, Sis! I've missed you so much! We've been waiting here for over one hour! Is everything alright? What took you so long?" Patricia ask.

"Yeah, everything is fine, Sis! Don't worry! God, you look so adorable, honey! But what happened to your natural brown hair?" Then Sophie ask.

"Well, I just wanted to try more of a latin look! Anyway!, you remember Karl, don't you?"

Karl greeted Sophie by kissing her hand unexpectedly.

"Its a pleasure to see you again, Sophie! The beauty really runs in the family!"

Sophie was obviously surprised by the gesture and smiled bashfully.

"Oh, Karl, you're making me blush!" Sophie then replied.

While Sophie enjoyed the gesture, her husband wasn't very amused by it.

"Ah... come here to me, my two cuties! Give your auntie a big hug!" Patricia embraced her nephew and niece. James seemed to particularly relish the hug. He could barely uncouple himself from his aunt's soft chest.

"Wow, you have grown! God, Ellie! Look at you! Honey, you've become such an adorable young woman! And James, I remember you reached only up to my hip the last time I saw you! And now?" Patricia said.

Then Patricia moved to Sophie husband Jaxon, Patricia greeted and embrace him. While Sophie was introducing her kids to Karl.

"Jaxon, so nice to see you! I'm so happy for you and your great opportunity! I oromise, you all will have a wonderful life here!"

On the other side.

"So, this is my daughter, Ellie! She'll finish the high school in a few moths and will be going to college! She's already got a bunch of acceptances." Sophie said to Karl.

"Nice to meet you, young beauty! By the way, our city has one of the best colleges in the country! So, you don't even have to move away next year again!" Karl said.

Ellie smiled shyly.

"And her younger brother, James! He'll attend the same high school where I'm gonna teach. We hope he will graduate in about 1,5 years!"

"Hello, young man!... Wow, a firm handshake! An athlete, eh?" Karl ask and smile.

Dylan nodded.

"Yeah, really nice looking charming kids! You should be very proud, Sophia!"

"Of course I am! And how!" Sophie said.

Last but not the least Jaxon greeted Carl, albeit unwillingly.

"Hello, Jaxon! Very nice to see you again!" Karl said.

"Yeah, the pleasure is all mine, Karl!"

"With that jacket on, it'll get very warm for you soon! Though it rained earlier today for the first time in a long time and cooled things down a bit, but in a couple of hours it'll be hot again!" Karl said.

"I'll pack the jacket in your truck, don't worry!" Then James said.

"Got it! Ok, my Benz is in the parking garage not far away! Shall we?" Karl ask. "Then men carry the luggage and the ladies relax! And Oh, don't panic if you feel like you're getting a little less air outside. The airport is 3000 meters above sea level!"

"That's very kind of you Karl, but actually the suitcase have wheels!" Sophie said.

"Doesn't matter! Besides, the damned elevator at the parking garage is damaged. And we need to get up to the 8th level using stairs! That's where the reserved VIP parking places are, unfortunately."

Sophie and Patricia gossiped and giggled a bit.

The men took the luggage and the group went in the direction of the parking garage.

"That's my precious piece 47y H.P from 0 to 62 mph in 4.2 seconds! That's definitely my fastest family car *ha-ha*!" Karl said.

"Wait! But that's a sports car! It can't have more than five seats!" Sophie said.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I completely forgot to tell you! We thought the kids were smaller and that one could sit on someone's lap. Carl ask some apology.

"WHAT! Im no longer a child, Mom! No chance! James is the youngest! So, if someone needs to sit on lap then it's him!" Ellie said with her angered face.

"Only by a year, Sis! So, don't pretend that adult!" James said.

But just then they continue to walk through the car.

"Pat, didn't you mention collecting us with your big luxury SUV?" Sophie ask.

"Yeah, that was our plan! But because we were running late Karl decided to take the sports car! We both thought the kids were smaller! I'm so sorry! That's my fault because... well, you know how long I always need in the bath! But hey, don't fret! Everybody will fit somehow, and in about 20 minutes we'll be there!" Patricia said. "But if you want, Karl can call his chauffeur and we can drive separately to the house."

"No, its okay. It would be a great bonding time for us."

Jaxon breaks the conversation.

" Uhmm... I think sitting on lap is not a bad idea! Buy I don't thinks that James us eager to sit on mommy's lap!"

Just then James entered the conversation.

"Mom, I don't really want to sit on your lap! But I want to see how fast that car is! I've read a lot that new model! So maybe I wouldn't mind sitting on your lap just this one time!"

Sophie was little surprised at her son's assent.

"Really...?" Sophie ask.

"Momma's boy!" Ellie said James.

But then James replied.

"Shut your trap!!"

"Hey! Stop it, both of you! Well, if James says it's OK for him, it's all.the same to me! We also don't want to give you any trouble." Sophie said.

"Trouble? Don't insult us! Sis, we're family! That's no problem at all! Karl's driver would be here in 10 minutes!" Patricia said.

"Are you sure, darling? He certainly became heavier since the last time you did it? Well, if that's the way it's got to be then maybe I can take him on my lap?" Jaxon said.

"WHAT? Dad, that would be totally gay! If anything then on Mom's lap only!"

"Alright, relax I'm just afraid that you're gonna squash your mother! OK, then Ellie as the slimmest of us will sit in the middle."

"Hump, but what's the best way to get James on my lap?" Sophie ask.

"Well, I think the best way would be if you two get in first of course! You enter from the right and James from the left, so that he can approach you easily and then make himself comfortable on your lap somehow! Then Ellie and Jaxon will follow."

Sophie, Patricia and James got ready to take seat.

Sophie entered and sat, awaiting her son.

"OK, Sweetie. You can come over now. But slowly and carefully!"

"Of course, Mom!"

Dylan entered and carefully sat on his mom's lap. Then Ellie followed.

"Everything alright, guys?" Sophie ask. (Yeah, Dylan really did get heavier!)

"How's things, Sis? You think you'll survive the trip *heh - heh* ?" Patricia ask.

"Well, I think so! It's really confined back here though! (To James) How about, Honey?"

"Actually, I'm fin. Your thighs are very tender, Mom! So you're not the problem! More important is how you're feeling? Hope I'm not too heavy!"

"Of course you've gotten heavier but I think that I'll be alright... somehow. How about you, Ellie? Enough space in the middle?"

"Mom, why coudnt we put James back in the truck? There is still enough space for the little garden gnome and it would be more comfortable for us! *Grin*"

"But Im not as limber as you, Ellie, aka 'Miss Super-fit', aka 'Miss Cheerleader-Captain', aka... 'slut'!"

Ellie got angry.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, YOU LITTLE SHIT???!!!" Ellie shouted.

"JAMES!!" Sophie said.

"What? That's what she is!" James said as he keeps it cool.


Ellie started attacking her brother. Ellie grab James jacket hard.

But Sophie tried to break them up immediately.


"HEY, BACK OFF!" James said.

James tried to push his furious sister away from him by pressing his hands agaisnt her chest. Thereby...

...Ellie's left shirt strap slipped down amd exposed her bra a little.


Ellie immediately tore his hands away.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I only wanted to push you away from me by pushing your upper chest, nothing more! It made your shirt move down a bit! So, don't flatter yourself! Besides you actually like stuff like that, don't you? You hussy!"

Ellie was now totally enraged.


Ellie dug her left hand to James right arm and clawed around his throat with her other hand.


Sophia forcefully separated them.


To be continue...

Stay tune for the next chapter it would be hot.

Stay tuned for more hot scenes in the later chapters. Updates from sunday-tuesday? maybe☺

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