
Chapter 1 She is Kidnapped_1

Translator: 549690339

Is this a kidnapping?!

Sofia Hamilton thought such things should not happen to an ordinary citizen like her, with no money or power...

But what were the ropes tied around her hands and feet all about?

Her eyes were also blindfolded, shrouded in utter darkness.

Her limbs were bound too, rendering her unable to move an inch.

She vaguely remembered attending a friend's birthday party, stepping out for some air mid-way, only to suddenly feel dizzy, followed by darkness enveloping her vision and her legs giving way; then she completely lost consciousness.

Until she woke up just now.

Only to discover that she was in a strange place, still tied up.

Panic began to surge in Sofia's heart. The thought that she might truly have been kidnapped sent a shiver down her spine.

If they hadn't abducted her for money, then it was for lust.

With that thought, Sofia shuddered uncontrollably.

She couldn't just sit there and wait for her doom...

She struggled fiercely with her hands, trying to break free from the ropes, "Mmm mmm mmm, help."

Her mouth was gagged, and she could only make muffled sounds.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open.

With a loud bang, Sofia was startled to her core.

She froze, hearing many footsteps...

It seemed like a lot of people had entered.

The room was incessantly filled with people coming in, the noise engulfing the entire room.

Sofia's heart raced to her throat.

Because her eyes were covered, unable to see what was in front of her, she could only imagine a scene where fierce and ghastly men with sharp knives walked in.

Just when she was extremely frightened, someone abruptly tore the cloth from her eyes.

The sudden burst of intense light made it impossible for her to open her eyes, and she could only squint.

The blurry figures before her eyes were many busy bodies, mostly women, who appeared to be bustling about something...

Sofia was stunned, her mind not yet catching up when her limbs were set free, only to be grasped by two women, "Hurry and take her to get made up, wait!! Her skin is so bad, get her a treatment first."

"Hey, where are you taking me?!"

Sofia was utterly confused, but...

These people simply did not answer her questions, treating her like a doll to be carefully dressed up.

OMG, what was happening? Could someone please tell her why these women, who were like bandit machines, were dressing her in a wedding gown?

A wedding gown!!


Three hours later...

She was pushed out the door. Sofia had never worn such high heels before; she nearly stumbled and landed face-down in the dirt.

Once she regained her balance, she saw standing before her a man who seemed to have stepped out of a comic book, standing tall with a deep-set of handsome features that did not lack a noble air.

He was dressed in a black suit, the well-tailored tuxedo exuding understated luxury, as if designed for him alone, perfecting the air of nobility about him.

He walked step by step toward her...

Sofia's heartstrings tightened, herself in a wedding gown and he in a suit.

Could it be that she was to marry him?

But, how come she didn't seem to have ever seen him?

Watching him stand straight in front of her, Sofia's heart inexplicably sped up.

Her heart, thumping furiously, battered against the fragile walls of her chest.

She thought he was going to say, "Marry me."


Instead, he said, "Miss Hamilton, from now on you are my sister. Shortly, I will escort you into the hall, and the groom will be waiting for you there..."