

K_B_Bloom · Urban
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19 Chs


"The rumors about Prince Kana falling in love with a human were true because he fell in love with me," I cleared my throat as Kairi watched me with amazement. "Before I could escape from Kana after he untied my binds, he raped me," I felt tears filling my eyes, "I got away soon after and proceeded to wander from town to town nearby in search of work, which is

when I met the man who gave me my tattoo and bracelets. He allowed me to stay at his home and work on his farm for eight months, until I was so pregnant I could not work any longer." I looked to the door, "I insisted on going into town every day for the old man in order to trade the vegetables we had grown for other good and that is when I met Gonen for the first time. He knew the old man I was staying with and was at the man's home when I came back one day. Gonen took a liking to me, even though I could not do much due to my condition. Gonen ended up offering to raise me in the royal city. The old man thought it would be best for me to go with Gonen, so I did shortly after. But we did not go to the royal city until after my child was born. We were on a journey back to the royal city when I gave birth and Gonen helped me through the horrifying process. But, Gonen was horrified when he saw my child," I felt tears coming down my face as I looked to Kairi again, "My daughter was born with very light purple eyes, flawless white skin, and deep brown hair much like mine. Gonen figured out that this was no ordinary child and I confided in him that it was the child of the Prince of the Wielders." I chocked back the urge to wail, "Gonen assisted me in killing my own daughter due to the fear that she would be hunted by humans and Wielder alike." I lost control of the small ounce of composure I had left, "Today marks the anniversary of my daughter's eleventh birthday and also the day I killed my own child."

Kairi sat up quickly and hugged me tightly as I felt her crying also, "Oh, Eva…"

"Gonen thinks that the reason I am so drawn to you is because you are the same age as my daughter and look a lot like her," I pulled Kairi away from me. "And, after some thought, I think I may have unconsciously wanted to protect you because I wanted to save my daughter vicariously through you."

Kairi and I both looked up when the door opened to see Gonen. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but the king says he needs your help, Eva. Something has happened in a nearby town."

I quickly pushed Kairi to the side and stood. I went over to my closet and got out my second training uniform, but changed where only Kairi could see me. Once I was changed, I tied my hair back as I walked over to Gonen.

"Are there any survivors?"

He watched me, "The king said that a report on casualties has not been received yet, but it should be coming soon."

I nodded and started out of the room, but stopped when Gonen grabbed me, "What are you planning, Eva?"

I moved away from him, "I'm going to go after Kana." I replied before looking to Gonen, "I'm going to find him, and then I will kill him."

"You can't take him on, Eva."

I looked to my bracelets, "Then I plan to die trying."

"You are still injured!"

I slightly smiled towards him, "Just think of this a repenting for my sins."

"Take Kairi with you. With her you stand a chance."

"No!" I yelled but then forced myself to calm down, "I have gotten her too involved already."

I replied quietly before walking out of the room. I quickly went to the throne room to see the King, Queen, Prince, Shari, and Noah all talking. They all became silent when I entered the room.

"I'm sorry I took so long, my king." He looked at me sadly, "Are you healthy enough to be up, Eva?"

I nodded with determination, "What has Kana done?"

"He destroyed a village a few miles from the one Gonen found you in. The report of survivors has not arrived yet but, by the power of the attack, it is likely no one survived."

I thought for a moment, "I will go to the village."

"What do you plan to do once you are there?"

I stood tall, "I plan to fight Kana, sir."

"Why would you think you could stand a chance against him?"

I walked closer, "I am fairly sure I do not stand a chance against him what so ever, sir, but I must fight him. I must make him pay for the grief he has caused me."

"You are going on a suicide mission if you do this!" Asher yelled and I looked away.

"I know," I replied before smiling towards him, "But it is a gamble I am willing to take. That man took too much away from me for me not to fight back."

Noah quickly came over to me, "He tried to kill you with the rest of your home town, Eva. So you will only give him what he wants if you let him kill you!"

Everyone looked up when Gonen walked into the room, "But Eva is the only person who knows Kana's weakness."

"What weakness?"

I looked firmly to the king, "I know the human woman he has fallen in love with."

The King frowned, "What human woman is brave enough for him to even notice? He kills all humans."

Gonen came to my side while shaking his head, "He has not killed every human he has come into contact with. He let Eva live," I looked to Gonen with surprise that he was allowing this in the open. "Kana loves Eva and also knows she is the mother to his only child of the world."

"Mother to his child!?"

The queen gasped, "You cannot be serious!"

Gonen put his hand on my shoulder, "When I met Eva for the first time, she was already eight months pregnant. On the journey from the place she was staying to the royal city, Eva gave birth to the daughter of Kana, which also happened to be the same day as her twelfth birthday."

Gonen's grip on my arm tightened, "I assisted Eva in the murdering of her own child that night."

I looked to the ground, "My daughter would be eleven today," I quickly directed my gaze towards the king, "And I believe that Kana attacked that village in order to direct my attention to him. Well, he has certainly achieved his goal and I refuse to lie in bed while countless numbers of innocent people are being killed because of my past." I felt myself start to shake, "I had to watch helplessly as my powers protected me, but everyone I had come to care for die." I clenched my hands into fists, "But now I can use my powers to save others! I don't have to sit around and watch others die!"


Asher whipped his head around to stare at the King in shock, "You cannot be serious, Father!"

The king came over to me with sadness, "But I have one condition to allowing you to do this, Eva,"He stated and I looked to him. "You must come back to us alive, understand?"

"Yes, sir," I replied before turning to Gonen. "Make sure you have the entire city surrounded. Wielders will be going through here in order to reach the scent of my blood."

"I will, now go." He replied and I ran out of the royal home as fast as I could.