
Wield The Sword Like No Other

"Even in a world filled with beauty, there shall inevitably remain jealousy and betrayal." -Drystan Crius Deveraux One would not typically gaze upon siblings and paint them as sworn enemies - not in the typical world at least. In the world of butterfly people, rivalry for power is common, especially between siblings of the throne. Drystan and Riona are total opposites that are seemingly only related by their thirst for power and freedom. Though, not exactly the typical freedom but rather freedom from each other. They battle night and day for the upper hand, fighting their demons along the way. What happens when Drystan gets his hating hands on an ace card? Will Riona submit or will she fight back with the most blood thirst a queen could ever slay with? Or will she simply lose a friend leaving her heart empty?

From_Another_Realm · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Dearest Vance

Another season has yet come to pass and even though everything around comes to change, I can not find myself to progress...

I am haunted by your ghost each time I sit in my study, go to bed and step into the garden. Every time I am offered a cup of tea, I can not touch it. I fear that I will be poisoned by the hideous memories of that despicable day.

Even though I am still heart torn, I find myself longing for your presence still. It's been three years now — three treacherous long years.

I miss you Vance.

Sincerely yours


The queen set down the silver quill and immediately pinched the bridge of her nose. There was no time to allow emotions to flow. The lords would be awaiting her soon and she would not allow them to perceive her current state of mind.

She lifted the piece of parchment and slid it into an envelope. With the date of the day, she placed it into a drawer where many other unsent envelopes lie unread. She sighed and locked it. No one should ever come to find them.

A knock caught her attention and she stood, wings percking up as she said, "Come in."

A young guard peered into the office and bowed his head. "Your majesty, the lords are now seated and waiting," announced the boy.

Riona nodded as she made her way around the desk. "Inform them that I will be there momentarily," she ordered. The guard nodded again and immediately turned. Riona stood a while longer. Breathing. Just breathing, before she straightened her posture, prepared to make her entrance in the hall. Her dark patterned wings flared behind her as she strolled.

Her heels clicked on the marvel and within hearing range, the hall of men silenced. The doors opened and Riona appeared, her head high with the heavy crown. Her eyes racked over the long table of lords and they hastily stood. The young guard pulled the head chair back for her and she politely motioned the lords to take their seats before she took her own. She sent a small smile towards the boy and he turned to leave.

"Welcome my lords," she spoke, "I'm assured that no troubles have yet to occur and that each is running their land smoothly. Please, start off, Lord Kalhan. How is your wife?"

Lord Kalhan was caught off guard and nervously chuckled, "My wife is in her final stages of pregnancy, we're awaiting the baby in the next month." The lord next to him patted his shoulder. "Congratulations Kalhan, hope it's a healthy boy."

Riona nodded and flicked her eyes to the other lord. "How are you fairing, Lord Favian?" The man stood with excitement and beamed, "Brilliant! The farmers are harvesting larger crops than ever before. There is enough produce to go around. And my, how succulent and nutritious they are! I've even brought with as a gift."

"That is very generous of you, Lord Favian. I'll be sure to have the kitchen prepare it for this evening's dinner," thanked the queen. She nodded towards the eldest of the men. The grey lord bowed his head. "We have had issues trading for medicines, your highness." Riona leaned into her seat. "I'll see to it that we have an additional carriage to transport medicine with you. Winter is around the corner and medical supply is an essential and I am aware of your sacrifices for the people. Your own health even."

Lord Greyson nodded in appreciation.

Suddenly Cornell, one of the younger lords, leaned forward, with an unsatisfactory glint in his gaze that could have been seen from a mile. His eyes were a yellowish green that matched his wings. He was well known from her younger years, all the reason to be careful around him. Riona recalled a memory of him playing in the courtyard with Drystan. The queen cocked her head, her body leaning forward. "Lord Cornell, it seems that you are troubled?" she prompted.

"I am most definitely," he stated, sitting more upright, wings folded with false respect, "Why is it that you are still to be married?"

The queen sat back, her golden hazel eyes tinting slightly darker. The hall was washed with a perturbing atmosphere. Riona raised a brow while her jaw evidently clenched. Uncomfortable silence unsettled the men. Their eyes all traced towards Cornell who dared to speak of such topic that was and unsaid rule to never bring up... He had clearly missed the policy.

She finally breathed. "Know your place, Cornell. Or I will have to remind you." The lord shuffled in his seat, his eyes lowering slightly but not enough to justify his words. "I have no intention to disrespect your excellence. I am reasonably concerned that the kingdom will want to be assured that a successor will await your place."

The lord next to him muttered a silent agreement. Slowly all eyes travelled back towards the lady. All with the same agreement and concern. Though was it truly a concern? Or rather, a tactic to adjust her attention elsewhere?

Riona stood with authority and the hall silenced again. "Attend to your own matters and I will attend to mine. Bring up such objectionable foolishness again, and reap distasteful consequences," she sneered.

Cornell raised from his seat. Riona glared at him, challenging his life, though his expression was that of an arrogant fox. "Please, we only want the best and other kingdoms will use this against you. I think we should take a vote. That is the only fair way to settle this, don't you think?"

Cornell raised a hand, "All in favor that Queen Riona should find a husband for the future of the kingdom?"

For a moment there was no response. The queen was about to open her mouth when the hand of Lord Greyson joined in the air, followed by Lord Kalhan. Lord Favian glanced beside him and both him and the one next to him reluctantly followed. Riona stood pale before her council.

"It so seems that a husband it is then," said the voice of an old advisor who had silently entered the room. Riona pressed back her chair. Her legs marched past him, her face red. "Do not excite yourself," she warned him, but the old friend took no offense and simply nodded towards the lords. "Excuse her highness. Dinner will be at sundown. Have a good afternoon, gentlemen."

The lords rose to retire till dinner. Lord Cornell waited patiently till the hall was cleared by the other lords. He glanced towards the butler. "Have you notified him?" asked Cornell with the blandest of faces. The butler, Ulric, nodded. "I have. He will arrive once the other suitors have arrived."

Greetings! Part 2 of the book is in progress. It follows it's own story but contains references from the first part. I adore puzzles and hope you can desipher what will happen next!

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