
Wield The Sword Like No Other

"Even in a world filled with beauty, there shall inevitably remain jealousy and betrayal." -Drystan Crius Deveraux One would not typically gaze upon siblings and paint them as sworn enemies - not in the typical world at least. In the world of butterfly people, rivalry for power is common, especially between siblings of the throne. Drystan and Riona are total opposites that are seemingly only related by their thirst for power and freedom. Though, not exactly the typical freedom but rather freedom from each other. They battle night and day for the upper hand, fighting their demons along the way. What happens when Drystan gets his hating hands on an ace card? Will Riona submit or will she fight back with the most blood thirst a queen could ever slay with? Or will she simply lose a friend leaving her heart empty?

From_Another_Realm · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 9: Warmth in another bed

Riona's eyes opened ever so slowly. Her irises despising the sudden light flowing from the undrawn windows. They were slow to adjust and when they finally did, she felt utterly sick to her stomach. Cloths, bowls and buckets scattered the room. She sat for a moment longer as her memories of the events gradually unfolded in her mind.

She had been sick... So sick that the last moment she could clearly recall was her coughing blood into her palm and fear cross her mind. The thought of being poisoned had played on her mind at that moment and now she found some relief with the knowledge that she's still alive.

Slowly, her gaze moved to beside her bed. The corners of her lips ever so slightly quirked upwards at the person slumped over the edge of her disgusting sheets. With a delicate hand, she lifted her touch to cares his dark locks to make sure this wasn't just a dream. When her fingers laced in his soft curls, his head stirred to look up in her direction.

An exhausted expression looked back to meet hers but nonetheless, a friendly smile grew to outweigh the tiredness. "You're awake, finally," he hoarsely grumbled, reaching for her hand with his own.

"Was I out for that long?" she asked softly, her hand squeezing his as her eyes never left his warm smile.

Vally nodded. "Yeah, you had us all worried for the worst. God," he exhaled, closing his eyes with an odd sense of relief, "You had me praying. You have no idea how much it would have hurt us if you left." Her eyes flicked to his and she queried, "Hurt you?"

He straightened to direct his body to hers. His eyes widening. "Yes! You can't even imagine what state the castle would be in if you'd actually died! Ulric would be in tears and Doctor Eisenbach would have dropped her title and left for nowhere. And I... I don't even know but let's not think about that." He cupped her face. "The important thing is that you're still here."

She couldn't help but simply stare back at the man. No words could form so she just stared.

"Come on, I'll help you up," he stated, pushing from the ground himself. She followed his unbothered face. Riona didn't even concentrate on what was going on in her surroundings, only his face. He hauled her to a sitting position. "Are you going to help me or not?" He asked, directing her zoned out mind back to the world. She blinked rapidly to her legs. "Oh, yes! Sorry, I just... can't wrap my head around what you just said. I uh, what did you just ask?"

Vally shook his head steadily in amusement. "We need to get you washed up. So, help me lead you to the sink."

Riona merrily nodded and sluggishly slid her legs from under the covers to meet the chilly air. "It's a bit cold," she muttered but still tried to stand in her nightgown. Vally glanced around the room. "Where's your robe?"

"Over that chair," she pointed, "in the corner."

He fetched it and handed to her, ordering, "Put it on and I'll quickly call for a maid to come assist you." For a moment she was silent before nodding. She actually contemplated asking him to stay but that would be inappropriate for a lady of her status and undoubtedly cause unnecessary gossip.

She put on the robe as he asked and waited patiently for the maid to arrive. When she finally did, Riona was shivering. "Your highness! Why haven't you covered yourself more while waiting?"

Riona blinked up, her mind still fogged up, "oh... I haven't noticed..."

"You haven't noticed?" Gasped the maid, "Did the poison steal away your senses? You can't just sit here freezing! You could've slipped back under the covers or something!"

Riona sighed, "Let's just get me changed. I'm hungry."

The maid squinted her eyes at the clearly confusing queen; though, she still adhered to the troubled lady. "Should I perhaps call for the doctor?" offered the maid as she held onto Riona's arm for support as the lady tried to stand. A gust of air left Riona's lungs. Her legs felt heavy but it was to be expected. Poison does tend to throw one off of the body's routine and systems. "I guess that would be good," she replied, still concentrating on standing.

They moved ever so slowly. One step at a time, literally. "Gina, could you please pick out a warmer nightgown. I'm a bit cold, even in bed."

"Oh dear," said Gina pursing her lips, "Do you have a cold fever now? Your hair is practically soaked in sweat."

Riona flicked her eyes towards the maid with a frown. "Go call the doctor. I can change by myself." She pulled her arm from the maid, who was taken aback by her highness' curt change of mind. Gina stayed for a moment, simply observing the queen but Riona motioned her to go.

Gina left and was out of the room. Riona gritted her teeth, forcing her back to straighten as she carefully moved towards her drawers. Finding a suitable dress, she pulled over her current blood-speckled gown over her head. The air nipped at her body which shivered at the cold. Hastily with weak quivering hands, she slithered her arms into the sleeves of the clean gown and yanked over the rest. She stood for a moment, arms folded to attempt radiating the fresh dress with warmth. Now, she reached for the next drawer to slip on long socks. She lowered herself on a stool and gradually pulled the materials up her shins.

She paused then. The young maid... had she been the one to poison me? With the toast? The tea? Her eyes flicked to her nightstand to find the cups of liquids she had been forced to drink last night. Could anyone be trusted? What if it happens again? With smaller doses till I die...

The door opened and in walked the maid with a tray and the doctor following close behind. "Ah! You are awake!" cheered Eisenbach with wide arms. Riona only looked with a pale complexion as the woman engulfed her enthusiastically in a hug. "Poor lord waz worried about you. Couldn't even leave. I'm shook zat he isn't here now," she babbled, patting the lady on her back while scanning the room to actually be sure he wasn't there.

"Oh well," shrugged Eisenbach, "how are you feeling?"

Riona moved her gaze to look at the doctor, "Absolutely splendid. When can I start moving around again on my own?"

The doctor's eyes widened astonished, "Your highness! You only got poisoned yesterday and you wants to go already? No no no! Out of question! You stay in bed for ze week."

"A week? Isn't that a bit much?"

"Nichts da von! You stay. In bed. Now."

"All right, all right," sighed Riona, exasperated by dizziness.

The maid set down tray that she had brought with. Porridge and a cup of herbal tea. Riona carefully side-eyed the tray when she settled herself in the chair, waiting for the maid to change the sheets. The kind doctor handed her a small leaf, gently taking the palm of her highness, folding it in between her fingers.

Riona's brows knit together, her eyes peering up towards the doctor. "What do I do with that?" she asked promptly, hinting slight unintended suspicion by her tone of voice. The doctor smiled: "It iz a peppermint leaf. Chew it."

Riona opened her palm to inspect the leaf.

There was a knock at the door. Her gaze painfully flicked up. "I've brought you lavender," warmly announced Vally, strolling in and setting an artistically painted vase on the nightstand. His eyes sweeped the room once over, nodding as he said approvingly, "The room certainly looks better than this morning." He sent another nod towards Gina, who was gathering scattered cloths. "You may leave."

Gina seemed hesitant at first, first searching consent from the doctor, who too, nodded her off.

The queen coughed into her palm, her chest burning and her stomach threatening to empty itself, yet it was already knotted with a strange hunger. Vally offered a hand. "Let's settle you in bed."

Riona stared blankly towards the made-up bed. She strangely seemed tense, her hands linking together tightly in her lap. Eisenbach pointed to the leaf, her face turning towards the dark lord. "Make sure she eats that, I'm going. Call if she is unwell," stated the doctor sternly before swiftly swerving on her heel. Vally watched on as the doctor left hastily.

A ripple of surprise pranced through his body as he felt a cold hand grasp onto his. He immediately knelt down, wrapping her fragile hands in his. "What's wrong, Riona?" he whispered, worry tinting his voice, "talk to me."

Riona leaned her forehead on his shoulder. "I want to sleep..."

"Then allow me to carry you to your bed, you're freezing—"

"No," she interjected, "not my bed... yours."

Greetings butterflies and moths! I do hope life has been fairing well.

Question: who has been your favourite character this far?

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