
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Beast stood there motionless after being shot right in the 💀 skull.For an instant Reed's brain cells triggered some memories.

He at once, felt a sensation of losing someone or something he'd care about before and this feeling was strange for him.A feeling he had not felt before in this last 4 weeks passed.The images in his head became more clearer,he saw himself killing some men on a beach but he did not know why he did it.Perhaps he was becoming more sane.

He eventually snapped out of it.He had been at the Amazon Rainforest for a while, now he just realized he is in his fish form about to eat a man alive.

Benjamin blinked a few times and to his shock, he was about to impale the man.With his fist and probably eat him alive for good.

"What am I doing"🤯He thought.

Mr Grayson "Please, You can eat me right now but please don't do it Infront of my daughter."

"What? " He immediately released the man, allowing him to hug his daughter like the first time the' ve met in their lives.

Benjamin once glanced at the little girl 🥺in front of his very eyes and somehow he instantly felt empathy for her. He was feeling ashamed (ب_ب) and disgust for what he almost accomplished.With a speed⚡ like the sound of a thunder he exited the scene preventing further damages.

Sally Hansen knows clearly that she just lost her only Daughter and husband has already planned about sending his son to the orphanage.She couldn't bear the pain of losing someone she'd ever loved. She had planned to end her life as soon as they got home.

Crack, crack,

Sally heard a sound of two footsteps outside her ⛺ tent."No! It cannot be"She quickly ran outside like a charging bull, forgetting her son's presence.

Clara and her dad could be spotted outside limping like an injured chicken 🐔.

Suddenly the four block distance turned to a mere centimeters in the eyes of Sally.She had vowed to believe that her husband is not coming back not to mention Clara, but now they are coming back like nothing had happened.She used all her strength to run.

Miss Sally squeezed the life out of her husband whilst they were hugging.If this place had not been the jungle, a serious intercourse 🥒🍆🔞would have taken place In Just an instant.

"You are not dead?""

"Yes honey we are not"Mr Grayson answered out of relief and excitement.

"*But how…."

Mr Grayson" Did we survive?? Well I don't know how for sure but all I do know is that a headshot at the monster made him vulnerable enough for us to escape.

Totally leaving the fact that Benjamin was showing mercy 💫.

Mis Sally scanned the surrounding one more time then let out a sigh as she says."This will be the last vacation of our lives.No more jungle,no more tents.Being a human sucks.It makes as vulnerable to live in places like the forests.We are leaving tomorrow and I won't 😤take no for an answer❌"

Mr Grayson" But honey?"

Miss Sally "😡No But"

Mr Grayson"But we just got here today,plus this trip is very expensive💰"

Miss Sally'' You are not serious,I almost lost you both tonight I can't risk losing you again. Maybe this trip is expensive but it is not as much as losing you 💔… honey.

We are leaving tomorrow morning.""

Far away from the tent,Benjamin Reeds was sitting down having a moment of silent.One thing about being a monster 👹, Sometimes, you can't control your actions especially when you transform in a state of anger🤬 and pain😭 and clearly Benjamin here is suffering a tragedy an 11 year old boy ( according to Earth years and 22 pacific years old)yet he is facing traumatic events in this world.

First his mom is dead, his father died whilst telling him he is his dad and now clearly he just found out he is a monster that just tried to eat a fellow human in cold 🩸 blood.

Benjamin was soon lost in thought until he

blacked out!!!!!!

Morning🌞 rise at the jungle 🌄is quite an amazing eyesight.

The light rays from the sun blind folded Clara as she yawns, waking up. Yester night was indeed a very scary night for the Hansen family..... Speaking of Hansen's, where Is Mr Grayson and his wife??

We are soon going to find out….

Clara slapped Ricky bringing him home from the dream world.

"Gush that hurts,why are you in my tent?"

"Ricky I can't find mom and dad"

"What do you mean you can't find them?" Ricky asked.

Clara Hansen"Yes Honey, I can't find them.I have searched the entire area but I didn't see them around.

Could it be that they left us!!!""

Ricky"Nonsense, maybe they are dead right now" He joked.

"This is serious Rick"Clara only calls him that when matters are too serious for jokes.

"Ricky shut down for a second think deep about this"

After some thinking Rick said" Maybe they went for 🔥 firewood"

Clara considered the excuse.

Three hours had already passed and yet still mother and husband has not return.Clara instantly became tensed.She thought about her abduction and how daddy almost got himself killed ☠️ by that D*ck tacious of a creature.

The two kids went out yelling and searching for their parents, they'd searched for more than thirty minutes and received no success.The whole searching thing was not on their bucket list today.They had no idea this search would turn out this intense!.

For they had left their comfort zone, probably didn't bring any food or water with them and now everything seems bizarre.Their energy was fading gradually.They needed to return home but how could they?

They lost their way whilst searching for their parents.

They soon discovered a footprint which led them straight to a crushed jeep.They lean closer for a view of a lifetime only to find out it was empty.Disappointed😤🥺 Clara and Dick walked a few more meters away from the crush site . What they saw🤯 made them wet themselves in that very moment🥶.

Bodies were all over the place.The scene looked like slaughtered animals for sale.

All the dead bodies were indicating one thing.

CARNAGE...The beast's had tiered everyone limb from limb making it unattractive for even vulture's to scavenge.

Immediately Clara legs felt like spaghetti wobbling like a rejected breast.She became mute .

Ricky on the other side started freaking out.

They managed to get past the valley of death and not so far Away they saw two familiar dead bodies..

A man and a woman‼️‼️‼️...