
Wicked Dirty Games

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] You have been invited to participate in a scavenger hunt Beginning three days from now in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Enclosed you will find a plane ticket and five hundred dollars. When you land at the airport, a limousine will be waiting for you. If you choose not to honor this invitation, Someone will be by to retrieve it, intact as you received it.

Worm_bat · Games
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25 Chs

Task Number 11(2)

Shane knew how much Jaime loved a challenge and breathless from the lust he saw in his eyes, he whispered, "Yes."

Jaime pushed Shane onto his back and immediately went to work on his lover, licking ear lobes, sucking on neck flesh and nibbling down Shane's jawline until the quarterback was growling in delight. "I'm going to make you cum without even touching your cock."

Shane started to chuckle until Jaime laid his warm body across his body like a blanket, laying a kiss on him whose heat reached the base of his already aching cock. Warmth spread through his abdomen and caused his cock to twitch in pleasant pain. "Jaime."

Jaime felt his heart leap at Shane's sensuous whisper. "Oh, Shane." He answered breathlessly. "I've dreamed about this, about loving you for so long." His tongue stroked Shane's lips, allowing his open mouth to slide over his stubbly chin and down his over neck, swirling lightly over his Adam's apple. "I never thought I'd ever get to kiss your mouth or suck on your neck." To illustrate his words, he gave a hard suck on the side of his neck. Shane's body jackknifed in pleasure.

"God, Jai! Don't tease me!"

"I'm absolutely going to tease you." Jaime sat up on his knees and took his hardening cock in his hand, giving it a gentle stroke, straddling Shane's face. "Watch me."

Shane thought he'd died and gone to heaven. The scent of Jaime's cock was like a pheromone to him and he felt his cock harden even more at the salty, sweet odor of spilled semen. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes to enjoy it, then opened to the sight of Jaime pulling on his cock and watched as it grew in his hand. He had never seen Jaime from this angle. His balls were soft and shaven and smaller now that Shane had recently swallowed their loads. His dark hair was clipped back and neat and his penis arose like a stalk of tan wheat, a well-fed shoot pushing up from the nurturing flesh. His knuckles were scarred from his rough photographer's life but his calloused hands slid easily over the flesh. Shane suddenly wanted to taste him again and felt his cock leap in response to the thought.

"You want it, don't you?" Jaime's dark eyes bored into Shane and the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth as a hiss of pleasure rushed out. "You want to sink this puppy back into your mouth, don't you?"

"Mmm, yes!" Shane inhaled the sexy musk of Jaime's skin. He raised his hands and trembled as his hands slid over the bottom of Jaime's back and his softly furred ass, his fingers tracing the cleft and enjoying the silky hair and sultry heat pooling there.

"How bad do you want to taste me again?" Jaime dropped down one arm, his other holding the hard length of his prick just inches from Shane's mouth. A single glistening drop of pre-cum perched tantalizingly on the end, just out of Shane's reach. "Will you let me rub this cum onto your lips?"

"Oh, yes!"

"But you can't lick it until I say."

Oh, sweet torture! An involuntary shiver coursed down his spine. "Okay."

The drop was even larger now, a crystal bead of liquid pleasure, destined for his mouth. Shane quelled another shiver as Jaime tenderly traced the outline of his lips, spreading the clear pre-cum on the pink surface. The smell was driving him crazy and it was killing him not to lick his lover's essence up. He tried to take his mind off of it by rubbing his fingers down Jaime's split, searching for his hole and gently sank a fingertip inside. Jaime groaned, flexing against Shane's finger and pressing the crown of his cock against Shane's sticky lips.

"Do you want to suck me?" The tremble in Jaime's voice betrayed the hold he had on his control.

"You know I do. Shove it into my mouth. Force me to eat you."

"You want to be forced?" Jaime heard the darkness in Shane's plea but he wanted to make certain that this was a boundary that they would be crossing together.

"Yes, you bitch!"

Jaime leaned forward on both hands now, the head of his cock pressing against Shane's now tightly-closed lips. He pushed but Shane wouldn't open his mouth. "Open your mouth." The cum-slicked lips remained clamped together. "Open up!" Again, no movement. Jaime grabbed Shane's neck and squeezed lightly. When Shane gasped, he pushed his hips forward, his hard cock sinking past Shane's lips.

Shane's passionate groan matched Jaime's and he pressed his finger deeper into Jaime's ass as he started rocking, thrusting in and out of Shane's accommodating mouth. Shane's cock thickened, seeing the dark pleasure in his lover's eyes and the thrill of being forced fed his lover's meat. Oh, God... he thought, sucking, tasting, swallowing. He's going to make me...

Jaime bit his lip with the second finger burrowed into his asshole, desperately trying to maintain the tenuous hold he had on his control. He flexed his hips, pressing in deep and nearly screamed when Shane throated his entire length, using his swallowing muscles to squeeze the head.

"Oh, fuck, Shane!"

He lost it. Totally, completely, joyously. He felt the warm cream of Shane's ejaculation splatter against his grasping asshole and his back. The idea that Shane had come without touching himself was too much to bear. He threw his head back and shouted as his balls dropped their second load of cream onto Shane's tongue, his hot rod pumping three more times before he could catch his breath and collapse on top of him.

For long, slow moments, the only sounds were their breathing. Shane slipped one finger out of Jaime's ass but allowed the other to remain, rotating slowly in the muscled flesh, smiling and feeling Jaime tremble with each circuit.

"Was that making love?" Jaime whispered, his breath catching every few seconds.

"Yes." Shane answered, running his fingers through his hair. "But that was only the beginning, Jai."

Jaime raised his head, gazing into Shane's eyes. "Will you take me to the end?"

"Oh, yes." Shane breathed. "To the end and back."

Beverly looked upset.

Her wonderfully beautiful African-American features were drawn and her usually expressive eyes were dull. James had watched her pick over her food for the last hour and he knew that while she had wanted to lose some weight, that this wasn't the Beverly he knew. This wasn't the Beverly that he had grown to love and care for. Jesus! Had he really thought the L word? James thought for a moment. He wanted to ask himself what the hell was going on but he knew that it was too late for questions. He had spent two weeks asking questions. It was time to come up with some answers.

"Bev?" She almost didn't hear him. She was fighting back tears and focusing on watching the waves breaking on the shore just outside the window.

"Yes, James?"

"You haven't eaten very much."

"Doesn't matter." Her answer was automatic and mechanical. "I'm too fat any way."

"Bev!" Her haunted eyes swiveled around to his. "Talk to me."

She looked down into her lap, then at her plate, then at him. "I... I don't know if I have the words."

"Are you kidding?" His smile was gentle. "You have the most to say out of all of us!" His humor fell flat and crystal droplets of tears hovered on the edges of her eyelashes. "Bev... "

"I'm sorry, James. I... I just can't seem to think of anything else except Ashley."

James grasped her hand across the table, commanding her eyes with a squeeze of his hand. "Beverly, she's okay. You know she's okay!"

"I know." She replied softly. "But what if she wasn't? What if we were late?"

James had no answer for that and he knew it. "Then she would have died, honey."

"But that's not fair!"

"No, it's not but you and I both know that life is not always fair." Beverly silently sobbed, her cheeks streaked with tears. James left his chair, choosing the one next to her. "Do you remember what you told me about your life? How you never had a chance to be free? Do you think that's fair?"

"James... "

"Answer me, Bev." He slid a knuckle under her chin and met her eyes. "Do you think it's fair?"


"Do you know that Ashley wouldn't trade in any of the bruises she has for the freedom that she now has?" Beverly hiccupped, her sad eyes tinged with confusion. "Sometimes, you have to sacrifice things. Ashley played a lucky game tonight and sacrificed some of her flesh for a life. You sacrificed the relationship with your mother to come on this hunt. The choices that you and Ashley had to choose from were different."

"What did you sacrifice, James?"

Her question cut the breath from his throat. Yes, James. What did you sacrifice? Looking into her eyes, he knew what he had sacrificed. His career, his friends, his mistresses... all because he had somehow fallen in love with an overweight, beautiful black woman named Beverly.

"My heart." He softly whispered, wiping her tears away. My heart...