
Wicked Crown

Katara has been a trained Assassin since she was a kid, but when she is betrayed by her so-called partner she ends up dying. But to her surprise, she wakes up in the other world. She didn't know if god heard her prayers, but this time she had everything she wanted.  A loving family, a simple life, and she's an ordinary person. She's working as a maid of the duke, together with her mother. But when the daughter of Duke eloped with her lover, the duke didn't have any other choice but to make Katara a replacement for her daughter. And in exchange he'll give her parents a good work and good life and help her mother for her treatment. Before the crown prince's coronation the empire of Feronia held a Selection. Every noble's daughter is selected to marry the crown prince, the only thing Katara mission is to be kept chosen by the prince until the duke's daughter returns. She needs to keep her profile low, and she needs to make the Prince fall in love with her so that the Duke Daughter will be sure to be the next Queen chosen.  At first she thought making the Prince fall in love with her is just a simple thing, it's one of her expertises in her previous life. But when she discovered that the Prince is in love with someone else, everything became complicated. Not to mention, she discovered one thing from the duke that turned her world outside down. Lies, betrayals, and wickedness. Will she able to live normal life? or her being assassin will always be in her blood? Wicked Crown Date Published: June 24 2021 Date Finish: *Please bare with me, English is not my first language and I am still learning from it. You may encounter some grammatically errors, wrong spelling, and etc . Thank you for understanding :)" Image in my book cover is not mine, credits to the real owner sorry for using it. If you wish for removal, please send me a message to my twitter account. arcaneeeee_

arcaneeeee_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs


"Tsk! Are you really serious? Are you really going to forgive me?" Katara says trying to ease the awkwardness of the moment.

"I'm serious, mark my words." She laughs as if she's not buying his words.

"Then, I'll mark that. I'll never forget that, but if I did something like that there's most have deep reason right."

"I know."

They continue to listen to the storyteller, after that they walk to the market of the City and buy whatever they want. While walking alongside the crowd Katara feels something, something is aiming at her or the prince? She simple look around, her eyes traveled every corner of the market. Someone is watching their pace, someone is following them.

It's not the knights of the empire, it's someone else. She remains acting clueless and unguarded, suddenly Deimos holds her hand again.

"Would you mind?" He ask for permission, she shook her head. No, she doesn't mind at all. He could hold her hand as long as he want.

She doesn't know if that person is aiming at her or the crown prince, but it seems like the arrow that almost hit her while she's lying on the hospital bed is not an accident or coincidence at all. She remain to hold Deimos's hand as she continue to follow him as he pulled her to the crowds. They make a way in a different path. They enter a dim and unfamiliar hallway.

And for a blink of an eye, Katara can't feel the presence that following them already. Woah, even her she didn't realize he already lost that treat.

"We've been walking for hours, are you okay?" Deimos ask, Katara nodded.

"Yes, thank you for asking," Katara said.

"By the way, where are we?" She ask, she look around and she didn't know where they were already at. She's not familiar with the City that's why she's asking while looking around she saw a bar drunk men with a woman coming from the door of such a building. She smells the bronze where she's standing, she suddenly misses drinking. In her previous life, alcohol is always by her side, it was her first buddy. In fact, she loves drinking so much, before the crown prince can respond she already pulled him toward the place. She's of legal age, her current body is now in legal age. She's already 20 and bet she didn't even taste some wine.

"Where do you think you're going?" The crown prince suddenly asks, she looks at him.

"Obviously at that place."

"What? No M'lady, it's not an appropriate place for nobles like you." Her eyebrows raise.

"Are you saying—" Before she could finish her words Deimos cut it already.

"No, that's not what I meant. What I mean is that you're not used to that kind of place. Maybe you'll be shocked by what you saw inside." Katara can't help but laugh if he knows. She taps the crown prince's shoulder while smiling proudly.

"Don't worry your highness, I can manage myself." She said, and then pulled him again but he didn't move in an inch. He just stood there, and look at her.

"No, we're not going to that place." He said firmly and in seriousness. Katara look at him and smile, she gave him a wide smile.

"C'mon just this one." A hint of soft and sweet words came from her lips as she slightly pulled Deimos's hand. She look at him with puppy eyes and pouted her lips. Deimos remain unswayed.

"Please?" She ask again, and Deimos took a deep breath.

"If that's what you want." He said, Katara's grin become wider and they pulled him to the bar.

As they entered to the building, they immediately smell the smell of Alcohol, hears the noises from the drunk ladies and gentlemen, and saw people that were having fun.

In front there's a stage where a lady is dancing gracefully and elegantly together with the daring and fun music produced by the musicians on the side of the stage, they continue to entred as she remains pulling and holding Deimos hand and then find a vacant table. They immediately saw one, and then take a seat.

"Woah, this place is amazing." She whispered continue to analyze the whole place as a waiter approached them. They quickly order alcohol, and just for a moment, it was already on their table. A huge mug that was made by wood filled with bronze, Katara swallows her own saliva as she's looking at the alcohol. Damn, it's been a long time! She misses this!

She didn't waste any seconds and just picked up the mug and began drinking it. She instantly taste the alcohol in her tongue, it was, fruity, evident alcohol, and has bitterness after taste as expected.

Because of her quick movements, Deimos didn't even have a chance to stop her, so he watches her while she's drinking and to his surprise, she never stop holding the mug sipping the whole thing until its last drop.

"Ahhhh! Damn, this drink is good!" She said she was about to get the other mug when Deimos quickly pick it up and drink it.

"Hey, that's mine!" Katara whined, but Deimos didn't stop drinking the whole bronze too until it's the last drop. Katara watches his adams apple move as he continues, she wants to touch it. She also notices his jawline, and damn it's sharp as the finest sword in the world.

After drinking he put the empty mug on the table and look at her, her eyes blink a few times as she watches his expression change. Woah! Is he already drunk?!

He looks at her in his sleepy eyes, he tried to change it but he failed.

"What?" He asks.

"You're drunk." Katara uttered and can't believe what she is just witnessed.

"Who's drunk? Me? Of course not." He denied it, Katara shook her head.

"Yeah right, you're not." She said in a sarcastic tone, she watches the crown prince pouted his lips. She covered her mouth using her palm to prevent from grinning, what the? This he just saw the cold-blooded crown prince pouted? If she has technology like a cellphone with her, she will different capture that rare moment and print in on a tarpaulin, and display it on Billboard so she could watch it 24/7. If he existed in her previous world, he would be a Hollywood celebrity. He will have a million of fans chasing after him.

"Is there something on my face?" He ask while touching his face, she shake her head and smile.

"I am just admiring your beauty." She stated, he blush. He also look at her, they stare each other's faces.

"Is there something wrong on my face?" She ask, and he nod.

"Yes, you're undeniably gorgeous." She instantly feel her cheeks started warming up.

They both turned around when the feel a presence from their back, a giantic man standing in front of them.

"Hey, I want you. Come with me." The strange man with seven or eight feet tall said, he is looking at Katara from head to toe.

"You're exactly my type." Katara made a poker face and then put her elbow on the table and place her cheeks on her palm. She look at the man boredly and uninterested.

"I'll give everything you want." Katara laughs.

"Pff Ahahahaahahahahahah what? Are you kidding? You'll gave everything I want? Sure." She said while laughing. The strange man smirk.

"Then come with me." From laughing so hard, Katara's expression change. An evil smirk is playing on her lips, while her eyes is looking down at him.

"Then leave, leave me fucking alone."


"Are you deaf? And who do you think you are to tell me to come with you? I am your type, what?! So what?" She rolled her eyes irritatedly, she's having a good time in this mother fucker just came to the scene to ruin it. The audacity this man and telling her to come with him, makes her blood boil.

She watches his expression change, just as expected. Man like him can't accept rejection, next thing he will do now is to insult her.

"You woman, you don't have a right to decline. Do you know who I am? I fucking own this area, you can't get out of her alive. And you're not that beautiful, so just fucking obey—" He didn't finish words when in just a blink of eye, Deimos is already holding his neck. Using only his one hand, he lift the strange man in the air and he never stop until his last breath.

Deimos let the man go, lifeless. For just seconds, the strange man lose his life.

Everyone in the bar who witnessed the event was shock, when the saw the lifeless man lying on the floor. She even heard a gasp.

Katara look at the crown prince, his eyes is turning into red. She know this, she immediately hold his hand to prevent him from causing more trouble.

"You are mine, mine alone I won't let anyone touch you, disrespects you, even look down on you because you are mine." He said while looking at Katara's eyes directly, unexpectedly and without realizing Katara nodded.

Deimos pulled him to get out from the bar, and as he open the door his right hand appear. Seems like he already call him.

The carriage is running while the Crown prince is on Katara's side, he was leaning on her and fall asleep to her shoulder. He was holding her hand, interlock and never want to let her go.

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