
Wicked Crown

Katara has been a trained Assassin since she was a kid, but when she is betrayed by her so-called partner she ends up dying. But to her surprise, she wakes up in the other world. She didn't know if god heard her prayers, but this time she had everything she wanted.  A loving family, a simple life, and she's an ordinary person. She's working as a maid of the duke, together with her mother. But when the daughter of Duke eloped with her lover, the duke didn't have any other choice but to make Katara a replacement for her daughter. And in exchange he'll give her parents a good work and good life and help her mother for her treatment. Before the crown prince's coronation the empire of Feronia held a Selection. Every noble's daughter is selected to marry the crown prince, the only thing Katara mission is to be kept chosen by the prince until the duke's daughter returns. She needs to keep her profile low, and she needs to make the Prince fall in love with her so that the Duke Daughter will be sure to be the next Queen chosen.  At first she thought making the Prince fall in love with her is just a simple thing, it's one of her expertises in her previous life. But when she discovered that the Prince is in love with someone else, everything became complicated. Not to mention, she discovered one thing from the duke that turned her world outside down. Lies, betrayals, and wickedness. Will she able to live normal life? or her being assassin will always be in her blood? Wicked Crown Date Published: June 24 2021 Date Finish: *Please bare with me, English is not my first language and I am still learning from it. You may encounter some grammatically errors, wrong spelling, and etc . Thank you for understanding :)" Image in my book cover is not mine, credits to the real owner sorry for using it. If you wish for removal, please send me a message to my twitter account. arcaneeeee_

arcaneeeee_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


Katara is now seated at the library together with Celine and Dianne, she's holding a massive loaf of bread with honey on it. It was actually forbidden to bring food at the library but it's only if you get caught. She still can't afford to sit together with the flammentta elementias, and when she said that to Dianne she immediately hid some of the food to give it to her. It's been two days and she's just quietly existing to that house, she doesn't want anyone to notice her or something.

For just a minute she eats everything that Dianna gave to her, Celine is writing something on her notebook. She's holding a quill and deeping it to the inkwell, she seems busy doing homework.

"House your class?" Dianna asks her, Katara immediately holds her head and then messes up her own hair.

"I can't catch it at all! They're already advanced topics, so it's hard for me to catch up! This is why I hate getting departed!" She answered, it's true.

She really finds them difficult to understand, her head is spinning when she listens to them. The reason why she's also in the library today is to find a book related to the topic being discussed and study it.

"I miss the house already, I am so lonely. I am so alone, I am so out of place. I wanna go back, I miss eating with you everyday" Katara whined like a child and crying like a baby, Dianna immediately comforted her, she hugged Katara and tapped her back gently.

"Yes, yes, we miss you too." Dianna uttured.

"You should be careful, the fire students are way more terrible. They have the worst temper I can tell you."

Katara looks at Celine who's still busy writing.

"I heard it too, that's why I am trying my best to avoid any of them."

"That's good, we can't do anything now. But to obey the rules." Celine said.

"What's your writing anyway?" Katara move forward to Celine.

"I am making a request to the Royal, you know I just realized that we have too much discrimination and that's because of you. I didn't realise because everything works for me, like I just want to be an ordinary worker in the city. But when I ask some of our classmates some of them say they really wanted to be part of the empire army, or become a healer." Katara's eyes widened.

"Really, wow! I never thought of that. Then maybe I can help you." Celine shook her head.

"No need, I can manage very well." Katara nodded, and it seemed like Celine looked serious with this one.

The bell rings and that means the break time is over, she needs to go to her next class which is the flammentta class. She was from the selection class earlier, nothing change aside from Janice upgrade her being mean into the meaniestttttt

She took a deep breath and then mobilised herself.

"I gotta go now, see you..." She said, she waved her hand and walked out from the library with a long face.

"You can do it! Fighting!" Celine said, and she nodded.

She walked to the hallway towards the room of Flammentta, when she entered the room she was surprised when all of them are wearing a physical activity uniform. And then she remembers what their professor says, they will have physical activities for today.

She went back to the dorm for a minute, then she entered. The dorm is quiet, because no one is inside. The flammentta house is more chaotic than she thinks, every morning she will wake up because of the noises from the other elementias.

She was almost hit by a fire ball when she came out from her room, the dorm is anti fire. It was good because if it's not then everything already turns into ashes, she opens her door and then changes her clothes for a second. Her room changed a little bit, because she had a chance to decorate it as she wanted.

She saw angus was sleeping on her bed together with the other wolves, that's right she managed to hide them with her. She still needed time, she didn't wake them up and just walked out from her room.

She's walking on the small hallway, she passes different doors owned by others and to her surprise suddenly one of them opens. Her eyes widened, their eyes met. His eyes are like a blaze, when you look at him you will feel that you're like being burned. She can see that he was filled with anger, he also has a scary expression that makes every child cry on their knees.

The person in front of her analyses her from head to toe, she blinks several times before stepping back.

"Jack! Let's go!" Suddenly she heard a woman's voice, she looked at her. She recognized her, she's one of the leaders who started a chaos every morning. She has long black hair, but underneath it is a couple strands of red orange colour of hair. She's beautiful, in fact she heard she changed her boyfriend like she changed her clothes.

She looks at her, Katara immediately avoids gazes and faces the wall. She heard their footsteps and conversation.

"You know her?" She heard the woman ask.

"No." Jack replied.

"She's weird." Katara made a face when she heard that, and she's the one who's weird?! After they finally leave, she follows them and goes back to the room.

Next thing, she finds herself at the gymnasium. Together with the Water class, they will have a practice match for today and their against each other. She took a deep breath and found Deimos in the crowd, she saw him? As immediately felt excitement, she's happy to see him. She was about to call him when she remembers that they're not alone, and they are not on the right time. She put her hand on ease and bit her lower lips, she can see how others are admiring him. He had this cold expression on his face again, she suddenly remembered how he pouted. She can't help but smile alone, maybe if she printed his smile on a photo card she'll be a millionaire because definitely a lot of women will purchase.

"Okay class gathered, I want you all to gather." The Flammentta professor commanded as he entered the gymnasium, the students immediately followed. Katara silently stood up from the back, she took a deep breath. It's really hard moving along with these nobles.

"It's you..." She heard someone, she turned around and saw the student earlier. She pointed to herself and look at him.

"Me?" She assumed, he nodded.

"It's you the lucky one who gets out alive in the game." She raises her eyebrows.

"I remember you."

So what? She wanted to say that, but she chose to be polite and smile at him.

"Yes, that's me. What do you want, M'lord?" She asked politely.

"I can see you're quite strong, I wanna test your skills."

What? Is he picking a fight?

Katara shook her head.

"No, I'm not strong enough to stand in the same ground as you." She refused.

"Really? Or you're just scared?"

She wanted to laugh, scared? Scared of what? She's been facing death countless times, and how could she be scared of him?

Suddenly she heard angus' voice inside. 'You can't lose your temper, he's just provoking you.'

Katara bit her lower lips and just smiled.

"Maybe? you tell." She said, a strange smile appeared on his lips.

"Mmmm, You're really interesting..." He raised his hand and slowly approached Katara's face. She felt a chill to her entire body, and before he could even touch her face she already stepped back. What's with this guy?

"Seems like I anger the beast, I'm Jack by the way. Nice to meet you Lady Ave. I am looking forward to spending more time with you in this class." He's strange, he's really strange. She saw him smirk not to her, by a certain person. She turns around where he is looking and she finds her eyes on the prince, he's golden eyes blazing like a fire who's ready to burn everything and yet it was so cold.

She avoids gazes, she focuses more on what their professor is saying.

What is the meaning of those eyes? Is he mad at her?

"The class practice match will be a test of how much you've grown as a student of the Academy, so we're picking names from this bowl and who's gonna match will be fighting each other. For now, we will take five names to match now. And five names tomorrow, no one is an exception. Everyone should participate so we can help you to grow."

After the professors picked a name, the practice match started. Katara watched them fight, it was mild and nothing surprising at all.

Time passed and the classes ended, they are now leaving the gymnasium. Katara didn't walk along the crowds, she waited before following.

"Ave..." She turned around when she heard someone calling Ave's name. It was the prince. She stopped, what should she say? Should she greet him? Smile at him? She didn't see him for a while, because she's avoiding him and didn't know how to face him.

She's afraid when she sees him, she blurted out something she doesn't want him to know. Her heart is beating fast, she doesn't want to face him yet but she can't avoid him continuously because he will start to ask questions. She silently inhales and exhales.

"Yes, your highness?" She asked.

"I'm glad you're fine, I'm sorry about what happened."

Sorry about what? Is he sorry for claiming her his? She shook her head for that thoughts.

Katara smiled. "No, I should be the one who says sorry. I push you to do such a thing."

"No, you don't have to. It's not your fault." He smiled.

"Okay, but thank you for doing such thing for me." She smile back at him, awkwardly. They both walk out from the gymnasium while continue talking to each other.

"How is your staying at your new house M'lady?" He ask.

"Fine your highness, still coping with new environment but I'm fine..."

"That's good to hear, because I actually worried because I heard you're against with it."

"I am, but what I can do? I don't have a choice but to follow. I will not gonna say your ancestors is sucks, but I will though. I think, no- they're actually wrong establishing such a system and dividing people. In my opinion, elementias or not, they deserve to be treated right with equal rights. And if I wanted to learn swordsmanship and to go to war, even if I am a peasant I deserve that education. Because it's also my county to serve."

"But what ordinary people can do in the battlefield? not being rude but I genuinely ask what they could do? they'll be facing much more powerful than them, can they actually really put a fight?" Katara smile.

"No one knows, but you'll never know. Trust me Deimos, as long as a person is willing to fight until the end? they might change something."

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