

the protagonist's exploration of a new app leads him into a world of love and a whirlwind of captivating twists and turns. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of unexpected surprises that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

L_D_X · Realistic
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48 Chs

The Brotherhood: Bro Code

Engaging with Greg and the girls, I caught sight of my cousin Fabian across the yard.

We exchanged nods of acknowledgment, and I made my way over to catch up with him.

"Hey, Fabian! How's it going?" I greeted him, clapping him on the back.

"Danny boy! It's been too long," Fabian replied, returning the greeting. "You've got quite the crew with you today."

"Yeah, they're friends. Great bunch, right?" I replied, glancing back at the girls who were now animatedly chatting with Greg.

Fabian leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Oh, and guess who else decided to grace us with his presence?"

"Who?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Rema," Fabian revealed, a twinkle in his eye.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Rema's here? Seriously?"

"Shhh. Not yet. You know how he feels about such gatherings. He'll be out for the pool party later," Fabian smirked.

Rema, a childhood friend, had risen to musical stardom from Benin City, he had left an indelible mark on the music scene.

He embarked on his musical journey professionally at the tender age of 18, with the release of his debut song. Now in his early 20s, he had already made a significant mark on the Nigerian and global music scenes.

Benin City, with its rich cultural heritage, has played a significant role in shaping Rema's artistic identity.

Being a young artist with a rising career, he preferred to avoid the swarm of eager fans and paparazzi that often accompanied his public appearances.

He preferred private settings over the fanfare of public events. The upcoming pool party resonated with his inclination for a more relaxed atmosphere and private setting.

"So where's Sam?" I asked breaking out of my reverie "Didn't you come with her?"

"She helping with some cooking preparations inside" flashing his eyebrows, with a smirk.

Fabian never failed to portray himself as a foodie. Now, with his girlfriend helping with serving duty, he would surely eat to his heart's content, no stressing about it.

"We arrived quite early though. Hey, didn't you say you'd be here this morning" he added his gaze switching between me and the girls "don't tell me you left us hanging because of them girls," he chuckled, hinting at a potential bro code violation "that's breaking the bro code bruh"

"I didn't break the code 'bro" i rebuffed "I'm currently staying over at my parents' place so I had to go to church this morning"

"Oh ok, Fair enough. How's everyone? Popsi and Mumsi doing well?" Fabian inquired.

"Very well and yours"

"Same. Spoke with them this morning over the phone," Fabian replied, the conversation seamlessly blending into the festivities of the day.


The ambiance at Greg's party took a subtle shift as the arrival of a group of elderly guests prompted Greg and a few of his relatives to switch into receptionist mode.

They graciously welcomed the elders, ushering them to the high table, where they could command a prime view of the event.

Once settled, the occasion officially commenced.

The room hushed as one of the elders took the lead, prompting a collective shift in the atmosphere. He requested all men to remove their caps, while the ladies were urged to cover their hair in preparation for the opening prayers.

This cultural practice is deeply rooted in Nigerian traditions and customs, particularly those influenced by Islamic and Christian beliefs.

Removing caps for men is a sign of humility, respect, and acknowledgment of a higher power during religious observances. It symbolizes an act of submission and reverence, recognizing the sacredness of the moment.

On the other hand, the tradition of women covering their hair aligns with modesty and a sense of decorum in religious settings. It reflects the cultural norms that emphasize humility and respect for spiritual rituals. In many Nigerian cultures, the act of covering the head is seen as a mark of reverence and submission during prayers.

As the prayers unfolded, the room resonated with a profound sense of unity and respect for tradition. The cultural nuances woven into the fabric of the occasion added a layer of richness to the festivities, highlighting the diverse tapestry of Nigerian customs and the importance of respecting these rituals in communal gatherings.

As the house opening party unfolded, the vibrant energy of the occasion filled Greg's residence. The high table, adorned with elegant decorations, hosted the elders, and the atmosphere buzzed with lively conversations and joyous laughter.

As the lively house opening party continued, the atmosphere buzzed with laughter and chatter. I sat with Fabian at a table, savoring the vibrant energy of the celebration. Suddenly, Sam, a Fabian's girlfriend who had been helping with the event, emerged from the house and headed our way.

"Hey fabby I'm here, sorry for the delay. You didn't tell me Daniel was with you," Sam called out as she approached, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Fabian grinned, "Well, you didn't ask. But yeah, he's with me."

Sam, holding two plates of jollof rice and beef sauce, reached our table.

With a sly look, Fabian raised an eyebrow and remarked, "There, both mine, right?"

Sam rolled her eyes, playfully annoyed. "Oh, please, must you show yourself everywhere?" she chided, placing the plates on the table.

I couldn't resist teasing Sam, "Hey, Samy, heard you were helping with serving. I hope no one's stressing our wife," I said with a playful grin, emphasizing the playful camaraderie between us.

Sam chuckled, giving me a mock glare. "Our wife indeed. Well, someone's got to make sure you guys are well-fed at this party. Consider it a service to the brotherhood."

The banter continued as we dug into the delicious jollof rice, savoring the flavors and enjoying the light-hearted moments. The clinking of cutlery and the background music added to the festive ambiance, creating a scene of shared camaraderie and joyful celebration.

Guests mingled, indulging in delicious refreshments and enjoying the cultural performances that punctuated the celebration, and Greg took a few willing guests on a tour of his duplex apartment.

As Sam brought back another plate, accompanied by a 1L Sosa Cranberry fruit drink for my gluttonous cousin Fabian, he couldn't stop showering her with praises. Meanwhile, Precious sent me a text, inquiring about my whereabouts.

"At a corner with my cousin, hope you're having fun?" I replied.

"Funny you brought me to a party and left me hanging," Precious retorted.

Her earlier explanation about wanting to spend time with her friends, making it difficult for us to have some alone time, echoed in my mind. I had even planned on stealing her away at the pool party later!

Before I could respond to Precious's message, Fabian's voice broke through my digital space.

"You know I'm planning to ask Sam to marry me," Fabian announced.

"Really, like at this party?" I asked, my excitement evident as I whipped my head towards Fabian, who stared helplessly at Sam's retreating figure.

"What?" Fabian snapped. "No dummy, I mean eventually," he clarified.

I hissed, kissed my teeth, and returned to messaging Precious.

"Well, y'all have been dating for like what, a year now?" I typed.

"10 months, last 2 weeks," Fabian confirmed.

"Ehn, it's about time if you ask me. Y'all have clearly proven to be able to hold on to each other through thick and thin," I advised. Deciding to walk over to Precious's table instead of typing more, I excused myself from Fabian, who was engrossed in his feast.

"Hey, bro, I'll be back. I need to entertain my guest a bit," I told Fabian.

"Ok. Hey, Dan, not a word about what I said to Sam, got it?" Fabian cautioned.

I smirked. "Come on, bro, I know the code. Relax."

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