
Real face of Evan

" Guys put your seat belts with the count of 10 we will be in air" said Nora and start the chopper. When they were in air, Nora turned and said

" Jordan give Martinis the number with which Evan called you and Martinis you track it's location."

Martinis start tracking the number but was not getting any particular location.

" Eva, I think he had put tight security system at that place." said Martinis.

" Fine give me your phone" said Nora.

She took from him and called someone then talked in Arabic, " هذا الوكيل جيد ، الوكيل كيم أريدك أن تعطيني وصول تسجيل دخول وكالتك. أريد اختراق نظام أمني الآن." said Nora and hung up.

Jordan now couldn't hold himself and asked " Nora, which language was this and which was that you talked at clif?"

" This was Arabic and that was Russian " said Nora and peeked at his confused face.

She smiled looking at his face because she missed this for years.