

The group of students who escaped from the biology lab reached the 4th floor. The floor was still under construction. All the classes were locked. Fortunately,they found a class that was not locked so they silently entered it and sat near the door. They realized there were many zombies in the corner of the class. There was a prism kept on the table near the board. Due to that, the sun rays coming through window were bouncing back on the zombies that is why they were clearly not able to see the students. The students quietly stacked 2 benches on one another and were hiding under them. They were worried as it was almost evening. After night,the zombies will be able to see them.

Om: this will not be enough. Soon it will be night,the prism won't reflect back on them. They will surely see us and then we are dead.

Sameera: I am so tired right now and I am sure we all are. Where can we even go now? Its evening. Probably till now, the whole school must have turned. How are we going to face them all!

Viven: see u are right,but,we have to stay alive! We came until here. Do you think we should give up this easily? Absolutely not!

Snehal: trust yourselves guys. Also god is with us. We are destined to survive.

Ishwari:yes right ,until now we are safe and we survived and even further we will!

Atharva : wait I have a plan. I don't know if you guys will agree with it or not but you should cause that's the only way you all can escape.

Atharva: see,once its night, the zombies will start screaming and they can even see us . So I will go outside and shout,so they will be attracted to towards me. Till then you all go to the 3rd floor. There is Principal's office. Go and and call someone for help.

Om :what about you then?

Atharva: I will make sure to attract them until you all run to the 3rd floor. I don't think I will able to survive until then,so I am ready to sacrifice.

Everyone was shocked by his decision. They all disagreed with the plan.They said to him to rather stay here with everyone than sacrificing his life for everyone. But Atharva didn't listened to anyone.

Atharva:I don't have many friends and trustful people around me. Nowadays,even my family is not so good with me. I am not happy with my life. Rather than dieing and being useless in life and after death,I should rather sacrifice myself to save you all. Atleast my soul will be happy that I saved you all. Come on,its almost night. I should go. Everyone's eyes teared up. They were still trying to convince him but he had already made up his mind and he won't change it now. Everyone got emotional. Taking a sad face ,they all hid under the bench.The sun had set now,it was night. The zombies started to scream. Atharva went near the door of the class and started shouting loudly. The zombies heard the voice and ran towards him. He ran to the new building side and so did the zombies. The students in the class were really sad and didnt wanted to loose him. They still had no option left. Atharva ran to new building side but a dead end came near infront of him. There was long rope hanging which was attached to the dead end. He grabbed the rope and hanged down to it. To catch him, the zombies ran towards the dead end. Atharva took a swing with the rope and the zombies fell down. He again did the same but this time a zombie grabbed his leg and hanged on  him. Atharva was still firmly holding the rope. The zombie was trying to bite him. Atharva was trying to get off him from his leg but the zombie had grabbed him tightly. He was scared seeing that dangerous zombie trying to bite him. He was confused now. Suddenly, a big rod came from the above and hit the zombie. Atharva looked up and it was Om. He got relieved a lot. Om took and big rod and was hitting the zombie to make it fall down. He was trying but as it was night,he was not able to see properly. Atharva was too trying to make it fall down by kicking it off. In all that mess, the zombie bit Atharva but he didn't felt it nor noticed it.After hitting many times,the zombie's grip got loosened. Side by side,Atharva was trying to come up climbing the rope but as the zombie was stucked to his leg, it was hard to move up.Atharva almost reached the 4th floor.Om did a powerful hit on the zombie and it finally fall down but,it grabbed the rod and very unexpectedly, Om too got dragged with the rod and fell down. Om fell down infront of Atharva's eyes. He didn't saw this coming. He stood on the 4th floor staring silently at the ground. Tear rolled down his cheek. He was not even able to shout cause the zombies would get attracted. The students came there. They saw Atharva standing motionless. Everyone asked him about Om. Making a very sad and disappointing face, he slowly pointed towards the ground. Everyone peeped down and went open mouthed seeing Om fell down on the ground. Om got injured alot due to falling from 4th floor. Lying on the ground, Om looked and them and smiled and then said to them " thank you so much guys,for being with me today,to help me. I never know you all but still you treated me so well. It was just a day with you. I thought of escaping from here and then I would have introduced you all to my family and would have told them how we survived safely together. But I guess I won't be able to see you all after this now."A zombie came near him and bit him. He cried in pain but still continued his words "I want you all to fulfill my wish. I want you all to escape from here. Don't die! And if ever you see my friends alive,tell them not to miss me ever and that i was lucky to have them". Many zombies came near him and bit him. Blood ran down his nose. He shouted loudly in pain "Run away ! Please stay alive,stay alive for me!" Saying these words his body started to crack. He transformed into a zombie and started running with the other zombies. Hearing all those words,everyone started crying loudly. No one wanted to loose him. They all were not even moving. They heard the noise of zombies coming towards them so they ran to a class and locked the door and sat their sadly.Atharva was crying really hard. He was feeling guilty cause he thought Om died due to him.Atharva: it was all my mistake. I could've held him while falling down. I am useless. I failed as a friend.

Sameera: It was our mistake. We didn't stopped him when he was coming to save you.

Snehal:he was such a good guy. I remember today when a zombies were coming from my behind he kicked them away and saved me. I would have died at that moment.

Viven:I didn't wanted him to go but he was not listening. Why god!

Katy: he even took me and Viven in the lab orelse we wouldn't have survived.

Everyone sat there in sadness thinking about him and blaming themselves. They all eventually slept. Only Atharva was awake the whole night. He was feeling strange things in his body. He was feeling dizzy. The sun was rising now. Atharva didn't slept the whole night and was still sitting there. He looked beside him and it was Viven. He was feeling strange things seeing him,as if he wanted to bite him! He saw blood on Viven's shoulder and got attracted to it's smell. He was feeling like he should bite his shoulder. He was coming closer to his shoulder to bite him unconsciously. He got realized what he was going to do and stopped himself and slapped his own cheek . Everyone woke up due to that sound. Atharva didn't told anyone about this nor did anyone noticed.

The students who escaped from the chemistry lab spent their whole night in a classroom. They all woke up now. They were thinking about what to do now.

Vedant: it has been a day. I think even the city must have been affected.

Samiksha: probably that's the reason why no one came to save us until now.

Gandhali: I wonder what's the situation outside.

Parth:we can just wonder anyway. There are no chances of seeing what's actually happening outside.

Aryann: don't you think that we are in that delusion that someone must've called the cops? I mean,till yesterday evening, the zombies were just in our school. Now I am sure they have been spread in the whole city.

Ridhima: oh yes, I got it. As the city situation must have been bad,the police haven't got time to check upon our school. So what can we so about it now?

Gayatri: its obvious,we have to remind them we are stucked here and they need to rescue us As soon as possible.

Parth: ya, you are right,but how? We don't even have phones with us. But see, I was saying this from the start and will keep saying this, we should not trust the cops. We can try communicating with them that we want help but it is still all upon them that when they will come to save us.

Vedant: yes,we should rather try to escape from here by ourselves. We should not blindly trust the cops.

Samiksha: I have an idea but I think its really risky.

Gandhali: every plan is risky,there is no other option than taking risk right now so tell your idea.

Samiksha: oh yes. Okay so,I think we should go to the computer lab . We can check what's going on in the city through logging from any of us's social media account.People surely have uploaded about this. Also,we can communicate with the cops.

Aditya:okay that is a good idea. But are u sure we will reach till the lab alive?? It is on 1st floor and we have escaped from there by many efforts.

Samiksha: yeah that's why .Leave it then.

Parth:no!it is actually an good idea ,we just need to be prepared to face them till we reach the 1st floor. I guess we can do it.

Ridhima:you are sure we won't die until we reach there??

Parth:um yes. Only if we grab some courage and brains

The students decided to go to the computer lab. Fortunately, they didn't had to face many problems to reach there . It was just right near the stairs where  some zombies had almost caught them but they still managed to not get bitten. The students went inside the lab and closed the door tightly. All the zombies ran near the door seeing them. To not let them stay there for more time,the students pulled down the curtains so if zombies don't see them,they won't stay gathered outside. They 1st thought of searching a phone but they didn't found any. They now tried to start the computers . The computers got started but there was no wifi. The switch was near the English department and it was quite far from the lab. They all were confused what to do now. Aditya bent down to tie his shoelace and found a portable wifi under the table. He told everyone and they got a relief. They connected it to 3 computers. They wrote an email for help to the Indian police department,emergency services,Indian government and the civil services. They even sent mail to their parents telling they are alive and safe and want help. Now they all wanted to see what is going outside the school. They logged in on Instagram from a student's account and tried to search whether someone posted about it or not. Some other students through other pc searched in the news. Every news,headlines were about the zombie apocalypse. Several people posted on social media about what is going and how much panicked they are. Nashik city had almost 3000+ people infected until now. All the offices,workplaces were closed . No  one was coming outside their houses. The Government told them to either stay safely at their houses or to flee away safely to another city. All the government transportations were closed cause one person got infected and it bit all the people in bus. There were few people who took courage and travelled to another city by their cars. The government had ordered the police and armed forces to secure all the borders of the city to make sure none of the zombie goes outside the city cause incase if it went outside,there would be a big mayhem. All the borders of Nashik city were secured.  They only gave permission to the people who wanted to leave Nashik for their safety. Seeing this horrible situation ,the students were shocked. They got more shocked after knowing the news that their school Principal committed suicide  from the terrace after seeing the situations getting worse. Their hope of surviving was getting lessened. The situation was more worse then what they expected. Some of them got scared by thinking if their parents were safe or not. They had to grab courage in that tough situation. The students were too young to face this all.