
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter -3 This chicken worth half a million?

One second I felt pity for Liu Sisi, and the next second the chicken belonged to me.

Not to mention the man and woman outside the door, Li Jing couldn't accept it.

Seeing Liu Sisi facing the two people outside the door with her teeth and claws showing, Li Jing said silently.

"Sister Sisi, this is a big deal. Why don't we cooperate with others first?"

The Inspection Bureau is the water meter department that maintains public security in the city.

As a standard good citizen, Li Jing does not want to cause trouble.

There are four established facts before us.

First, there was an unexpected incident of demonizing livestock.

Two, people died outside.

Three, people from the inspection bureau are here.

Fourth, the demonized rooster that injured someone finally died in his hands.

Combining the above four points, he and Liu Sisi should give priority to cooperating with the inspection bureau.

Liu Sisi heard Li Jing whisper and subconsciously raised her eyes.

As soon as he raised his head, the two people naturally met their eyes.

Previously, she was retiring from the disaster and didn't think much about it.

When their eyes met, she suddenly realized that it seemed inappropriate for a young girl like Li Jing, who was in her early twenties, to throw herself into the arms of a young girl like Li Jing.

Especially there were two patrolmen watching from the side.

It's okay to know.

I don't know, maybe I think she took advantage of Li Jing.

Calmly taking half a step back, Liu Sisi straightened her pretty face and looked at the two people outside the door.

"According to the provisions of the Monster Damage Management Act, whenever a monster infringement incident occurs and the inspection bureau is not on the scene, if someone bravely kills the monster, it effectively curbs the further development of the disaster. After the investigation of the incident and the aftermath are completed, the monster will be regarded as the personal property of the brave person. Harvest."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice and said to Li Jing.

"This demonized rooster is worthy of being demonized. It is not as good as the monster that has been around for many years and is covered in treasures, but it is better than it has just been demonized. There is no demonic aura in the body of a demon that has initially completed demonization, and its flesh and blood are full of treasures. What is still there is the abundant spiritual energy that drove it to complete its demonization, and it will not dissipate easily. This one on the ground happens to be a type of poultry, and its value as an edible poultry is no less than ten times higher than the spiritual chicken in the store, at least. It can sell for 500,000 yuan."

It took Li Jing three months to basically adapt to life in this world.

But there are many things that he hasn't had time to understand in depth.

He had never even heard of the Monster Nuisance Management Act that Liu Sisi mentioned.

The demonized rooster on the ground could be used as an edible poultry, which also touched upon his blind spot in knowledge.

But these are not important.

The important thing is...

Liu Sisi said that this chicken on the ground can be sold for 500,000 yuan!

Everything else is easy to talk about.

This time, he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it.

Half a million!

This is a huge amount of money that can effectively solve his current poverty dilemma!

Without any hesitation, Li Jing stepped forward with a serious look on his face.

Just as he was about to speak out, the female patrol outside the door spoke calmly.

"Since you two know about the Monster Nuisance Management Act, you should know that we will not be greedy for this monster. The monster was killed before we received the report and rushed to the scene, preventing further damage in time. As public officials, we are more I have to express my gratitude to both of you."

As she said this, she changed her tone.

"The corpse of the monster will belong to Mr. Li, and it is Mr. Li's freedom to dispose of it as he pleases. Now we would like to ask you two to cooperate with us. Please show us your ID cards first." "


Li Jing coughed and silently stepped out. Take back your steps.

Liu Sisi twitched her lips when she saw this.

Young people are young people and can't control the scene.

At the critical moment, she, the eldest sister, had to step forward.

"My younger brother is a gangster living in Jianghai and has no ID card. I helped him register in the city three months ago and is still going through the process. It will take about two months to get the approval. If you two have to confirm his Because of your identity, you can go to the municipal government."

I heard that Li Jing was a gangster, and the two inspectors, a man and a woman, looked at him suspiciously.

Black households are nothing unusual.

It's just that this kind of thing usually happens in isolated mountains and is quite rare in cities.

Jianghai City is located on the prosperous border of China, surrounded by various provinces and cities.

He couldn't even get a ride without an ID card. How did he come to Jianghai?

Faced with the scrutiny of the two men, Li Jing chose to watch his eyes, nose and heart without saying a word.

He did not travel through time to replace someone, but appeared inexplicably on the street in the form of clothing.

Therefore, he is indeed a blackmailer at present.

Liu Sisi has already reported him to the city. It doesn't matter whether he is a gangster or not.

But at this juncture, he felt that it would be better for him to say less to avoid causing trouble.

While the four of them were talking, people who had just escaped from the farmer's market and hid began to gather around.

No matter which world we are in, watching is always a constant hobby of people.

The patrol has already arrived at the scene, so they have nothing to fear.

From a distance, they saw a huge monster chicken lying in a pool of blood in Liu Sisi's shop, and everyone started talking about it.

"Oh my mother, you really scared me to death just now! I just came to buy groceries, and I didn't expect to encounter the demonization of domestic animals!" "

That's right! Even an extremely low-probability event like demonization can happen to us. , Fortunately, the inspection came quickly, otherwise we might not all be in trouble!"

"Tsk! You don't know, don't talk nonsense! I just came here and heard it! It was the guy in the store who killed the monster chicken, not the inspection officer. Those of us who saved our lives should be grateful to him."

"Did this guy in the shop kill the monster chicken? That's amazing!"

"I recognize this guy named Li Jing. He just works in the chicken shop. He Are you capable of this?"

The crowd onlookers were all talking.

Some are still scared, some are amazed, and some are questioning.

Gradually, the topic began to change.

"Oh! It doesn't matter who killed the demon chicken, as long as the demon chicken is dead! I met this chicken demon earlier and almost lost my wits in fear."

An aunt said, patting her chest.

As soon as he finished speaking, another old man on crutches spoke to him in the crowd.

"You're right, I was chased by this chicken monster just now. If it hadn't been for the old man and I ran with all my strength, I would have been lying down waiting to be buried." "

What does it matter if you were chased?"

An aunt with a wide body and a fat body estimated to be at least 200 pounds looked unconvinced and said loudly.

"I had an encounter with this chicken demon earlier. If I hadn't been flexible enough to move left and right, I would have been struck dozens of times by the chicken demon at least!"

Seeing more and more people gathered, a man and a woman were patrolling. Immediately, he couldn't care less about Li Jing's situation.

"Yuran, let's put up the cordon first to protect the scene so that we can collect evidence later."

The male patrolman spoke in a low voice.


The female inspector nodded, then turned around.

"It's time for everyone to disperse, there's nothing to see here."

These words, neither light nor serious, were naturally not enough to persuade the elderly and aunties who were watching the fun.

The two of them had no temper when they saw this.

How could they have such a bad temper with a bunch of old men and women?

A cordon was set up in front of the store and backup was called.

The two told Li Jing and Liu Sisi not to leave the store and to go elsewhere to confirm the victimization situation.

No idea.

In the short time it took for them to set up the cordon, hundreds of people had already surrounded the store.

At this moment, outside the market, there were many passers-by who didn't know the situation and came in seeing the excitement.

After all, someone died in the market, and the dead demon chicken was not a priority. They had to prioritize ensuring that the aftermath was not affected.

Liu Sisi whispered when she saw that the two patrolmen had gone to do other things and a huge crowd of onlookers had gathered outside the store.

"Li Jing, let's not stand outside. There are too many people and it's not a good idea to leave the chicken at the door. You cut off the head of the chicken and keep it. We'll go to the kitchen to give it a hot bath and put it in the freezer. ."


Li Jing was slightly stunned and confused.

"Why do you want to leave a chicken head?"

"Reporters will probably come over soon, and the victim's family will probably arrive soon."

Liu Sisi said.

"It's easy for reporters. We just hide in the kitchen to avoid it. But we must show necessary respect to the families of the victims. Leaving the bloody and injured parts of the chicken demon is an explanation to them." "


Li Jing nodded, thinking Xia secretly sighed.

Liu Sisi is indeed a businessman and considers everything.