
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

chapter -11 just want to slap the dog head in anger

After a while, Li Jing left the market with stinky tofu.


Yu Hai is very down-to-earth.


The transaction price of the fish demon was finally set at $230,000.


After completing the transfer, he cut ten pounds of the most tender fish meat from the belly of the fish and gave it to Li Jing.


Of course, Li Jing wouldn't have any problem getting an extra thirty thousand yuan.


A boss knows how to behave.


He must give face, right?


Before leaving, Li Jing specifically asked for Yu Hai's phone number.


It goes without saying how important connections are.


Industry specializing in surgery.


Liu Sisi sells chickens.


And Yu Hai sells fish.


A chicken boss and a fish boss.


It covers the poultry and aquatic products industries.


There is no conflict between the two.


If he encounters the demonization of poultry in the future, he can go to Liu Sisi.


If you encounter the demonization of aquatic products, you can deal with it in the sea.


On the way back to the villa, Li Jing glanced at the stinky tofu, who still had his tail between his legs.


"I say you're almost ready. You're just a fish demon worthy of being demonized. There's a mid-level, first-level spirit beast in the sky. You might be able to scratch your first-level or third-level spiritual beast to death with just one claw. How can you be so cowardly?"


When Stinky Tofu heard this, he turned his head and said "Woo-hoo" twice, then lowered his head a little.


Weak and helpless.


Li Jing grinned when he saw this.


To say that this stinky tofu is really timid.


He had paid attention just now.


Before the fat-headed fish was demonized, Stinky Tofu was still barking.


They tend to rush forward if they disagree.


As a result, as soon as the demonization started, it immediately became frightened, turned its head, and shrank back.


Tell the truth.


This time, Li Jing felt embarrassed for Stinky Tofu.


If Chen Yuran had been present, I'm afraid he would have been pissed to death on the spot.


Considering that huskies have always had a reputation of "never winning a fight or losing an argument," there is nothing surprising about the virtues of stinky tofu. Li Jing shook his head.


"Okay, okay, I won't talk about you anymore. We haven't bought any food, so we have to go to the supermarket on the way back. If you want to eat, you can pick it out yourself." After that,


Li Jing continued.


"This time, after all, you discovered in advance that the fish demon was about to be demonized. If you hadn't noticed it first, I might not have been able to save Boss Yu. Thanks to you, I also dealt with the fish demon on the spot. Yu Qing Yu Li should give you some reward."


Hearing that Li Jing wanted to reward himself, Stinky Tofu immediately became energetic.


It made an "ouch" sound, and the tail stuck behind its butt stood up and began to rotate 360 degrees like a propeller.


While it regained its joyful appearance, it gradually began to move in disbelief.


Seeing that Stinky Tofu was looking at him as he walked and was about to go into the ditch on the roadside, Li Jing twitched the corners of his mouth and silently tightened the leash to pull him back.


It was really difficult for Chen Yuran to raise this stupid dog to such a large size.




He took the stinky tofu and passed by a large supermarket on the way back to do some shopping. By the way, he bought a dozen hams that the stinky tofu liked. Li Jing took it straight back to the villa.


I went to the kitchen and took some time to get myself some food. I helped the stinky tofu melt the frozen ham, and everyone and the dog had lunch.


After filling his stomach, Li Jing let Stinky Tofu let his nature flow in the courtyard and returned to the villa guest room to turn on the computer.


Log into the news website.


Reports on the continuous demonization incidents in Beicheng District were overwhelming, massacring headlines, popular media, and other pages.


There are at least tens of thousands of comments under each report, covering everything.


Some are frightened.


There are those who watch the excitement and fan the flames without taking it too seriously.


There are those who engage in conspiracy theories and make random guesses.


Some even took advantage of the situation to discredit the inspection bureau, saying that current inspections are incompetent.


Faced with everything here, Li Jing chose to ignore it.


The Internet!


Always been this way.


Before he traveled through time, weren't there all kinds of comments on the Internet like "I can do it if I want to go up" and "I have the keyboard in my hand and I have the world"?


After some research, Li Jing found that there were no new demonizing incidents reported in the news.


The fish demon he killed in the market made headlines.


There is even a video of a reporter interviewing Yu Hai in the headlines.


Li Jing guessed that the media should have been notified by onlookers who had something good going on at the scene after he left.


After clicking on the video in the news and watching it, Li Jing deleted the entire news website.


Yu Hai is a very honest person.


Even when reporters used various techniques to find out who killed the fish demon, Yu Hai did not mention him, only saying that he was a handsome young man.


Li Jing raised his hand and touched his handsome face. He chose to visit the website of the Auxiliary Examination Section to check out the various basic bills that he needed to know as an assistant examiner.


He didn't bother to figure out why there were frequent demonization incidents in Beicheng District.


When Chen Yuran comes back in the evening, I'll find out.


In comparison, it is true that you should do your "homework" quickly and take the exam early to avoid a supplementary examination.


Before the inspection bureau figures out the whole story of the demonization incident and resolves it, there will definitely be a follow-up.


This is an opportunity for him.


Only by taking the exam as early as possible to become a supplementary examiner can you have a chance to go to the first scene.


This visit to the vegetable market was an accident, after all.


If you really want to go out for a walk, you will encounter a demonization incident. I'm afraid the entire North City will fall.




Unknowingly, the time came to evening.


Looking out the window at the darkening sky, Li Jing, who was "addicted" to studying, quickly extricated himself.


The various basic bills that need to be understood during the supplementary examination are not very detailed and are basically just rote memorization.


But the endorsement thing is really annoying.


In particular, the regulations in the bill are very similar, but the response and handling methods they point to are completely different, which can easily cause confusion.


Not only do you have to memorize it, but you also have to distinguish it clearly.


Li Jing struggled all afternoon and felt a dull pain in his head.


Fortunately, after possessing spiritual power, his physical fitness has improved a lot, and his memory has also improved significantly.


Otherwise, he might have to do useless work all afternoon, and he might even get a headache.


Walk out of the guest room and come outside the villa.


Li Jinggang wanted to take a breath of fresh air, but when he looked up, he saw the grape tree lying on the ground in the yard, with stinky tofu lying there, gnawing at the roots.




Li Jing.


After being stunned for three full seconds, a vein popped up on his forehead.


"Stinky Doufu!"




Stinky Doufu looked up and saw Li Jing jumping up for joy and running towards him.


Wu Yan watched this stupid dog run up to him and wag its tail. Li Jing just wanted to slap its head angrily.


He just didn't pay attention one afternoon, and Stinky Tofu dug down the only grape tree in the yard and gnawed the roots.


How would he explain it to Chen Yuran when he came back later?


But looking at Stinky Tofu, looking so stupid, he couldn't lose his temper.




Housebreaking is an innate skill.


If you don't dismantle it, can you call it Erha?


Just as my balls were hurting, a stream of light fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard.


The brilliance subsided, and Chen Yuran stepped on the flying sword to reveal his figure with a tired look on his face. His eyes naturally fell on the grape tree that had fallen in

courtyard and had its roots chewed.


No idea.


There was just a single seedling in the entire courtyard. It was so glaring when it fell to the ground that it was hard not to notice it.