
why the hell am I a rover!?!

this is a unique novel as it is the only and first novel ever made of someone who got reincarnated as a rover (the kind from space which you should look up what a rover is because its pretty cool!)

silly_game_player · Fantasy
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now onward!

its quite good with all the immunities but still I can't believe I died... its just hard to take in that I died. I had so many novels and stuff about rovers I wanted to see... well there weren't much novels about them when I think about it but still.

its in the past now...

time to start moving i guess?

NOW ONWARD! to the beautiful world that awaits!

I wonder what kind of amazing things exist here!!! time to move on this field!

... alot of time later ... ok im not exited anymore... I've been on this fucking field for hours.

the scenery is nice but seriously what the hell!? I've got an idea. hey system where did I spawn? [in the 10 mile long lush fields]....

千ㄩ匚ҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜҜ are you kidding me its gonna take forevever at this speed.

[user gained new skill speed]

that wasn't luck was it? this was just for plot?

<not again he dosent even have the ability that breaks the fourth wall :( >

<anyways back to the story>

time to go faster!

well it will still take very long but atleast its faster.

hey I think I see some gooey blobs???

maybe they are slimes! appraise that slime!

[slime status]

[name] none

[race] slime

[xp] 93/350 level 8/10

[evolution] 0

[title/s| none

[hp] 745

[strength] 79

[speed] 56

[mana] 24

[skills] slime shot/rank_3 slime tentacle/rank_2 acid body/rank_5

[special skills] max blood magic immunity

oh indeed that is a slime time to kill it

weak laser shot go!

*slime has died* yes victorious!

+249 xp

really? the slime gave that much xp even tho I killed it in 1 shot? amazing! I'm close to leveling up also. I should farm! *hours later* <mc loves to farm? didn't know that.> +2794 xp

apparently the first slime I fought was one of the higher leveled ones... but I still got alot of xp and I leveled up my skills sometimes and got quit some levels! this takes me back to rpgs.