
System Comes Back

Three days had passed since Asher had arrived at the World Academy, and news about 'Zephyr' and the breach at Kalvas Gala had spread among all the people with the highest standing in Society.

"So you're telling me that the Vault, which was supposed to be the best creation of the Artisan's Association, was looted?" Nathan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, and we've informed all the Seat Holders about this and the words that were left behind by the intruders," the man on the hologram showed Nathan the image of the text 'Zephyr'.

Nathan had an amused look, imagining the reaction of an old friend who was one of the 11 SSS Rank Hunters now.

'That guy will be pissed,' Nathan knew this incident would make many people point fingers at the Artisan's Association.

"Thanks for your precious time," the man bowed through the screen as the connection was cut off.

"Inform Arthur about this as well," Nathan told the man standing slightly farther from him.

Next chapter