
Why should I stop being a Villain

*Read the end* In the midst of a ruined forest, due to the result of the clash between peak powerhouses, a body of a man lay. He was known as the 'Evilest Villain', the worst man ever born in humanity.His body was full of wounds with a spear piercing his heart. However, even in his final moments, he was calm and collected, with his usual cold face. The only thing on his mind was, "Forgive me, I couldn't keep my promise to you." He closed his eyes, ready to begin his eternal slumber in the darkness. Suddenly, a blue light appeared, with ancient text that read, 'Do you want to turn back time, my child?' He laughed and said yes. | Fate Devourer System | [Initializing......................24%] [Authority: Deus Time Control (Rank ?!?) used] [The Goddess of Time wishes you the best]. ***/////////////////////////////********* I created this novel but have to make another one to enter it in the contest because, for some reason, you cannot enter a novel once you start it. I will upload to both of them at the same time, so you don't have to worry about switching between them. However, if you want to, you can switch to the original one because I will probably only upload chapters to that novel after January 2023. ***/////////////////////////////********* I do not own the novel cover. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, you can tell me. **********************************************************

Raos_IOI · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Back in Time

Asher woke up in his bedroom, he opened his eyes and saw a familiar sight he was in his bedroom alive and no wounds on his body. His bedroom was quite big and stylish with every ornaments coated with gold, silver or diamonds. If someone said, he was a king based on his room many people would agree with them. The first thing he noticed that he was young again. Asher who died at the age of 27 was back to his body when he was 13.

"HAHHAHAhhahahahaaaHAHAHahahhAHHAHAHhahahahHAHHA" He laughed hysterically so much so that the maid came in to check if he was alright.

"Young Master are you alright" asked his personal maid Emmy.

"Don't worry I am fine and make sure nobody enters the vicinity of my room for 3 hours" he told her so that he can sort out his thoughts.

"As you wish Young Master" saying this Emmy left him and made sure nobody disturbed him.

Seeing his maid leaving Asher started recollecting his thoughts about what just happened to him as he was thinking about it a voice announced directly in his mind.

[ Welcome Host to the Fate Devouring System]

Hearing this Asher got surprised but maintained his composure and said.

"What are you and for what reason I am back in time"

[ Host got selected by The Goddess of Time who used her power to help you turn back time]

[ I am nothing but a blessing from The Goddess of Time which will help you going forwards]

"But why did the goddess helped me, is there any reason or motive behind all this" Asher asked maintaining his cold demeanor.

[ Sorry but I can't share this information to the host yet]

[ When you reach certain milestones you will get rewards and the knowledge you seek]

"What is all this fate thingy you just mentioned about the system"

[ The host destiny was altered and your fate was consumed due to it]

[ Even the goddess can't intervene with the thread of fates]

[ You were supposed to die at that forest and destiny would have continued on but you are back to the time when you were young but doing this your fate was lowered considerably and due to this you will surely die in the coming years]

"So I got back in time but I will die in some years from now, is this a joke?" said Asher with a frown on his face.

[ Don't worry because this system will help you recover your fate points]

[ Because your fate his low you need to plunder the fortune of others and take their fate points so that you can recover your fate points]

" So I just need to take other people's opportunities and what was supposed to be there in the future I came back from?"

[ Yes and No, you can also get fate points by doing good deeds and helping others or by defeating your enemies either killing them or taking their opportunities as mentioned previously]

[ I recommend the Host to follow the path of doing good as it will be more convenient to gain fate points by doing this]

"Firstly how should I call you" Asher asked.

[ Just call me system as I am not a living entity, I am a part of what you received as a blessing from The Goddess as she can't help you directly]

Asher was still cautious of The Goddess of Time as he knew nothing about her intentions, he was man who trusted no one else but himself and even in his dying moments he did not regret not being trustful because it's better being cautious then being betrayed.

"You said I can get fate points easily by being a hero and a good person right?" asked Asher

[ Yes Host and you will surely make less enemy this way]

"Ok then I will be a villain then it's more fun" Asher said boringly

[ Host has chosen his path but it will be filled with blood and hatefulness]

"I lived my whole life hated by the whole world and every path I walked was filled with blood" said Asher staring at the ceiling lost in his own thoughts.