
Why should I save the world when the good side discard me?

Seraphina, a girl from Rapier Hero's party found herself being discard by her party. When she was in despair a demonic being appear and offer to become her subbordinate. Will she tried accept it and turn to the daek side or she will stay in the 'right' path?

Icy_Frostburn_VX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Beautiful 'Plate'

The previous garden in front of them was replaced by a black iron floor with a pentagram symbol drawn on top of it.

It gives ominous vibes although the girl isn't really afraid since their senses aren't telling them it's dangerous.

Lucifel beckoned them to stand on top of the platform, the girls obeyed and five seconds later. A green cyan light laser fell from the flying fortress, showering them with immense yet gentle light.

They then float to the flying castle slowly, looking at the beautiful scenery of Satanael City. And of course the uncommon behavior of the citizens.

"I thought you would take us flying to go there." Lucia strikes a conversation with Lucifel.

"Actually, I could create a portal to my castle but I want to tour you guys for a little." Lucifel exclaimed and hugged both Lucia and Seraphina.

"Aren't you too bold, mistress?" Seraphina asks with a blush on her face and buries her face in Lucifel's shoulder, and doesn't want to see her friend's reaction.

Seraphina and the rest are still naked. Lucifel is the only one who wear the clothes but it's only working in every district except Cental district.

Central district unchangeable rules is every single existence that live or enter the Central district needs to be naked.

And Lucifel is not immune to this rule.

Looking at the haughty demon molesting their friends makes the girls unhappy, but they don't dare to interfere in fear of being dragged by Lucifel.

Lucia let out a smile and said "You know mistress, I'm actually taking a liking to you."

Lucifel raise her eyebrow "Oh really? Why?"

"Because you also like girls, like me." Lucia answered cheerfully.

"Hoh? You also like girls huh? You will surely love my castle." Lucifel said with a flashing smile, acting as if she doesn't know Lucia like girls.

"I can't wait." Lucia return with a big grin.

Soon enough they finally reach the flying castle.

"Wow." The girls eyes shone like a star.

The castle appears like a majestic medieval castle, adorned with intricate carvings, tall towers, and turrets that stretch into the heavens. The exterior is built from gleaming marble and adorned with sparkling gemstones, which shimmer in the sunlight, giving the castle a radiant aura. Elaborate, golden filigree lines the edges of the castle's structure, adding an exquisite touch of elegance.

They walked to the white golden gate that was being guarded by two beautiful twin succubus. Both of them have long black hair with red eyes and of course, succubus black tails with heart shape. They are identical twins so it's very hard to differentiate them.

Both of them are naked and look harmless yet their powerful aura is enough to make anyone doesn't want to mess with them.

"Lucifel-sama, welcome back." One of them bowed, and the latter one following.

"Thank you for your work Nadia, Nadin. I have a business to attend to, please open the gate." Both Nadia and Nadin then open the gate for Lucifel and the girls.

They then soon continue their walked. The castle seems surrounded by gardens. Blooming flowers of vibrant colors, rare and exotic plants, and even miniature waterfalls create a tranquil and surreal oasis in the sky.

The door then opened automatically and many maids along the way bow to her. """"Welcome back mistress""""

The maids here are completely different than the slaves in West district. They are more beautiful and stunning and even more beautiful than the pets in the Central district.

Seraphina and the rest won't doubt these girls are member of the Royal Family in certain nation kingdoms.

The grand entrance hall is adorned with massive crystal chandeliers that cast a warm, soft light across the space. Elaborate tapestries with ancient symbols and mythical creatures decorate the walls, telling tales of long-forgotten legends of the creation of Andras Kingdom.

Lucifel then calls one of the maids to guide them to the dining room to have a dinner. The girl obeyed and all of them followed the girl slowly.

Along the way, they could see several girls being tied to the pillar. Some of them even hung in the sky as furniture. Their breathing is haggard and their smell is really enticing.

Seraphina and the rest couldn't help but become more dumbfounded. This is really insane.

"It's gonna make me sick." Emilia grumbles while looking at the bondaged beautiful girl with blush.

Hearing Emilia's remark, Lucifel glances at her and grin "Well don't worry, sooner or later you will get used to it."

"I do not think this is healthy behavior." Ana snorted, looking down to make sure no one could see her blushed face.

Lucifel smirks but doesn't say anything.

Soon enough they arrived in the dining room.

"What the fuck!" Olivia cursed loudly, her eyes widened, almost jump out from her eye sockey.

Aside from delicious looking and the nice smell of food. There are several girls in a young age, naked, and the food is being placed on top of their body. They're being used as a plate.

It's not only the plate, the chair is also the girl who positions herself to crawl. Only the table is normal.

"Cmon, let's eat." Lucifel then sat on top of one of the girl's back.

Seeing Lucifel acts the girls decide to follow her while apologizing to the girls beneath them with a low voice.

"Well, let's dig in." Lucifel then used a chopstick and grab the fish slice on top of the girls breast.

"Mmh~." The girl shudders when Lucifel chopsticks 'accidentally' pinches her nipple.

Lucifel chewed the fish, making a repetitive squishy sound that resonated around the table. Lucifel closed her eyes, seeming to enjoy the flavor of the food.

When Lucifel gulp her food and wants to take the other dish, she realizes that her pets aren't eating. They don't even grab their cutlery. Even though they don't know how to use chopsticks, they could still use the spoon and fork right?

"Sigh, why did you not start eating? You don't need to use chopsticks like me, there are spoons and fork beside you?"

The girls look at each other with a complicated gaze, this is the first time their 'plate' is alive after all. They couldn't help but feel the food was dirty because the 'plates' sweated.

However there is one girl who doesn't give single care about that.

After hearing Lucifel wants her to eat, Lucia uses her hands and grabs the cupcake that is being placed on top of the plate's abdomen.

Of course she didn't forget to tease the poor 'plate' by 'accidentally' squeezing her breast. Making the 'plate' moan lewdly.

Seeing Lucia already start eating, all girls in the former heroes party except Seraphina couldn't help but sigh helplessly. Trully, Lucia is the true definition of hopelessness.

Seraphina naturally doesn't mind much about eating 'dirty' food. What made her hesitate was because she didn't want to appear 'impolite' in front of her new master.

Like Lucia, Seraphina isn't accustomed to eating like a proper noble and she is afraid her behavior at the table isn't Lucifel's liking.

However it changed when Seraphina saw the delighted smile of Lucifel after Lucia took the bite. Her smile is really captivating, similar like Raisa, her crush.

Doesn't want to lose, Seraphina take the slice of wagyu steak on the plate's bouncy ass using the fork and start to eat.

Lucifel's smile grew wider when she saw Seraphina also take a bite.

The hero girls on the other side let out another sigh. They really want to get away from here but they aren't brave enough to do it.

Looking at three girls eating happily in front of them. The sense of hunger they haven't ever felt since coming here, comes back.

Not long after that, Violet also started to eat. The hero's former members including Lucia and Seraphina are shocked to see Violet could use chopsticks like Lucifel.

After Violet, Olivia and Ana also join. They knew starving themself is a foolish reason. Besides, they will be working as Lucifel's dogs so it will be better if they could adapt with her pervertness.

Only Emilia is the only who has such strong will power to not back down in the face of hunger. The girls of course ask her to join the feast but she refuses persistently.

Emilia decided only to savor the wine in the glass and looked at the girls in front of her with a little blush.

Soon, enough the food on the 'plates' are all empty.


Sorry my friend, I couldn't update at Tuesday because I caught a fever, cough and cold. Truly the weather here is really merciless.

Although I'm still not fit, I'm gonna tried to update three chapters every weeks, same like usual.

See ya!