
why shengxiaomo

A love in youth leads to the love of a lifetime. Zhao Mosheng, who was in college, was sunny, and fell in love with He Yichen, a great talent in the law department at first sight. The cheerful and straightforward she chased after her, and finally made the talented him stop for her...

MarsAttacks · Urban
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16 Chs

Don't run away, love is always trustworthy

Lawyer He Yichen, who is newly married, is busier than before. The previous case was not over yet, but recently, due to favors, another difficult one was taken up, several cases went hand in hand, and they were busy until late at night every day, often Mo Sheng fell asleep, and the light in Yi Chen's study was still on.

But even so, Mo Sheng felt very happy, Yi Chen was busy with his work, she just found things to do by herself, fumbled here and there, and occasionally went to the study to have a look, Yi Chen was always immersed in work without exception.

At such a close distance, Mo Sheng really realized how diligent Yi Chen is. Outsiders see He Yichen as young and successful, which makes people envious, but they don't know how much effort he has put into places that others can't see. With no background, it must be very difficult for him to fight to where he is today, but she was not by his side when he was in the most difficult time

When Yi Chen came out of the study with an empty teacup, he saw Mo Sheng sitting on the sofa with her knees hugged, holding the recipe in a daze, wondering what she was thinking.

It is now past one o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday, Yi Chen has been busy in the study all morning, hastily ate lunch, and then focused on his work.

When Mo Sheng saw him, she immediately dropped the book in her hand and jumped up from the sofa, "I'll make it." She happily snatched his cup and ran to the kitchen.

Yi Chen looked at his empty hands, and suddenly felt like going back in time. It seems to have returned to the old days, when he was in college, he was busy with studies, part-time jobs, and student union work, and Mo Sheng stepped in between his busy schedules. It seemed that Mo Sheng was entangled him very tightly, but in fact, he didn't spend much time with her at all.

Now, it seems to be back to old ways.

Yi Chen went back to his study room. According to the calendar, today is November 15th, the day of C University's 100th anniversary. The office has a certain donation to the Department of C this time, and Lao Yuan wants to attend the donation ceremony, so he has been encouraging Yi Chen and Xiang Heng to also go and have fun. Yi Chen is not very keen on joining in the fun, after all he has a lot of work at hand, but now he is a little uncertain.

Mo Sheng came to the study with hot tea, Yi Chen pulled her over. "Is there anything to do in the afternoon?"

"Why are we going out?" Mo Sheng's eyes lit up, and she said happily.

Yi Chen's last trace of uncertainty disappeared with the look of anticipation in his eyes.

Yi Chen turned off the computer. "Well, the school's centennial celebration, do you want to go shopping?"

For something as lively as the school celebration, of course Mo Sheng would go.

When Yi Chen and Mo Sheng arrived at the school, there were so many people that it was impossible for a car to drive in. Yi Chen parked the car in a parking lot far away, and walked there with Mo Sheng.

"Wait." Walking halfway, Mo Sheng stopped, and pointed to the T-shirts with the words "xx University" printed on them sold at the roadside stalls. "Yi Chen, let's change into this too, okay?"

Yi Chen frowned, really thought it was weird to wear this, but Mo Sheng grabbed his hand and refused to leave, so he had no choice but to say: "You go and buy it."

Mo Sheng went out in a hurry in the morning without a wallet, took out dozens of dollars from Yi Chen's wallet and squeezed in. After a while, she triumphantly picked up two items from the crowd.

Both of them are wearing casual sweaters today, Mo Sheng put a T-shirt on top of the loose sweater, it looks chubby and weird. On the other hand, Yi Chen, dressed in the same way, still looks handsome and upright, with a heroic air, attracting the attention of girls passing by frequently.

It used to be like this, walking around the campus, Yi Chen was always the focus of everyone's attention, but he always looked indifferent, as if he didn't feel those gazes at all, Mo Sheng pulled off his sleeve: "Yi Chen Chen, don't you think someone is watching you?"

Yi Chen glanced at her, "Don't look around when you're walking."


Mo Sheng shut up. Those who don't understand the style are probably the most.

Following the flow of people to the school gate, Yi Chen received a call from Xiang Heng: "You should come out to the office at home, a lot of students came today, Su Min said that if you don't come, they will kill you. "

Su Min Yichen was the president of the student union of the law school before, and stayed on as a teacher at the school after graduation. In the past, Yichen had frequent contact with her at work.

"I'm at the north gate, where are you?"

"Oh, it's best if you come, we are in the new building, come here quickly."

Yi Chen put away his cell phone, and said to Mo Sheng, "You and I go to our department first, and then go to your department to have a look."

"Ah, you are not going to go with me." Mo Sheng hesitated for a while and said.

"Why?" Yi Chen immediately became vigilant. He almost forgot how the person in front of him could go wrong. After so many years, Yi Chen found that he still had conditioned reflexes.

"You are so many people," Mo Sheng said sullenly. Yi Chen used to be a famous figure in the law school, and many people knew him, and their separation and reunion back then was probably well known, Mo Sheng really didn't want to meet those probing eyes.

"You can go alone, and I'm going to take some photos, it's more inspirational to be alone"

Then why is he coming out? Yi Chen felt a little helpless, and stopped the person who was about to run away, "You don't have any money, you don't have a mobile phone, how can you find me later, how can you go home at night?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Mo Sheng's face, one could tell that she hadn't thought about it. Sometimes Yi Chen felt like he was bringing a child, and sighed, "It's better for our child to be like me in the future."

Pulling so far, Mo Sheng murmured and stretched out her hand. "give money"

Yi Chen only gave her his cell phone, "I'll call you later, don't run too far. If you want to find me, just call Xiang Heng."

"I really don't know what you are afraid of." Yi Chen smoothed out her wind-blown hair. How could he not know what Mo Sheng thinks in his heart, it's just that these things are irrelevant, it's okay to follow her.

"Lawyer He, you are famous and arrogant now." Yi Chen was ridiculed by Su Min as soon as he arrived at the new building of the law school.

Yi Chen knew this senior sister's temper, the more you argue with her, the more vigorous you are, and you simply don't know, Su Min said a few words to him and stopped angrily.

Xiang Heng stared at his clothes, "When did you

So tasteful"

Yi Chen looked down at himself, the t-shirt on his chest was printed with four bold red characters of "xx University", it was indeed silly enough, he smiled, took it off and held it in his hand.

Xiang Heng immediately understood, "Why don't you see the one in your house?"

"Who knows where it went." Yi Chen also had a headache.

While talking, acquaintances came over to say hello one after another, while they were talking Su Min pulled Lao Yuan aside: "Does He Yichen have a girlfriend?"

Lao Yuan rubbed his chin, and answered with certainty: "No." His wife is not a girlfriend, and he clearly distinguishes this point.

"Why is he still the same as before, he really waits for others with all his heart?" Su Min knew Yi Chen's past in detail, and immediately felt a little disapproving. "But it's okay if you don't have one. There's a new young man in the department. She's pretty, with a good family background and a high degree of education. I'll invite her to dinner later in the evening. I'll introduce her to them. Don't make any noise later."

Of course, Lao Yuan didn't say anything, he was cheerful.

Yi Chen originally wanted to say hello and leave, but who knew that once he arrived, he would not be able to get away. First he went to visit a few professors with them, and then there was an alumni forum. By the time he walked out of the building, it was already almost five o'clock. Lao Yuan greeted a few acquaintances and said, "I have reserved a table in Binjiang for a dinner party."

The Riverside Hotel is the only five-star hotel near the school, and Lao Yuan seems to be bleeding a lot this time.

Yi Chen borrowed his mobile phone and called Mo Sheng.

In fact, Mo Sheng has no plans to take pictures, the camera was always taken before going out.

Yi Chen went to the law department, and she also turned on the road to her own department. Mo Sheng's grades in the college entrance examination barely reached the cut-off mark of C University, so she was put into the chemistry department of C University, which has no advantages. However, her chemistry is the worst of all subjects. It was Yichen's credit.

Mo Sheng has only been in the Chemistry Department for more than a year, and he often studies at the Law School, so he is not familiar with the Department. I walked around the chemistry department, but I didn't meet any acquaintances.

Walking out of the chemistry department, I randomly took two scenes, and I lost interest.

Touching the phone in his pocket with his fingers, he couldn't help but think of Yi Chen, wondering what he was doing in the law department

Recently, she and Yi Chen seemed to get better suddenly, especially after she came back from Hong Kong.

Now getting along like this, Mo Sheng is certainly happy, but sometimes she feels uneasy.

She didn't quite understand what Yi Chen was thinking, in fact, it had always been like this, she was always unable to fathom Yi Chen's thoughts. Will there be a day when everything changes back again?

Mo Sheng didn't want to think about it anymore, kicked the mud on the ground, and said to herself: "Since I can't figure it out, I'd better keep my mind simple."

Today's C University is bustling like never before, crowded with people everywhere, young current students, gray-haired former students, how many people's youth are remembered in this land.

Perhaps because Mo Sheng was wearing a T-shirt with the name of University C printed on it, people came up to her from time to time and asked her the way, how to get there, and where the building was. Mo Sheng pointed out one by one based on memory.

After walking a few steps, he was stopped by a young man in a suit.

"Student, do you know where Ying Hui gave a speech?"

Startled by these words, Mo Sheng froze her scattered thoughts, almost suspecting that she had heard it wrong.

Ying Hui

"Who are you talking about?" Mo Sheng asked in a daze.

"Ying Hui, China's internet miracle, president of soso, where is he giving a speech?"

The young man looked at her anxiously. Seeing that she was in a daze, he immediately turned his head and grabbed another student, "Student, where should Ying Hui give a speech?"

"In the No. 1 auditorium, why did you go there now? The speech time is from two to four o'clock, and it's starting now, so you definitely won't be able to squeeze in." Even so, the female student pointed out the direction.

The young man hurriedly said his thanks, and hurried to the first auditorium.

Mo Sheng stood where she was, and took a while to digest this information.

Ying Hui.

He is back home.

It's at c major now.

The first auditorium, which can hold thousands of people, was already full of people, and even the entrance was blocked. Fortunately, the school fully considered this situation and set up a large electronic screen outside the auditorium to live broadcast the speech scene.

Standing in the crowd, Mo Sheng looked up at the confident man on the screen, with a broad forehead symbolizing wisdom, thick eyebrows as resolute as a character, and a face that lacked softness carved out by knives and axes, calm but sharp from time to time His eyes, serious and unapproachable.

This is Ying Hui.

Silicon Valley's self-made dot-com upstart.

Emerging tech tycoons worth billions.

Her titular ex-husband maybe,

It is also factual.

The topic of Ying Hui's speech is very common, "the development and forecast of China's IT industry", but his unique perspective, powerful analysis, and special identity make his speech unique. Because of his background in science and engineering, Ying Hui paid great attention to facts. The future of it he described in his speech was not an illusory castle in the air, but a logical deduction based on a feasible basis, which made people more convincing. His own legendary struggle experience made all the students very excited. But he is so handsome in appearance, more specifically, a kind of handsome handsome full of strength, so the applause from the audience was mixed with the screams of girls.

At least outside the arena, a group of girls around Mo Sheng were already excited about Ying Hui's demeanor and charm.

"Wow, he's so handsome, even if he's older, I'll recognize him."

"Please tell me he's old. Others are only thirty-four years old. He's just young and strong."

"If I have this kind of husband, if I want to be talented, to have a career, to have a career, and to have a good looks, I will be dragged to death when I go out."

"Forget it, this kind of person, you have to marry him before he is developed, it's already too late now."

"Hey, you heard that when Yinghui was still studying in our school, his girlfriend was the flower of our department at that time."

As soon as this sentence came out, the surrounding people who were originally listening to the speech were also attracted.

"What's your department?" a boy asked.

"Foreign language."

"So are they still together now?"

"I've heard it from others, it's not necessarily true." The girl emphasized first, and then she started to say: "I heard that Ying Hui was very poor when he was in college, and he was admitted from the countryside, but there are so many good people in the mathematics department." The places here are very famous, and later caught up with the department flower recognized by our department at the time. It is said that the relationship is very good. Unfortunately, when I graduated, the department flower accepted the pursuit of the department director's son in order to stay in school. Ying Hui gave up the domestic research institute. work abroad."

"Ah, the daughter-in-law of the head of the department, you are not the one who lectured us on the history of English literature, didn't you just hear that she got divorced?"

"My God, no way, do you think she will regret dying now?"

"Who knows?" the girl stuck out her tongue: "These are the last time our dormitory got a scholarship to invite the counselor to eat. The counselor said that it is very reliable."

The twitter discussions rage on, and celebrity pasts and privacy are topics of perpetual interest to the public.

Mo Sheng pursed her lips and looked up at Ying Hui who was looking energetic on the electronic screen.

Ying Hui seldom mentioned his past affairs to her, maybe she was only twenty-three or four years old at that time, in the eyes of Ying Hui who had passed away, she was still a little sister.

Only once, Ying Hui occasionally mentioned, "I used to have a girlfriend in C University, who was very smart and beautiful" and then stopped, feeling unfinished.

Mo Sheng, who didn't know why at the time, said, "My ex-boyfriend was also very good."

"Oh." Ying Hui smiled, "Then your boyfriend is not as lucky as me."

Mo Sheng still remembers his eyes at that time, contradictory loneliness and pride appeared in the depths of those usually calm eyes.

These years, I haven't seen anyone around Brother Ying, maybe he is just like himself, he still can't let go of people from the past, Mo Sheng thought bewilderedly.

Unknowingly, the speech was coming to an end, and the host stood up, "If it ends now, will everyone feel unwilling and regretful?"

The bottom answered loudly: "Yes"

"So next is a free question and answer session. The time is half an hour. Hurry up."

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly lively, and one by one the students got up and asked all kinds of tricky and weird questions. The free question and answer can best reflect a person's quick thinking or not. It is obvious that Ying Hui is very good at this point, and his witty and funny answers won rounds of applause.

In today's speech, Ying Hui is worthy of the title of "the pride of C University" in every aspect.

"Come on, these boys are so boring."

Several professional questions in a row made the girls bored. They were not interested in those questions about computers, technology and so on.

At this moment, the microphone passed into the hands of a girl.

The female student stood up and cleared her throat: "Mr. Ying, I want to explain first that this question is not what I want to ask, but my classmate sent me a text message outside the venue, saying that if I help her ask this question, please let me know." Eat, so for my free dinner, Senior Ying Hui must answer me."

"Of course." Ying Hui had an excellent demeanor, raising his hand as a "please" gesture.

"Well, that's it." The girl stopped skillfully, and when the audience fell silent, she said loudly, "Are you married? Do we still have a chance?"

The audience exploded because of this question, and the boys whistled and applauded the courage of the girls.

However, in such a lively atmosphere, the man who had been swaying freely on the stage was obviously lost.

He still kept his original movements, but his thoughts seemed to be drawn away, and his whole body seemed to be taken to another world by this unexpected question, forgetting that there were audiences in the audience. The students watching the close-up of the large electronic screen outside the venue can even see the sadness in his eyes that cannot be hidden.

Gradually the venue fell silent, the students looked at each other in blank dismay, and there was no sound.

The girl who asked the question also began to show anxiety on her face.

The host thought that this question violated Ying Hui's bottom line, so he quickly stood up to save the situation: "This female classmate, the question you asked is private, you are not the paparazzi who sneaked in in disguise, right?"

The students did not join in, and gave out scattered laughter.

The assistant's reminder brought Ying Hui back to his senses in time, and he made a gesture to stop the host: "It's okay, I just suddenly remembered my wife, I haven't seen her for a while."

Amidst the ambiguous voice below, Ying Hui replied affirmatively: "Of course, I was married."

With so many people inside and outside the arena, probably only Mo Sheng understood the true meaning of the words of the person on the podium.


Mo Sheng also said the same to Yi Chen.

Married, but in name only, and no longer exists.

The speech was coming to an end, and the last picture on the big electronic screen was the students rushing to the podium, surrounded by Ying Hui. Then the broadcast stopped, and the promotional video of C University's Centennial Anniversary began to play.

The crowd gathered outside the auditorium gradually dispersed, and Mo Sheng walked away with the flow of people. Suddenly, she remembered the last words Ying Hui sent her to the airport when she returned to China, before boarding the plane.

"If you don't return to the United States, then we will not contact you for the time being."

In fact, it is not without regret. They could have been very good friends.


If not so many things happened.

Her chest was stuffy, and Mo Sheng was a little dizzy.

In this undefended and sunny afternoon, those long-buried emotions were revealed by the appearance of Ying Hui, and the scene was like a nightmare reappearing. When I first arrived in the United States, I felt the fear of being unfamiliar with the place, the shame and indignation of being discriminated against because I couldn't understand my language, the silence I gradually got used to when I was ridiculed because of my impure accent, and the collapse when I saw my father committing suicide in the newspaper more than two months after arriving in the United States

At that time, everything was like a net woven by the devil, struggling to open it, and infinitely desperate.

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast"

The sudden ringtone of "Two Tigers" pulled Mo Sheng out of the quagmire of the past.

This slightly childish ringtone was chosen by Mo Sheng when Yi Chen was too busy to pay attention to her and was playing games with his mobile phone. Although Yi Chen frowned after listening to it for a long time, he never changed it back.

The bell rang twice before Mo Sheng answered it.

"Mo Sheng."

The moment Yi Chen's deep and honest voice sounded, Mo Sheng didn't understand why there was a similar emotion in her heart. My heart seemed to be blown by a gentle wind, and the whole world became peaceful and kind.

Eyes become wet.

"Yi Chen, I miss you very much"

Mo Sheng heard herself say it, or that self, that Zhao Mo Sheng who was in a foreign country said to Yi Chen.

I miss you.

Yi Chen, do you know.

I once stood on the street in a foreign country, my eyes were full of strange skin colors, and I couldn't even see a back like you. Now I can finally tell you that I miss you very much.

The moisture accumulated in the eyes finally couldn't hold back and flowed down.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

There is only each other's quiet breathing in the ears, together with the distant noise of cars.

After a while, Lao Yuan's loud voice came from the phone: "Yi Chen, why did you stop while you were walking? You still stopped in the middle of the road?"

Yi Chen coughed as if waking up, "Yes, I see."

The barrister paused awkwardly.

"Where are you"

Mo Sheng looked around: "I don't know either." After the speech, she walked around with the crowd, and she didn't know where she was.

"No wonder I got lost." Yi Chen's voice was hoarse, "Forget it, you can come directly to the Binjiang Hotel opposite the north gate of the school, and I'll wait for you at the hotel entrance."

Riverside Hotel.

The table reserved by Lao Yuan was taken by someone else for some reason. The lobby manager kept apologizing and said that it would be arranged as soon as possible.

In addition to Su Min, Lao Yuan also invited a few friends who were familiar with him before. Being out of society is no better than being in school, and there is very little time to get together, and now I finally have the opportunity to chat and have fun.

Su Min just took the opportunity to introduce the female teacher who was called to Yi Chen. Although the male protagonist was a little distracted, but seeing the female teacher shy and timid but glanced at He Yichen from time to time, Su Min was still secretly proud. At least half of this matter was a success. up.

While chatting, Xiang Heng who was sitting facing the window suddenly stood up, staring straight out of the window. Sitting opposite him, Yi Chen turned his head subconsciously, just in time to see a large truck passing by Mo Sheng in a dangerous way, and Mo Sheng's pale face of shock after barely standing still.

There was no danger, Xiang Heng's lingering fear still persisted, "He Yichen, your wife is really scary, just now I saw her crossing the road in a daze, and didn't pay attention to the red light"

Before he finished speaking, Yi Chen had already stood up and walked out with a cold face.

Su Min saw the face of the woman standing by the side of the road clearly from a distance, his eyes were straightened, and after hearing Xiang Heng's words clearly, he turned to Lao Yuan, "What does wife mean?"

Old Yuan chuckled: "A wife is a wife, not a girlfriend."

The young female teacher looked at Su Min suspiciously, and probably meant that everyone was married and you still introduced him to me?

Su Min felt distressed, and gave Lao Yuan a hard look.

In the distance, Yichen took Zhao Mosheng's hand and walked ahead, and immediately let go as soon as he crossed the road. He stood by the flower bed and didn't know what to say. Judging by his momentum and Zhao Mosheng's lowering head, he was probably scolding others.

"I really miss it." Xiang Heng smiled slightly into his eyes under the lens. It's been a long time since I saw this scene. When Yichen was in university, he was a mature young man, he was very mature in dealing with things, he seldom got angry with anyone, except for Zhao Mosheng, who would always be scolded for a long time if he did something wrong.

"It's still her." Su Min shook her head, wondering whether she should be happy for this junior or not, "There were so many talented women and beautiful women in our law school back then, and I don't know how many people liked him, but he found someone from another department. I said You find another department and get a department flower or something, so that you can be worthy of the status of the top talent in the law school, isn't it just that it's nothing special in all aspects."

Back then when Zhao Mosheng was pestering He Yichen, most of the law department watched the chase with a spectator mentality. No one believed that He Yichen would accept this girl, after all he had rejected someone with better conditions. So when He Yichen took Zhao Mosheng to class and self-study, I don't know how many people were frightened, and I'm afraid there were many girls who secretly regretted why they weren't more active. Later, Zhao Mosheng went to the United States, and He Yichen became single again. Some freshmen were even more enthusiastic than Zhao Mosheng back then, but He Yichen always had a way to get rid of them within two or three days.

Once Su Min couldn't help but said: "You hate others pestering you, why didn't you hate Zhao Mosheng back then?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Su Min regretted it, he was too reckless, so he hurriedly said "haha" and took them over, never expecting that He Yichen would answer.

"That's different." He Yichen said that at that time, with only three words and a very flat tone.

Su Min couldn't think of the difference, maybe he gave Zhao Mosheng a chance to pester him, but he didn't give others a chance.

Listening to her words, it was rare for Lao Yuan to say something serious: "This kind of thing is like drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not."

While talking, Yi Chen and Mo Sheng had already come over, Yi Chen still had a handsome face, Mo Sheng was probably scolded badly, and his voice to greet everyone was much lower.

Mo Sheng used to be a frequent visitor of the department office, so she naturally knew Su Min, and smiled slightly when she saw her: "Senior sister, hello."

Su Min reluctantly gave a "hmm", and was about to say something when she was interrupted by a surprise cry.


The loud and enthusiastic voice quieted down the originally noisy hall, and the non-standard English made people laugh, but the rich middle-aged man who had attracted the attention of everyone was unconscious, and ran through the hall with a face full of surprise to the stiff stand. In front of Mo Sheng.

"Sin, Mrs. Ying." The middle-aged man was so excited that he was a little incoherent. "I didn't expect to see you here. This time you and Mr. Ying returned to China. I am Lin Xianghe, the chairman of Dashang Company. Do you still remember?" Remember, hehehehe, I was honored to be entertained by you and Mr. Ying in the United States last year, and this time your virtuous husband and wife return to China, no matter what, let me do my best as a landlord."

Mo Sheng was already stunned, her hands and feet were icy cold.

She still had an impression of this middle-aged fat man in front of her. He had business contacts with Ying Hui's company. When he came to America last year, Ying Hui hosted a banquet for him and his wife at home.

But why do we meet here

Worst time, worst occasion.

Mo Sheng felt the suspicious and surprised eyes of Lao Yuan and others resting on her, she no longer had the courage to look at Yi Chen's expression.

I just felt a little bit of happiness, so weak, it will dissipate immediately

The feeling of fear spread little by little to every corner of the body. However, the next moment, there was a warm and strong hand grasping her slightly trembling hand.

This hand, just now pulled her across the road with anger.

Now, with reassuring strength, he held her tightly.

Mo Sheng turned her head slowly, Yi Chen was looking at her, his eyes filled with pain and calmness.

has he already guessed


Mo Sheng heard Yi Chen's clear and calm voice, "I'm sorry, she is no longer"

"You got the wrong person."

The unfinished words were quickly interrupted by Mo Sheng, Yi Chen paused, a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

Mo Sheng broke free from his hand lightly, and repeated to Lin Dong: "You've got the wrong person."

The voice was surprisingly calm. Even though she knew she would have to face that marriage sooner or later, it was definitely not at this time, nor in front of so many friends of Yi Chen. Yi Chen might be able to bear it, but she didn't want him to be judged and judged by others because of her past. Yi Chen has always been so arrogant.

"How can you admit the wrong person, ha ha, Mrs. Ying, stop joking, ha ha." Dong Lin slapped haha, a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to leave.

During the stalemate, the door of the hotel was pushed open.

The uniform "welcome" sound from the waiters and the ostentation of the visitors attracted everyone's attention.

Surrounded by a large group of people, a handsome man in his prime walked in, holding a valuable handmade suit in his hand, walking with awe-inspiring demeanor, and the bright lights in the lobby shone on him, adding to his honor prominent.

Su Min sharply noticed that there was a leader of C University among them, and couldn't help but take a second look, wondering what the origin of the man walking in the middle could make the school leaders so flattering.

At this time, Dong Lin cried out happily and waved his hands excitedly: "Mr. Ying, Mrs. Ying is here!"

This "Boss Ying" reminded Su Min of a person, Ying Hui, the president of Soso, who donated a building to the school.

The moment Lin Dong's voice sounded, Ying Hui had already stopped and turned to look at them, and the group of people around him also stopped. He stood still for a few seconds, raised his sword eyebrows, and then walked straight towards them.

As if he didn't see Mo Sheng who was unable to respond at all, Ying Hui walked past her and politely greeted Lin Dong: "So it's Lin Dong, who was going to visit you tomorrow, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

Lin Dong was flattered and said: "Where is it, it is my luck to meet Mr. Ying. Haha, Mr. Ying, this is Mrs. Ying, Mrs. Ying insisted that I recognized the wrong person just now." He pointed at Mo Sheng.

Ying Hui glanced at Mo Sheng casually, and then laughed loudly: "It's a bit similar, but my wife is on vacation in Switzerland, Mr. Lin, your eyesight is failing."

"Ah." Lin Dong glanced at Mo Sheng suspiciously, but quickly said: "Yes, yes, I really don't look like it now."

As he spoke, he bowed to Mo Sheng again and again. "I'm sorry to admit the wrong person, miss, I'm sorry."

Mo Sheng lowered her eyes and shook her head slightly.

"It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, you might as well have a light meal with us."

"Of course."

In the words, Ying Hui and Lin Dong gradually walked away.

Mo Sheng raised her head, while Yi Chen was looking at the direction Ying Hui was leaving expressionlessly, with inexplicable emotions in his deep eyes. Noticing her uneasy gaze, Yi Chen looked away, lowered his head and talked to her, his tone was much gentler than when he scolded her by the side of the road just now.

Still, a little serious, of course.

"Think about how to write a review when you go home."

"" Mo Sheng stared blankly at him, her head tied up.

Yi Chen took Lao Yuan's cigarette, "Why did you cross the road, I told you just now, and you forgot it so quickly"


Ying Hui and the others walked into the VIP elevator under the guidance of the waiter. The moment before the elevator door closed, Ying Hui seemed to casually look towards their corner, and met Yi Chen's deep gaze impartially.

An episode that happened almost in an instant made everyone a little unsure how to react, but seeing Yi Chen's expression was so natural, he didn't care, and soon chatted and laughed again. They didn't doubt it at all. After all, Ying Hui's identity was there. No matter how you looked at it, Zhao Mosheng felt that there was not a little distance between him and Ying Hui. If they were really husband and wife, it would be unbelievable.

The lobby manager quickly notified them that there were vacancies, and expressed their apology for delaying the guests' time due to their work mistakes.

Calculating that he could save several hundred yuan, Lao Yuan was immediately elated.

During the meeting, the atmosphere was lively, and everyone talked about many interesting things about the law school. Even though Mo Sheng was preoccupied, sometimes when he heard something funny, he couldn't help laughing. Someone even remembered Mo Sheng's joke in criminal law class, and made fun of her.

Embarrassed, Mo Sheng quietly asked Yi Chen how he knew, obviously not from the same class.

Yi Chen smiled: "Don't you know that you are very famous?"

Professor Zhou will also mention Mo Sheng when he is teaching the next few classes, saying that there used to be a little girl who came to class with her boyfriend, but was asked to answer questions. What happened? He spoke vividly, which always annoyed the students laughing out loud.

Later, a younger brother who didn't know Yi Chen very well asked him with a friendly face: "You are the boyfriend of the girl that Professor Zhou said is going to be imprisoned, hehe, why have I never met your girlfriend?"

At that time Mo Sheng was no longer there.

After being poured several glasses of wine by Lao Yuan, Yi Chen got up and went to the bathroom.

Find the bathroom under the guidance of the waiter and open the door.

There are already people in the bathroom.

The man who was washing his hands in front of the sink stood up straight the moment Yi Chen pushed the door open.

Yi Chen subconsciously stopped, and met the eyes of the person in the mirror.

For a moment, silence occupied the small bathroom.

"He Yichen." After a while, Ying Hui spoke first, "I have admired your name for a long time."

"Don't dare." Yi Chen looked directly at Ying Hui with a calm expression, "Mr. Ying is the one who is famous all over the world."

"Why don't you wonder why I know your name?" Ying Hui turned off the faucet, turned around, and a trace of tenderness that did not match his tough image flashed in his eagle-like eyes. He said word by word: "My former wife once searched for this name in the search engine I developed."

It was late when I got home.

At the banquet, Mo Sheng was poured a lot of wine by old Yuan Su Min in turn. When she walked out of the hotel, she was so dizzy that she had to be supported by Yi Chen, and fell asleep as soon as she sat on the car with her head tilted.

Yi Chen carried her back to the bedroom, and as soon as she was put on the bed, she automatically got into the bed and curled up to sleep well. Probably because of being drunk, Mo Sheng's cheeks were flushed, and her long eyelashes drooped quietly.

Yi Chen stared at her for a long time, finally lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

"Did he ever kiss you like this?"

The low and hoarse voice leaked the emotions he had been trying to hide.

Under the eyes is the pain that she absolutely does not want her to see when she is awake.

Yi Chen lowered his head, and heard Mo Sheng's breath.

He used to be so close to you

He also got your smile and all your enthusiasm

he also had

Yi Chen ordered himself not to think about it any longer.

It's just that he always thought they were the same, he was alone in this world, and she was in another world. One day she'll come back, or one day he can't wait to find

In fact, since the beginning of the year, he has been planning to go abroad in the next few years, although he knows that there are so many people.

She came back not long after.

Looking at him with very strange eyes.

Then tell him she's married.

If someone ever made her not alone, he should be happy for it, shouldn't he

But Yi Chen sadly found that he didn't have that kind of heart.

Very mindful.

Mind her spiritual loss.

Mo Sheng was still breathing carefully and evenly.

Yi Chen gently helped her tuck the corner of the quilt, got up, closed the door and went out.

The night in November was already chilly, even in the bustling city of City A, there were very few pedestrians on the street.

Ying Hui was sitting by the window of a 24-hour teahouse, looking at the man walking towards the teahouse outside the window, under the cover of night, the man's handsome appearance and outstanding temperament still did not detract a bit. Although Ying Hui had expected that the person who could make Mo Sheng never forget must be outstanding, but He Yichen's excellence still exceeded his expectations.

Such a man must have been outstanding in his student days, how did Mo Sheng deceive him back then?

If he and he were in the same era of C University, who would win and who would lose? Ying Hui, who was also a famous figure in C University back then, secretly evaluated.

If so, maybe he will meet Mo Sheng first, maybe everything will be different.

But having said that, even if I met Mo Sheng when I was in college, I am afraid that I would not have taken a fancy to her at that time.

Chance is really a wonderful thing.

While Ying Hui was daydreaming, He Yichen had already sat down opposite him.

"I thought you were going to be late."

"I'm always on time." Yi Chen said in a flat tone, and simply flipped through the drink order and returned it to the waiter, "Thank you, Mao Jian."

The waiter took the order and left.

Ying Hui looked at him, and suddenly said something surprising: "How can you give up?"

This rather provocative question did not make He Yichen lose control of his emotions as Ying Hui thought, and he kept his brows still: "Mr. Ying, I don't think this question has any real meaning."

"It's really a headache to talk to a lawyer." Ying Hui leaned back in the chair with a wry smile, and clasped his fingers, "Mo Sheng doesn't seem to have mentioned me to you." The tone was affirmative, and Ying Hui had already noticed the situation in the lobby at that time .

"It's true that I didn't say too much." He didn't let her say it before, but Mo Sheng probably didn't dare to mention it later, and she seemed to subconsciously put the question back indefinitely.

It's actually out of character for him. However, when meeting Mo Sheng, there are always surprises.

Ying Hui smiled, his thoughts drifted away, and after a while he asked: "Is Lawyer He interested in listening to my version?"

Yi Chen raised his eyes.

"Since you're here, of course."

However, amidst the fragrance of tea, Ying Hui became silent. Maybe I really don't know where to start with those things

Seven years ago was a turning point in Ying Hui's life, his most hopeful and most desperate year.

Ying Hui, who was studying at the University of California S at that time, came from an ordinary rural family. Due to his poor family background, although he had excellent grades while studying at the University of C, he never thought of studying abroad. At that time, the ideal of a genius in the mathematics department, which was favored by many professors in the mathematics department, was to find a relatively stable job with a high salary, take his parents by his side, get married, have children, and live an ordinary life.

It's just that this ideal soon became a bubble.

On the eve of graduation, his girlfriend who had been with him for three years asked him to break up with a very sad but firm attitude.

Ying Hui was overwhelmed and couldn't understand it, especially after hearing that she had been in close contact with the son of the head of the department for a while, she became even more angry in frustration.

"Ying Hui, it's okay if I'm sorry for you." Facing his questioning, his girlfriend was also full of pain, "I used to think about this society too naively. Only when I really graduated and looked for a job did I realize that no matter how powerful you are, you have no background. , no one takes you seriously. You know about my application to stay in school, but do you know how much I have been wronged? You can't help me at all. He is inferior to you in every way, but he can at least let me stay proud in front of those cocky old women"

"Ying Hui, I don't want my pride to be worn away by the trivial life in these long years. Maybe you will become famous in the future, but how many years will it take before I'm no longer young? I don't want to live with my head down, you can't maintain my dignity, Ying Hui, I still love you, but I'm sorry, I'm too proud."

Ying Hui was speechless.

He didn't sleep that night, and the next day with bloodshot eyes, he called his parents. He had decided to apply for a scholarship to study in the United States.

Ying Hui walked very quickly. On the day he went to the United States, his classmates came to see him off, but his girlfriend didn't come. Unlike his classmates who complained about injustice and reluctance, Ying Hui was always calm. But no one could guess at that moment, how much ambition was hidden under his calm eyes.

The days of studying abroad in California were harder than those in China. The unfamiliar environment, frequent part-time jobs, and heavy studies made him lose weight in a short period of time, but at the same time his horizons were broadened a lot. Ying Hui's eyes gradually focused on the Internet which was developing in full swing.

A solid foundation in mathematics enabled him to study computer technology with twice the result with half the effort. Different from the trend of establishing portal websites at that time, Ying Hui was interested in information search. After working hard for a year and a half, he, worthy of the title of genius, independently developed a set of optimized search algorithms, but this set of algorithms has a flaw. It requires the cooperation of many other optimization algorithms to realize it, so he was not a venture capitalist at first. Only one well-known web indexing company wanted to buy it at a very discriminatory price. Ying Hui knew that what he held in his hands was worth far more than tens of thousands of dollars, but he had no time to wait for a better opportunity. Long-term fatigue and pressure made him fall into a serious illness, and when he recovered, he was one of the few His savings were also depleted.

Ying Hui, who had nowhere to go, had a whimsical idea, and used the remaining money in his body to place an advertisement in an influential Chinese newspaper, explaining his situation and seeking Chinese investment.

However, the facts quickly disappointed him. Within ten days, he only received one phone call calling him a shameless and despicable liar and not to lose face to the Chinese. Just when he was about to sell the algorithm to that company in despair, he received a letter from City N, which contained an unsigned note and $500. The handwriting on the note is not beautiful, there are only a few words, and it is impossible to judge whether it is a man or a woman.


Saw your plea for help in the newspaper. Send 500, very little money, hoping to make you wait until the real investment.

Five hundred dollars was a drop in the bucket, but it rekindled Ying Hui's fighting spirit. That money allowed Ying Hui to survive the most difficult two months. During this period, he finally developed a supporting algorithm, and soon got his first venture capital investment of one million US dollars.

The times make heroes, and Ying Hui undoubtedly met the best time. A few years later, when he sat in the office of the president of SOSO and listened to the asset appraiser tell him how much assets he currently had, he felt incredible.

If it weren't for the five hundred dollars back then, maybe he is just an excellent technician today. Ying Hui once thought about finding the person who sponsored him, but he gave up quickly. There was a huge crowd, and there was not even a name left on the letter, so it was really impossible to find it.

Not long after, that person appeared in front of him on his own initiative.

One day, a former classmate of his at S University came to visit him and brought a letter to him along the way.

"I didn't know that you left the school and sent the letter to our department. I saw it and brought it to you."

The handwriting on the envelope seemed familiar.

Ying Hui opened the letter excitedly.

Mr. Ying:

Hello, I don't know if your address has changed, or if you still remember me. About three years ago you put in the paper asking for help, and I sent five hundred dollars. It's really hard to say, but if it's economically convenient for you, can you send me back the five hundred dollars?

I'm really sorry.

Zhao Mosheng

Zhao Mosheng.

Ying Hui silently read his signature in his heart.

Finally know this person's name.

Scanning the back cover, the date of sending the letter was already a month ago.

If I hadn't come to a desperate situation, I wouldn't have written such a hopeless letter.


Ying Hui didn't care that his classmate was by his side, so he hurriedly dialed the phone number left on the letter. After two rings, a very clear female voice answered the phone.

The next day, Ying Hui took a plane to City N.

The place they met was in a park. In the early spring, when Ying Hui was young, Ying Hui saw a Chinese girl sitting on a bench wearing a scarf. She seemed a little cold, so she kept rubbing her hands with the scarf.

Ying Hui stood looking at her from a distance, but suddenly felt a warm feeling, like returning home. At that time, he had been alone in the United States for six years.

Ying Hui walked up to her. "Excuse me, are you Miss Zhao?"

The girl immediately stood up. "Yes, I am, are you Mr. Ying Hui?"

Only then did Ying Hui see her appearance clearly. A very young girl, probably in her early twenties, maybe still studying, her clothes are a bit old, it can be seen that they are a few years old, but they are clean, with big eyes.

He smiled slightly. "Miss Zhao, let's find a place with heating and sit down and talk."

After the formal greetings, Ying Hui asked: "I'm a little curious, Ms. Zhao, why did you send me that money back then? Aren't you worried that I'm a liar?"

This question stunned her for a while, and then she said vaguely: "At that time, I thought I had a certain amount of money." She vaguely mentioned it, and then said, "Actually, Mr. Ying, you don't have to come here at all, I just cleaned up." When I saw the old newspapers when I was shopping for sundries, I didn't really have much hope when I sent that letter."

"Then you are now"

Ying Hui figured out the whole story without much effort.

To sum it up: this Ms. Zhao has a good neighbor named Sister Juan. She was sentenced to three years in prison for slashing her husband with a knife. Sister Juan has a child named Xiaojia, because Sister Juan's Caucasian husband There is a tendency to violence, so Sister Juan entrusted the child to her. Right now, she is battling with her neighbor's husband for custody of the child.

Ying Hui took a sip of hot cocoa.

"Miss Zhao, are you always like this, um, are you helpful?" In fact, Ying Hui wanted to use the word "nosy" rather than "helpful".

"No." She was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know whether the blush on her face was from the cold or from embarrassment. "We have been neighbors for a long time, and she has helped me. Once I had a serious illness and passed out alone in the house. No one knew it. She found out and saved me. If she found out later, maybe I wouldn't be here now." It exists. Is this a life-saving grace? Is it true that Mr. Cruise is violent? I have personally seen him throw a wine bottle at Sister Juan and Xiaojia, and Xiaojia is very obedient and obedient. Sister Juan is actually very pitiful."

She anxiously found all the reasons.

Ying Hui was indifferent, this world is already miserable in its own way.

It's just that the girl in front of her is kind and a little silly, Ying Hui thought in her heart. But if it wasn't for this stupidity, how could he have sent the five hundred dollars to him who had never met before?

Ying Hui said, "Don't worry, I will help you."

This matter is not easy to handle.

Mr. Smith, Ying Hui's personal lawyer, said: "Miss Zhao does not have enough evidence to prove that Cruise has violent tendencies, and even if she obtains evidence to cancel Cruise's custody, she will not be able to adopt the child. She is not eligible for adoption by the state. Human conditions. It is very difficult to resolve this matter through legal means, but it will be easier in private, in, it may be easier to pay that kind of villain with money."

"Yes." Ying Hui said, "But I don't like to spend money on villains, and maybe he will be dissatisfied, blackmail again and again, or bite back at any time, this is not the fundamental solution."

"Unless the lady gets married immediately, marrying a qualified husband may increase the chances of winning." Smith shrugged, jokingly, "In, you are fully qualified."

Smith's joke moved Ying Hui's heart.

He found himself not at all opposed to the idea.

Ying Hui relayed what the lawyer said to Mo Sheng on the phone.

"Even if you prove Cruise's violent tendencies and revoke his guardianship, you will not be able to adopt Xiaojia. Your age, economic conditions, and marital status do not meet the conditions for adopters stipulated by the state law. Xiaojia will be sent to Orphanage, you know, it's definitely not a good place for a mixed-race kid."

Mo Sheng's six gods have no master. "I just want to help a friend, why is it so difficult"

Maybe it's not difficult, Ying Hui talked with Cruise once, he really just wanted to extort a sum of money, but Ying Hui didn't fulfill his plan. Ying Hui had met Xiao Jia before, she was a mixed-race child with black hair and black eyes who was a little silly, it is said that the silly was caused by beating when she was a child.

"If you really decide to take on this burden, I have a proposal." Ying Hui said lightly, "You can find a trustworthy person who meets the adoption conditions for a fake marriage, maybe I can help."

Mo Sheng on the other end of the phone was completely dumbfounded, and quickly said no after realizing it. "How can that be?"

Ying Hui didn't force it either.

Then things progressed. The picture of Cruz scalding Xiaojia with a cigarette butt while drunk was inadvertently taken by Mo Sheng's landlord. Xiaojia was also sent to an orphanage.

Mo Sheng is very busy with her studies and has to work part-time, just like that, she also visits Xiao Jia every other day or two.

One day a few months later, Ying Hui, who was far away in California, received a call from Mo Sheng. Her voice was slightly crying: "Mr. Ying, I want to adopt Xiao Jia."

Xiaojia was bullied by children of other races in the orphanage. In fact, it has been more than once, but this time it was more serious. Xiaojia was pushed into the toilet of the toilet. If she was not discovered in time, she might have suffocated to death.

When Ying Hui went to N City, he brought a copy of the agreement.

"The content of this agreement is that you give up all the rights and interests brought about by this marriage. Correspondingly, you don't have to perform all the obligations. In other words, we will only have the name of husband and wife." Ying Hui explained.

The agreement with clearly defined rights and responsibilities made Mo Sheng's attitude more natural. This is exactly Ying Hui's purpose, he clearly knows that this agreement that Mo Sheng can't take advantage of will make her feel a lot easier.

"Mr. Ying, thank you" She didn't know what to say.

"No. In fact, this marriage is good for me. My company is about to go public, and the image of a married man can gain the trust of shareholders. Moreover, being married can save me a lot of trouble." Ying Hui He said the reason that he thought was ridiculous, but the last sentence was very sincere. "What's more, Ms. Zhao's kindness to me is not just a drop of water."

That's why he wanted to protect her under his wings.

But is it just for this reason?

Ying Hui didn't dare to ask himself.

He looked at her signing hand with slight hesitation, as if something was going out in his eyes, then he grabbed the pen, quickly signed his name, closed it and handed it to him without looking at it again.

Ying Hui flew back to California on the night when Mo Sheng successfully obtained Xiao Jia's custody.

Mo Sheng has not finished her studies and is still in city n.

Because of the regular inspection of the orphanage, Ying Hui had to fly to N city at the end of every month. Mo Sheng felt guilty for causing trouble to him, but Ying Hui looked forward to the arrival of the end of the month more and more.

Linda, Ying Hui's white secretary, said very cutely: "Boss, you don't know how much I like the end of every month, you are always so kind and amiable at that time."

Ying Hui smiled when he heard this, and was in a happy mood.

Xiao Jia was still dumbfounded, Mo Sheng finally taught him to call him Uncle Ying in Chinese, Ying Hui was not moved by that "Uncle Ying", but Mo Sheng was ecstatic and touched Xiao Jia's head.

The moment he lost his mind on her smile, Ying Hui clearly understood that he was tempted.

The long-lost feeling.

He and this Miss Zhao Mosheng have only been in contact for a few months.

There was no reason for this feeling, and there was no trace of it.

The nature of a science student makes Ying Hui stubbornly want to find out the logic of his heart, but for the first time he finds that he is powerless to prove the causal relationship between them.

Fortunately, he got out of the horns immediately, and his pragmatic personality made him decide to let nature take its course.

Ying Hui lived as a trapeze artist for almost two years, and one day two years later, Mo Sheng called him to tell him two news.

The first is that she graduated.

The second is that Sister Juan was released early, and she decided to take Xiaojia back to China.

After hanging up the phone, Ying Hui's first thought was: it's almost time.

Ying Hui met that dusty-faced sister Juan for the first time at the n city international airport.

Mo Sheng occasionally mentioned this sister Juan's experience. She originally came out as an accompanying wife, but later that man married an American woman for a green card. Sister Juan was very beautiful when she went abroad, but now she has ended up in this kind of situation, unwilling to go back to China to be ridiculed by others, and quickly married an American man, unexpectedly she was even more unfortunate. Two years in prison finally made her despair of this place, and she decided to return to China after she realized it.

Mo Sheng hugged Xiao Jia, reluctant to part.

Sister Juan thanked Ying Hui, "Thank you for the past two years."

"It's enough for you to thank Mosheng."

Sister Juan looked at Mo Sheng: "She is much luckier than me."

Ying Hui understood the envy in her eyes, and said, "Everyone has their own destiny, so don't force it."

The plane flew into the sky, Mo Sheng looked up at the plane going away.

"Do you really want to go back home?"

Mo Sheng was stunned for a moment and shook his head and said: "I don't want to. I'm probably very cowardly. Brother Ying, it seems natural to be alone in a foreign country. Everyone in a foreign country is like this. It's sad."

She lowered her head and did not continue the topic.

When walking out of the airport, Mo Sheng said: "Brother Ying, I have something to discuss with you."

Of course Ying Hui knew what she wanted to discuss with him, and said, "It's just right, I have something to ask for your help."

Ying Hui's parents are going to visit their son in the United States for a period of one month, because the son accidentally revealed that he was married not long ago.

Ying Hui asks Mo Sheng to help her deal with her parents.

The timing was just right.

Mo Sheng's studies have been completed, and she can leave City N at any time. Everything in Ying Hui's company is on track, and she has more free time.

After Mo Sheng arrived in California, she was looking for a job first, but unfortunately, being a Chinese and a woman made her frequently frustrated.

Ying Hui intends to use his connections to help her, but Mo Sheng refuses. "Brother Ying, you have helped me a lot, I can't rely on you all the time."

Ying Hui remembered that Mo Sheng never seemed to have accepted his financial help, and then remembered what his former girlfriend said to him when they broke up, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Mo Sheng looked at him thoughtfully: "Brother Ying, what are you thinking?"

Ying Hui smiled and said, "No, it's just a new understanding of the word pride."

Mo Sheng was puzzled, looked at him suspiciously, and didn't ask further questions.

Before Ying Hui's parents came, Valentine's Day came first, but Ying Hui was not romantic by nature, and Mo Sheng didn't think about that at all, so they spent this Valentine's Day without any ambiguity.

In the evening of Valentine's Day, Ying Hui picked up an international call in the upstairs study room. When she went downstairs, she saw Mo Sheng sitting on the sofa with her head propped on one hand and her laptop on her lap. She didn't notice him coming down at all.

Because of the angle, he happened to see a little sparkle in the corner of Mo Sheng's eyes.

Ying Hui thought she

After watching some sad movie, he walked over to have a look, it was just an ordinary web page, and it was the search page of soso, which he was most familiar with.

The search keyword was a name he had never heard of, He Yichen.

Only then did Mo Sheng discover him, and she turned her head quickly, not having time to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

She closed the computer, stood up, and stared down at her toes, looking a little embarrassed.

Ying Hui immediately understood: "He"

He stopped after saying a word, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Mo Sheng raised her head to look at him, her eyes that had been washed with water were very clear, Ying Hui could clearly see the sadness inside.

"Has brother Ying ever liked anyone?" she asked.

"Yeah." Ying Hui took a few beats before answering: "I used to have a girlfriend in C University, she was very smart and pretty."

"My ex-boyfriend was also very good." Mo Sheng said in a low voice.

"Oh." Ying Hui forced a smile, "Then your boyfriend is not as lucky as me."

After all, he is just your "before" now.

But Mo Sheng completely misunderstood his words, probably thought that Ying Hui said that her boyfriend was looking for her, so she was unlucky, and said a little unconvinced: "I'm not that bad, am I?"

Ying Hui didn't explain, and hurried to the study upstairs, but he didn't have the heart to do anything.

Once I have seen this name, I seem to see this name everywhere in my life.

from that day on

Mo Sheng called He Yichen absent-mindedly from time to time.

The inexplicable smile on the corner of Mo Sheng's mouth is called He Yichen.

Mo Sheng's sudden loneliness is called He Yichen.

Mo Sheng started to mention this name to him frequently, as if she finally found someone to talk about that person.

How smart that person is.

How capable that person is.

Of course Ying Hui would be impatient.

It's just that when he saw the sadness and loneliness in her eyes when she talked about that person, his impatience turned into intolerance.

Accompanied by a strange pain.

Even if he knew that Mo Sheng only regarded himself as an older brother, Ying Hui still had a certain feeling that he was confident that there would be no one better than him around her, so he might as well take his time. However, now this feeling is gone, Ying Hui can clearly feel the ice wall built in Mo Sheng's heart, that ice wall excludes all ambiguous things.

He may only ever be able to play the role of elder brother.

Ying Hui gradually became impatient.

So that night came, I don't know if it was because of the long-term backlog of emotions, or a momentary loss of control.

That day he went out to socialize, and when he came back drunk, Mo Sheng frantically took care of him.

Ying Hui couldn't tell whether he was drunk or awake. If he was drunk, how could he still remember every detail? If he was awake, how could he be so uncontrollable by his reason?

As if he was half asleep and half awake, he pressed Mo Sheng under his body

It was early morning when he woke up.

One-tenth of a second after his consciousness came back, he rushed downstairs.

The downstairs hall was dark with no lights on.

She vaguely saw Mo Sheng sitting on the sofa downstairs, hugging her knees tightly, with her head hanging down.

Ying Hui seems to have read somewhere that when a person suffers a huge injury, he will subconsciously adopt this baby's position in the mother's womb, because he lacks a sense of security.

He put his hand on the light switch and let it go.

Mo Sheng suddenly made a sound, weakly: "Brother Ying, do you think I'm her?"

Ying Hui was stunned for a while before realizing who the "she" she was talking about was.

his ex-girlfriend.

I seem to have only mentioned his ex-girlfriend to her once, and he doesn't remember much of what he said, she thought he was still thinking of her

Mo Sheng, do you think everyone is as obsessed with the past as you are?

Ying Hui smiled wryly.

He found that Mo Sheng gave him an interesting dilemma: if he said "yes", he would not be able to reveal his heart, and maybe he would never be able to go any further. If not, he must admit that he is a rapist.

Although unsuccessful.

Facing Mo Sheng's trusting gaze, Ying Hui finally chose to close his eyes without answering.

Let her find the most comforting answer.

In fact, after that, Mo Sheng could no longer live in the same room with him calmly. When Mo Sheng proposed to move out, Ying Hui said: "Mo Sheng, you should go back to China and go and have a look."

Mo Sheng stood there in a daze.

"You can't be an ostrich forever."

Go back and have a look.

If it's sunny there, you stay there.

If it's rainy and dreary there, come back quickly.

Forget about that person completely.

At the airport, sending away Mo Sheng, who was no longer his nominal wife, Ying Hui looked up at the traces of planes flying in the sky, feeling lonely spreading in every corner of his body.

Did she understand the last sentence he said just now? She seemed surprisingly slow in certain things.

"If you don't go back to the United States, we won't contact you for now." He said to her before boarding the plane.

does he still have a chance

Maybe there is.

That person named He Yichen may have fallen in love with someone else long ago.

In the world, how many people are as stupid as Zhao Mosheng

The fragrance of tea curls up.

Long years, but a few hours to finish.

"It turns out that there are more than one." Ying Hui finally said.

"Sometimes, she is really astonishingly dull." Ying Hui raised her head and sighed, "The world is so strange, I didn't expect that you are the only person I can talk about these things."

Yi Chen didn't speak, after smoking the last cigarette, he picked up the clothes at hand. "It's getting late, Mr. Ying, I'll go first."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Yi Chen's footsteps paused. "Mo Sheng is drunk, I am not at ease."

Ying Hui laughed loudly: "Mr. He, are you showing off your success to the losers?"

Yi Chen didn't look back, walked out of the teahouse quickly, pushed open the door, and the cold air outside rushed towards his face.

Yi Chen took a deep breath.

It took a long time to let go of the hand that was so blue-veined.

It was two o'clock in the morning when I got home.

Mo Sheng got drunk and went to bed, but behaved better, huddled under the quilt, motionless, still the same sleeping position as before he left. Yi Chen gently took off his shoes, got into bed, and hugged her.

She moved a bit, adapted to the new posture, frowned, Yi Chen relaxed her arms, and then her brows relaxed again.

Her nose is filled with the fragrance of her hair.

Yi Chen said in a low voice: "I won't give you a drink in the future."

She didn't protest, she still slept soundly.

Yi Chen couldn't fall asleep, he kept his eyes open until after four o'clock, sighed, got up and went to the study.

There is still a lot of work to be done, and even tomorrow, no, it is already today, and the materials for the morning court session have not been compiled yet. For Yi Chen, this is really a rare experience of cramming.

Busy until dawn.

Yi Chen closed his eyes sleepily and rubbed his brows, when he opened them again, he saw Mo Sheng standing at the door of the study looking at him.

"Yi Chen, have you been up all this time?" Mo Sheng asked him, biting her lip.

This is her little action when she is nervous, Yi Chen understands it.

"Come here." He waved.

When she came to his side, Yi Chen held her in his arms and placed her on his lap.

"Are you awake? I've never seen anyone fall asleep while drunk."

"Uh..." Mo Sheng was probably confused by his attitude, and asked stupidly: "Then what?"

"Do something meaningful," he said as he lowered his head to cover her soft lips.

When Mo Sheng fell into his arms out of breath, Yi Chen was silent for a while and said: "I went to see Ying Hui last night."

The body in the embrace suddenly froze.

"He told me that someone had searched for my name in the search engine, and I wanted to ask that person what she had searched for."

Mo Sheng didn't make a sound, Yi Chen continued: "I just searched by your name, and found that Mo Sheng won a photography award, you never said that."

"You haven't even asked about any awards that are not well-known." Mo Sheng said in a low voice.

Yi Chen sighed and hugged her tightly: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Mo Sheng tell me now, okay, what have you done?"

"Are you in America?"


Such a gentle He Yichen, even Mo Sheng hadn't felt it seven years ago when he was in the best relationship in college, with a gentle question, he easily highlighted all her grievances in these years.

Mo Sheng began to talk about the things she encountered in the United States. She couldn't speak English when she first arrived in the United States, she lost her way and couldn't read the street signs, but she walked farther and farther, how annoying it was to learn English, the strange habits of foreigners, and those Unpalatable things, she focused on describing how unpalatable a certain brand of instant noodles was.

"Then why not eat something else"

"Everything else is expensive. I was very poor back then."

"Didn't your father give you money?" This was the first time Yi Chen mentioned Mo Sheng's father in such a calm tone.

Mo Sheng looked at his expression before continuing. "Yes, it's a huge sum. I was taken aback at first, but after reading it in the newspaper, I realized that I had sent the money to the embassy."

"Well, did the embassy write you a commendation letter?"

"I didn't leave a name, I sent it in a Chinese donation. In fact, I didn't have any noble ideas." It's just that I can't spend the money I bought with my life calmly, and I also deceive myself that without the money, My father would not have died, and it was as if nothing had happened.

"Well, Mo Sheng is very smart, what else?"


Mo Sheng thought that one day she would definitely talk about these things with Yi Chen, but she never thought it would be like this. There was no heavy feeling at all, as if it was the most ordinary chat, those experiences that had caused her pain seemed to go away overnight.

Conversation fades.

It was full light.

"Yi Chen, I'm not sad at all, I thought I would be sad when I mentioned this."

Yi Chen said quietly: "You have me."

Mo Sheng didn't make a sound, she leaned her head against his chest and remained motionless, so long that Yi Chen thought she had fallen asleep, but gradually, he felt a burst of moisture in his chest.

It's already Monday, and I have to go to work in the morning.

It was Yichen's first time fighting a battle unprepared, but when he went to court, he found that the prosecutor and the judge seemed to be more muddled than him, so everyone muddled until the end, and tried again next time.

Seeing Yi Chen's apparent lack of sleep, the relatives of the parties thought that he was devoting himself to the case, and couldn't help being moved, thanking him repeatedly, Yi Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

When Mo Sheng went to work, her eyes were still red and swollen, Xiao Hong studied her eyes seriously, and asked her in a heavy mourning tone: "I'm broken in love."

Mo Sheng lowered her voice, matching her heavy condolences: "Comrade Xiaohong, do you want beef rice to comfort the wounded?"

Xiaohong continued to think seriously: "Then you should not lose your love."

In the newspaper that Lao Bai bought, Ying Hui's news was the headline on the front page. When Mo Sheng walked past his desk,

When I saw it, I took it over. The newspaper reported Ying Hui's life experience at length, with many compliments, and the end of the article did not change the characteristics of the tabloid.

Mo Sheng put down the newspaper and was stunned for a long time.

She didn't know many people in the United States, and Sister Juan was one of them, but Sister Juan never contacted her after returning to China, and Ying Hui was the only one left. In fact, for Hui, Mo Sheng was more grateful than other emotions, after all he helped her so much, and that time he was drunk, he did not cause any actual harm in the end.

After hesitating for a while, she turned on the computer and entered the website of sosoil. Mo Sheng entered the mailbox she hadn't used much since returning to China, and found Ying Hui's email address.

The content of the letter was changed several times, and finally only one sentence remained.

"Brother Ying, thank you for what happened in the hotel lobby yesterday."

A few minutes after the letter was sent, the inbox indicated that there was a new email, Mo Sheng refreshed it, and clicked to open it.

Recipient: Zhao Mosheng<zhao>

Sender: in<>

Subject: re: no subject

don't have to

The extremely simple two words were unfamiliar, and Mo Sheng's fingers stopped on the keyboard, not knowing what to say. The gossip I heard from the students at C University flashed through my mind, and I quickly typed a reply

"Brother Ying, did you see her when you came back this time? Maybe you still have a chance."

This time there was no reply for a long time.

Mo Sheng felt a little regretful.

I may have overstepped, and there is a part in everyone's heart that cannot be touched. That person may be Brother Ying's deepest wound.

At night when Mo Sheng and Yi Chen talked about this, Yi Chen glanced at her and said four words: "It's really slow."

Then he added: "Fortunately, you are a bit stupid."

Mo Sheng was stunned.

After more than a month, Mo Sheng regularly cleaned up the mailboxes before seeing Ying Hui's reply, which was dated two days ago.

Mo Sheng opened it.

Recipient: Zhao Mosheng<zhao>

Sender: in<>

Subject: re:re:re:no subject

Not everyone is like He Yichen who can stay lonely for a long time.

Sheng. I have changed my mind.

Also: Merry Christmas

Mo Sheng stared blankly at the screen.

It took so long to send out these two short lines. Perhaps the person who replied had typed many times and thought about it for a long time.

At this moment, Mo Sheng seemed to understand something, but in the blink of an eye, that intuition escaped again.

The mouse clicked on the delete button, hesitated for a while, then moved it away, and finally just exited the mailbox.

She may never use this mailbox again.

That letter will lie quietly in a corner of the Internet, no one will open it, but it will never disappear.

Autumn quickly left with the arrival of the cold snap. Under the influence of Xiao Hong, Mo Sheng became obsessed with knitting scarves, but unfortunately she always wove the wrong stitches, and the looseness and tightness were uneven. Yi Chen was very grateful for her kindness, but what? I didn't dare to wrap it around my neck. On the night of Christmas, Yi Chen invited Yi Mei and her boyfriend Zhang Xu to have dinner together. Zhang Xu is Yimei's boss boyfriend, he is very funny, and it is also the first time Yichen sees him at this meal.

After eating, I went out to find that it was snowing outside.

Young people and children jumped on the street and cheered for the arrival of the first snow in City A this winter.

Mo Sheng and Yi Mei stood by the side of the road, waiting for Yi Chen and Zhang Xu who were going to get the car to come back. Yi Mei smiled and said: "Originally I wanted to ask you to be a bridesmaid when I got married next year, who knew that Yi Chen couldn't wait so long, but he can't be blamed, he probably endured it for a long time." She blinked ambiguously while talking.

Mo Sheng blushed, when did Yi Mei become so dishonest.

Yimei laughed, turned around and saw Zhang Xu waving to her across the road, and said to Mo Sheng: "I won't wait with you, I'll go first."

"Okay." Mo Sheng nodded, Yi Mei took two steps and stopped, but did not turn her head.

"You must be happy, even if," she whispered, barely audibly, "for me."

Mo Sheng was startled, she had already trotted towards the opposite side of the road, never looking back.

When Yi Chen came back, he saw Mo Sheng staring at his toes in a daze. "Yimi left first"

"En." Mo Sheng looked up, but didn't see the car.

"It's snowing, let's walk back."


Yi Chen was a little surprised by her not-so-enthusiastic reaction, and thought she would be overjoyed.

Mo Sheng was walking absent-mindedly with her head sullen, she was about to bump into a street light, a pair of big hands grabbed her just in time.

"Are you thinking about something in your head and want to write a self-criticism?" Yi Chen frowned.

Mo Sheng's thoughts of running away slowly came back, she raised her head and looked at him innocently with a face of blame, suddenly she wanted to hug him and involuntarily stretched her hands into his coat and wrapped them around. "Yi Chen"

Yi Chen was startled by her sudden movement and lowered his voice. "What's wrong"

The head buried in his arms shook his head dawdly, with a muffled sound. "No."

Yi Chen wanted to break her hand to see what was going on with her, but Mo Sheng refused to let go, and hugged her even tighter.

"Mo Sheng" had a helpless tone, not understanding why she was so clingy all of a sudden.

"You will be laughed at if you act like a baby at such an age." Yi Chen lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

nonsense she has

"Well, let me try to see if the coat I bought is warm."

Let her go. Yi Chen let her hug him helplessly, accepting the ambiguous or envious eyes of passers-by with a wry smile.

On a snowy night, with people coming and going in the busy streets, for the first time, I feel that Christmas is a holiday.