
why shengxiaomo

A love in youth leads to the love of a lifetime. Zhao Mosheng, who was in college, was sunny, and fell in love with He Yichen, a great talent in the law department at first sight. The cheerful and straightforward she chased after her, and finally made the talented him stop for her...

MarsAttacks · Urban
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16 Chs


"He, Lawyer He" Mei Ting looked at the person who appeared at the door in surprise, "Lawyer He, aren't you in the hospital?"

"I was discharged from the hospital this morning. Mei Ting, you will bring the information on the Anas company case to my office later." Yi Chen said as he walked, "Have you left any important messages these days?"

"Yes." Mei Ting immediately dug out the records and reported a few important news, then hesitated and said, "Lawyer He, a female reporter from Xiu Se called several times, saying that she wanted to do an exclusive interview for you, and even came in person Once. She said it was your alumni, would you like to call back?"

Yi Chen's eyes flickered slightly when he heard "beautiful color", and then he became calm again. "No need, if she calls again next time, she will just refuse."

"Okay." Mei Ting nodded, finally feeling like Lawyer He was back, handling things cleanly and without delay.

Xiang Heng pushed open the door of Yi Chen's office right after he came back, seeing that he was buried in the documents, he didn't know what to say.

"I heard Meiting said that I still don't believe it, can you explain what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Yi Chen looked up at him from the document, his face was still a little pale, but his eyes were clear and energetic.

"Don't play dumb with me. I remember you will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow. May I ask why you are here now?"

"I was discharged early."

Xiang Heng stroked his head. Although he was a lawyer, he had to admit that talking to a lawyer was a hassle. Answering an answer was like not answering. "Aren't you going to die? The firm wouldn't fail without you."

"That's not necessarily the case." Yi Chen raised the document in his hand, "I remember that you and Lao Yuan are not good at this."

Xiang Heng snorted. "No matter how bad we are, we will not fall at the negotiating table."

"Xiang Heng." Yi Chen leaned on the back of the chair and looked at his old friend helplessly, "I won't make fun of myself."

"You wouldn't normally?" Xiang Heng looked at him, and asked bluntly, "She's gone."

Yi Chen's eyes darkened, and instead of answering, he asked, "You're looking for her."

Xiang Heng nodded, looked at Yi Chen's face, and sighed, "It seems that I am self-defeating."

"No, I want to thank you." Yi Chen said flatly, "If she hadn't given me a hard blow, how could I be completely awake."

"You" Xiang Heng opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry." Yi Chen looked at him with a calm face, "It's completely over with her. No, it should be said that my wishful thinking is completely over."

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Yi Chen parked the car and walked into the elevator, still thinking about the details of the day after tomorrow's negotiation. During these days, he didn't seem to come back before ten o'clock. Several cases were going on at the same time, and he was very busy every day. Xiang Hengzao gave up persuading him, while Lao Yuan cheerfully calculated how much his income would increase this quarter, and said with a smile that he would prepare the best coffin for him.

In fact, he is extremely tired, but he needs this kind of busyness too much.

The elevator dinged, and the twelfth floor arrived. Yi Chen stepped out of the elevator and took out his key to open the door. All movements froze the moment they saw the person at the door.

Wearing a thin sweater, she sat in front of his house with her knees hugged, her chin resting on her knees, her eyes staring blankly at the ground in front of her.

Hearing footsteps, she raised her head. She looked even more haggard and thinner than this patient, with a pointed chin, and her eyes, which grew larger, panicked the moment she saw him, as if she had fallen into some kind of predicament and had nowhere to go.

No one made a sound, Yi Chen froze for three seconds, and walked past her without seeing her.

Open the door smoothly, walk in, and close the door with your backhand.

There was no sound of closing the door, and his sleeve was tightly grasped by one hand.

"Yi Chen." He heard her voice, low and small, as pitiful as a small animal's whimper, "Do you still want me?"

She knew what she was talking about, Yi Chen could only turn around and stare at her fiercely, as if he had seen a ghost. Her voice was small and soft, but how could he not understand it in such a silent night, he tried hard to regain a trace of reason, and wanted to pull back his sleeve, but her hand stubbornly refused to let go.

Yi Chen realized that he was shamefully missing the familiar slapstick.


Maybe it was because his voice was too harsh, her hand trembled, and then she slowly let go of her fingers one by one.

She lowered her head, Yi Chen couldn't see her expression, but her aggrieved and sad appearance appeared in his mind at the moment.

Every expression was so clear that he could vividly remember it, so clear that his heart would soften the next moment.

Regardless of her, Yi Chen went straight to the balcony, and the cold night wind made him wake up a lot. She had always had a knack for messing him up, before, and even more so now. So he has to be calm, otherwise he will be defeated.

He walked back to the living room, and she was still shivering outside the door. "Come in." The voice has returned to calm, "What do you want to drink? I only have beer and purified water here." He remembered that she loved to drink those colorful things.

Mo Sheng shook her head.

Yi Chen didn't force it, and sat down on the sofa, completely in the posture of a host entertaining guests. "You came to see me, what's the matter"

Mo Sheng didn't expect him to be so polite and unfamiliar, so she was at a loss for what to do. "I, I went to the hospital today, the doctor said you have been discharged"

"If you are here to visit a patient, then you can go back." Yi Chen interrupted her.

Mo Sheng was speechless.

Yi Chen looked at her, and said slightly sarcastically: "If I heard correctly just now, you seem to want to have sex with someone else, and I am honored to be the one you fancy." He stopped and didn't say anything, but Mo Sheng was completely Know what he wants to say. Her face turned pale suddenly, she finally realized how much words can hurt people, and she could only squeeze out a few words under embarrassment. "I don't."

"Nothing." Yi Chen stared at her urgently, "Don't tell me you're not married?

Come and block my excuses"

Although the tone is questioning, it is full of certainty. His suspicion is well-founded. He knows that she has been living alone, and she even went on a blind date.

If that's the case, a faint bitterness floated in Yi Chen's heart, trying to block his excuses. However, that faint joy kept coming out from the bottom of my heart.

However, Mo Sheng didn't give him the expected answer, and there was a touch of uneasiness in the eyes that turned away awkwardly.

Without her saying anything, Yi Chen also fully understood. All rationality and calmness were thrown away, and anger and embarrassment filled his whole body.

He Yichen, how long are you going to be this wishful clown?

"Okay, tell me what do you want me to be your secret lover in China, or your shameful affair Zhao Mosheng, tell you, don't even think about it" He had to work hard to control himself so as not to let his hands wrap around her neck .

"It's not me and him..." Mo Sheng was frightened by his anger, and she couldn't understand what happened between her and Ying Hui in a few words. The only thing that came to her mind in desperation was. "I'm divorced." She called out, but calmed down a little, and repeated it unconsciously. "I am divorced."

After getting divorced, Yi Chen's complexion became even colder, he laughed back from anger. "Why do you think that I, He Yichen, would want a divorced woman?"

Mo Sheng was stunned, her eyes gradually dimmed, and her shoulders slumped slightly. I expected it to be like this, didn't I? Why did she come here, let her dead heart die again? Just because of those few lines of poetry, because of that photo, it's ridiculous how desperate she is

But I still want him to know, "It's not like this between me and him." Mo Sheng tried to explain in vain.

"That's enough." Yi Chen couldn't bear it anymore and shouted at her, "You don't need to describe to me all the things between you and your ex-husband, if you want to gain sympathy and comfort, then you are looking for the wrong person."

She pursed her lips, but didn't continue speaking after all. There is no difference between saying it or not, isn't it? The fact cannot be changed.

"I'm leaving." Mo Sheng stood up without looking at him, and said with a trembling voice: "I'm sorry to bother you."

He didn't stop her, as if he had fallen into some kind of inexplicable myth.

She opened the door, but heard him say behind her: "Wait."

Looking back, he stood up from the sofa and picked up the car keys on the table. "I'll take you back."

Mo Sheng was startled, then shook her head. "No, I can do it myself."

"You can indeed." Yi Chen said sarcastically, "Then accidentally something happened, and I was the suspect. At that time, we would really be confused."

Are all lawyers so thoughtful? Mo Sheng uttered a few words with great difficulty, "I'm sorry for your trouble."

"This is the last time in this life." Yi Chen said coldly.

Mo Sheng had never been in a car that drove so fast, the driver looked calm, but the speed was frighteningly crazy. When the car finally stopped, she was already pale and her hands and feet were weak, but Yi Chen looked peaceful as if he had just taken a walk.

"Give me a reason." He said, looking ahead.

She looked at his indifferent profile, feeling so uncomfortable in her stomach that she couldn't think about what his words meant.

"Tell me you love me."

Mo Sheng was stunned, and suddenly choked up, "Yi Chen, I"

"Okay," he interrupted her abruptly and roughly. "say no more"

She looked at his uncertain expression at a loss.

After a while, he said, "You go. I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

Maybe because of motion sickness, she didn't sleep well that night. In the morning, when the phone rang, she almost immediately picked it up.


"I'm downstairs, you bring your ID card down."

After he finished speaking, he hung up, and Mo Sheng didn't have a chance to ask anything, so she hurried downstairs with her good things. Yi Chen's car was parked opposite, Mo Sheng hesitated for a moment, opened the car door and got in.

"Do you have your ID card?"

"Bring it." Mo Sheng was a little puzzled, "Why do you need an ID card?"

"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau." Yi Chen said flatly.

"Civil Affairs Bureau" Mo Sheng has a somewhat vague concept and doesn't quite understand it.

"Yes." Yi Chen indifferently seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him. "Let's go get married."

Married Mo Sheng looked at him in astonishment, wondering if she had heard wrong. "Yi Chen"

"Get out of the car if you don't want to go." Yi Chen dropped this sentence without even looking at her.

Seeing his decisive expression, she suddenly understood. He was forcing her, and he was also forcing himself. No matter what the result was, he wanted to end it, and there was no room for repentance. If she got out of this car now, then they would really have no chance in the future.

Mo Sheng took a deep breath. "I go."

"you sure"

Mo Sheng nodded, everything was settled, she became calm instead. "Do you remember what you said? If you are destined to be my husband in the future, why don't I exercise my rights earlier."

He turned his head away and said coldly: "It turns out that this kind of thinking can only make mistakes, and you will have to repeat the same mistakes."

Mo Sheng's eyes darkened, "Let's drive."

There were already several couples waiting in the Civil Affairs Bureau, they were very close to each other, but she and Yi Chen stood aside like two independent statues, attracting the attention of others.

The round-faced woman sitting next to Mo Sheng looked at them curiously for a long time, Mo Sheng was a little embarrassed by her look, and smiled politely at her. She also smiled back, and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation: "You are also here to register."

What a wonderful question. Mo Sheng nodded.

She glanced at Yi Chen and said enviously, "Your husband is very handsome."

"Hey, hey." The small young man next to her immediately pulled her in protest, "Your more handsome husband is here."

"Is there?" The round-faced woman's expression was full of doubts, and she suddenly pointed to the sky outside, "Ah, look, look, why are there so many cows flying around in the sky?"

Her husband immediately interfaced tacitly: "Because of your husband, I'm blowing hard here."

Mo Sheng couldn't help laughing, their happiness was so obvious, it was overflowing, if she looked at Yi Chen beside him, he looked sideways out of the window, expressionless.

"Hey, how did you meet?" the round-faced woman asked her, seeming to be full of curiosity about them.

How did we meet? "It was a long time ago." Mo Sheng couldn't refuse her enthusiasm, and recalled, "At that time, I was just in college, I liked photography, and I always ran around with a camera. I was in a daze, and pressed the shutter without realizing it, and was discovered by him."

"I go out for a while."

Yi Chen stood up suddenly, interrupted her narration, and walked out without waiting for her to say anything.

The round-faced woman looked at her from envy to sympathy. "Uh, your husband is very cool."

"Yes." Mo Sheng embarrassingly agreed.

After a while the staff appeared, but Yi Chen hadn't come back yet, Mo Sheng went out to look for him, he was standing outside the door, smoking a cigarette with his back to her.

"You can go now." He heard her footsteps and said without looking back.

Knowing that he couldn't see, but still shook his head. "go in."

"Mo Sheng, this is your choice." He said heavily on top of her head, "From now on, even if we torture each other for the rest of our lives, I will never let you go."

The weather in early autumn should not be too cold, but Mo Sheng suddenly felt the chill from the wind, from the bottom of her feet to her heart.

What follows is a series of procedures. Mo Sheng couldn't help but find it inconceivable that just these things, a few pieces of paper, and a few seals, can actually tie two people who had nothing to do with each other together for a lifetime, no matter how they used to be.

More than an hour ago, she didn't even think that she and him would become husband and wife. Such a drastic change almost made her doubt whether everything is real now

"Signing" suddenly sounded Yi Chen's gloomy voice, "Now you have no chance to go back on your word."

Only then did she come to her senses, and realized that she had been in a daze for too long before signing, so she quickly signed her name and handed it to the suspicious staff.

"Miss." The staff took the form and asked again hesitantly, "Are you really voluntary?"

Yi Chen's complexion was extremely pale.

"Of course." Mo Sheng said with a smile, "Just now I was thinking about what color to choose for the curtains at home."

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Yi Chen threw a key to her. "Move all your things to my place. As for the color of the curtains, you can change them as you like." He said slightly sarcastically.

Mo Sheng didn't pay attention to his sarcasm, holding the key in her hand, she was a little restless, it was too fast, but it was inevitable, wasn't it?

Yi Chen took out another bank card from his wallet. "All expenses are paid from here, the password is xxxxxx, remember"

Mo Sheng nodded and shook her head hastily, "Don't give it to me, I have it myself."

Yi Chen said with a cold face: "I don't want us to have conflicts because of this on the first day of our marriage."

Knowing that he was stubborn, Mo Sheng took it helplessly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

"What about you?" How did she feel that he completely excluded himself.

"I'm going on a business trip to Guangzhou for a week." He raised his wrist to look at his watch, "The plane is in an hour."

She was probably the most independent newlywed in the world.

On the third night of their wedding, Mo Sheng was in the living room of Yi Chen's house, staring at a lot of things brought from her, in a daze.

Put these things in the kitchen, these in the study, and these photographic equipment. She needs a darkroom. Where is her clothes in the master bedroom?

Do you want to call and ask him? She's staring at the phone.

A melodious ringtone rang, and if it wasn't for the huge difference between the ringtones, she would have picked up the phone almost reflexively.

When she opened the door, Mo Sheng was taken aback. She knew this woman who was dressed at home, and she was the "fox spirit" lady that Xiao Hong called out. She was also quite surprised when she saw her. Is Lawyer He here?"

"He's on a business trip. Uh, would you like to come in for a while?" Mo Sheng said politely.

"Okay, then I won't be polite." She walked in and introduced herself, "My surname is Wen. I used to be a client of Lawyer He, and I live downstairs."

She looked at Mo Sheng with some doubts. "Have we met"

It turned out that she didn't recognize her, Mo Sheng nodded and mentioned the people they both knew. "Gu Xinghong." This is Xiaohong's nickname.

"By the way, you are the one who accompanied her on the blind date." Miss Wen suddenly realized, and said thoughtfully, "So you know Lawyer He, no wonder."

Mo Sheng looked at her puzzled.

Ms. Wen shrugged her shoulders and said, "I mean, it's no wonder Mr. He personally picked me up after get off work to discuss the case. It turns out that he's a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking. I'm thanks to you."

She threw the bag in her hand to Mo Sheng. "This is the wonton I made. If there are too many, I brought it here. Really, it made me feel so affectionate for nothing."

This young lady has a delicate appearance, but she speaks frankly and swiftly. You can tell by watching her quarrel with Xiaohong. Mo Sheng admitted and neither denied nor not, quite embarrassing.

Miss Wen waved her hand, "That's it, I'm leaving." Mo Sheng sent her to the door, and she suddenly asked Xiao Hong, "She is still on blind dates."

Mo Sheng caught a trace of concern in her eyes, shook her head and replied: "No. She's almost settled down."

Miss Wen's eyes flashed. "It's not game software, is it?"

"No, a surgeon."

"That's good." Miss Wen breathed a sigh of relief. "She finally thought about it. Tell her not to hate me, that man is not in love with me." When she said this, she regretted, "No, it's better not to tell her now."

She left, Mo Sheng looked at the wonton in her hand, hesitated for a moment, picked up the phone, and dialed Yi Chen's cell phone.

The phone rang three times and was picked up.

"Hi." Came his low voice.

"Hello." Mo Sheng responded only to realize that her voice was different from usual, she hurriedly calmed down, "It's me."

"what's the matter"

"Uh, it's like this. Ms. Wen from downstairs just sent a bag of wontons, and she said thank you for helping her last time." As soon as Mo Sheng finished speaking, she knew that she had chosen the worst beginning, and she was already annoyed. less than.

Sure enough, there was silence for a few seconds, and his mocking voice sounded. "What are you doubting? Don't worry. Even if I had any thoughts about her, it was an attempt."

The implication is that she, a "completed" person, is not qualified to question him. Mo Sheng changed the subject rationally, "I want to ask if your storage room can be transformed into a darkroom?"

"Whatever. Is there anything else important?"

"Yeah, where do I put my stuff?"

There was a pause. "Mrs. He, your husband is physically and mentally healthy and has no plans to separate for the time being." He said sarcastically.

It was a terrible call. Mo Sheng held the microphone tightly, and finally asked: "When will you come back?"

"Friday night."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Mo Sheng blurted out without thinking, and only after she finished speaking did she realize that there were too many meanings in this sentence, and she couldn't help but hold her breath.

There was also silence on the other side, and then there was a click, and a muffled sound came out from the phone, Mo Sheng was stunned, he actually hung up the phone just like that

He Yichen put away his mobile phone, opened the door and walked into the private room. When Mr. Li of the foreign trade company saw him coming in, he got up and toasted: "Lawyer He, where have you been? Come, let me toast you again. Today's negotiation is really wonderful. "

Yi Chen smiled socially, clinked glasses, and went to the end.

It was nothing more than some compliments and polite remarks. After eating for more than an hour, Mr. Li said: "Lawyer He, I think we have almost finished eating, how about another place?"

A group of men immediately understood and laughed ambiguously.

Seeing their appearance, he knew where they were without saying anything, so Yi Chen quickly said, "Boss Li, you go, I'm going back to the hotel first."

"Lawyer He, you are not mean enough." Mr. Li deliberately pulled his face down.

Yi Chen smiled wryly and said: "It's true that my wife at home is very strict. Well, I called just now to check on the work. If I'm not at the hotel after a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to go home peacefully."

A group of men immediately showed sympathetic expressions, Mr. Li said: "Since Lawyer He insists, we won't force it, let Xiao Yang take you back."

The driver Xiao Yang stood up and wanted to see him off, but Yi Chen declined politely: "No, the hotel is not far away, I'll walk back, and I just happen to see the night scene on the way."

After finally getting away, Yi Chen didn't want to go back to the hotel, so he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Guangzhou is such a bright city that it is easy for people to be dazzled and lose their way. Yi Chen strolled in a certain square, shuttling among old people, couples, and children, enjoying the tranquility brought about by the bustle.

Suddenly a white light flashed, Yi Chen turned his head, and someone was taking pictures beside him. Two girls who looked like students, probably also tourists, took pictures in the square.

Inexplicably, I thought of her. The first time I saw her, there was a flash of white light like this, and then I saw a girl holding a camera and smiling at him.

No one would be too happy to be caught, but he didn't say anything at the time, he just frowned and stared at her.

She felt a little guilty at first when he stared at her, but she immediately regained her confidence. The villain complained first, "Hey, I'm taking good pictures of the scenery, why did you suddenly appear?"

He was a little angry at first, but when she said that, he really didn't know whether to be angry or laugh, so he ignored her and walked away. Unexpectedly, she caught up and asked, "Hey, why did you leave?"

If you don't know how to fight back at this time, you will be a talented student of the law department. "Didn't you want to take a picture of the scenery? I'll give it back to you."

She immediately blushed, and after a long while said dully: "Okay, I admit you."

It is helpful to know how to admit mistakes, Yi Chen took a step forward, but she followed in a leisurely manner. After walking for a while, Yi Chen couldn't help but look back. "What are you doing with me"

"You haven't told me your name, please." She said innocently.

"Why should I tell you"

"How can I give you the photo if you don't tell me?"


"Oh." She nodded, as if it didn't matter. "Then I have to wash it out and ask around."

He couldn't believe it. "You stop."

"Why are you worried that I can't find you?" She said don't worry, "Although there are tens of thousands of people in the school, if there is a will, there is a way. If I ask one by one, I will always ask. "

Then he doesn't have to mess around in school anymore, Yi Chen gritted his teeth: "He Yi Chen, second year international law." After speaking, he turned and left, and he could still hear her laughter after walking a long way.

Two days later, she found him, and took out the photo as if offering a treasure. In the photo, he was meditating in the sunset: "Look, look, this is the first time I have handled the light and shadow effects so well. You can see the sun shining through the leaves. Yet"

But when he looked up, he saw the dancing sunshine on her face, so unreasonable, without even saying hello, it shone into his heart through the heavy haze, and he didn't even have time to refuse.

She is the only ray of sunshine in his gloomy life, but this ray of sunshine does not only shine on him.

That seven years away, another man

Yi Chen closed his eyes.

Admit it, He Yichen, you are crazy with jealousy.