
Why, Not You?

WHY, NOT YOU? BY: SALIX.H Like any other ordinary person, Ashar's life was full of ups and downs. Being an ambitious guy, running after name and fame, he didn't realize when he lost the most beautiful moments and affinity of his life. At last, he had everything he wished for before; Name, fame, money, and wealth, but now he did not have an affinity with whom he wanted to share all these things. Despite everything, Ashar was now aggrieved with his life and wanted to end his life. Will Ashar's tale end just like that? Or will there be a ray of hope in his life? LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER. THIS BOOK IS UNEDITED. THIS IS THE FIRST DRAFT. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.

SalixH · Teen
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4 Chs

CHAPTER -2: Their Backstory


By: Salix.H

"Honey, do you think I'm being hard on Asher"? Mrs Wilson enunciates while being concerned about it.

"Why do you think so, dear"?, asked Mr Wilson.

"Because Asher already puts a lot of pressure on himself to fix our conditions, today I again reminded him about our problem. I am worried that he might put more pressure on himself which can affect his health. There was a time when everything was sufficient but now... ".

The Wilson family may not be as well off financially today, but there was a time when Mr Ralph Wilson was one of Michigan's most prominent businessmen.

Mr Ralph Wilson had developed Wilson's Textile Company at a very young age. Mr and Mrs Wilson were already betrothed at that time. Mrs Wilson used to support him a lot with his work.

After some time, both of them got married. The company was also progressing very excellently. Then Asher was born, and everyone was very delighted. Everything was proceeding very satisfactorily.

But, somehow don't know which turn life took that everything was devastated.

With increasing competition, Wilson's Textile had started to fade. The situation reached so far that due to the fear of bankruptcy, Mr Ralph Wilson had to sell his company.

Mr Ralph had gone into a severe recession. Then Mrs Wilson endorsed him and suggested selling the company. It was that that the company was sold for a substantial amount.

The money that came from it, he paid back to the investors from whom he had taken the investment and with the rest of the money, he built a small cafe near his home at the behest of Mrs Wilson.

All that was left with them was their cafe and their precious house. It was also a big deal to have their own house and cafe in Michigan. But this was not meeting all of their necessities.

That way they were living their life. But now Asher was growing up, his requirements were expanding. So Mrs Wilson was upset.

Although Ashar was a very sensible boy since his preadolescence, he never asked for anything additional than what he needed.

But his parents feel bad that they were not competent to provide everything for him like other parents. What worried Mrs Wilson was that Asher never asked for anything like any other kid. He used to keep his desires low down.


"Dear, You are pondering too much. Asher is a sensible boy, he knows how to handle things well. You have to let him be so that he can know how to address worldliness". Mr Wilson said caressing Mrs Wilson's hand.

"Ok if you say so".

Mr Wilson was pondering about diverting Mrs Wilson's attention just then he suddenly remembered that today was a special day, gulping his food, he asked, "And, do you remember, this is the day when we are going on a date for the whole day? Today's our day off from work".

" Yes yes, I remember that's why I am sitting so prepared early in the morning". Mrs Wilson nodded being chuckled.

"Ahha ! That's why I wonder why you are so dressed up early in the morning". Mr Wilson conveyed his thoughts.

"Ohh! That means you had forgotten about our date today", Mrs Wilson nodded and teased him while rolling her eyes with folded her hands over the table.

"I remembered it till yesterday evening and I was also preparing for that. But in the dawn, I forgot about it. Sorry darling. I will atone for this. I promise". Mr Wilson explained himself and declared.

"Haha, Well, I was kidding. But if you want to repent, that's great". Mrs Wilson chuckled.

"Haha, Alright then, let's have our meal first".


Meanwhile, Asher was stepping on the pathway some distance away from his residence when he noticed his mobile phone was ringing like crazy in his pocket.

"You bastard, where the hell are you? As Asher picked up the phone, someone was screaming over the phone.

"I am waiting for you like an absurd lunatic here", exclaimed Luke, Asher's friend from high school.

Currently, they both are accomplishing their bachelor's degrees in Automobile engineering at one of the top Universities of Michigan, The University of Ferris State.

"Why are you screaming so much, Luke? If I didn't take the phone away from my ears, I swear my ears were going to bleed like hell".

"You dare to say that, have you looked at your watch? Do you even know what time is it right now, you jerk? We are gonna be late for the lecture at this rate". Luke yelled at him again.

"Oh my goodness! So many questions at the same time. First of all, we still have 10 minutes to go. And even if we get late, it's once in a while not every day. So chill dude". Asher proclaimed.

"Dude, do you have forgotten that today is the lecture of that feral man? He is not gonna let us in. Don't you know him"? Luke rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Oh shit, then why are you beating around the bush, you lunatic. You should have told me earlier. I'm here near the bus stand. Come and get me, hurry"! Asher scowled at him.

By the way, every day Asher goes with his motorbike, but today the plan of these two was specific.

They wanted to hang out a bit before going to university but the plan was devastated as Asher slept late graphic his design and Luke overslept.

"You turn 180 degree, literally. And Woh! The pot calling the kettle black. Splendid! I'll come fast, you stay there, Jerk". Luke said and hung up the phone.


Happiness Is Having Friends Who Are Idiots.

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