
I'm the idiot!!

Michael puts his hand on my shoulder and starts to speak "you are an idiot" is all I here before his mother walks in.

"is this the boy" his mother speaks kindly with a soft voice " With me and he is grounded" she said before she grabbed me by the arm.

we walk out of the school she let's out a Sigh and then releases my arm"hi James I'm Michael's mom" is all I here before Michael hugs me.

"why were you being such an idiot" is the next words out of Michael's mouth.. he was so close to my ear that I could feel his breath on my ear.

"James you will be coming to my house for the day" Michael's mother laughed I nodded my head and then got into the car with Michael on my lap.

I do not know why Michael was on my lap but I was not complaining. he fell asleep in my arms and then his mother laughed again.

"what's so funny" I question, she waved her hand "it's just that he sat in my arms just like that the night I got him from the adoption center".

wait Michael was adopted... ge never told me this "and he could not call me mom for the life of him... he was so innocent back then" I heard a little crack in her voice.