
Why ME

_white_flower_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I look up the ile to see the man I am to MARRYING

g he is in a in a black and white tux, he has light brown hair. as I get closer I realise that he has a diamon earing in his left ear. He looks like he's in his mid 20s.

who the hell is my father having me marry.

"who are you having me marry, father?" i ask

"One of the top CEO's of one the top business, Eric van Buren." father said

So I was right, he did use me for his fucking business.

"how much money did he give you, father."

I said holding all my tears in.

"20 million" he said.

why so much for what, me.

"what else did you give him?"

"Nothing, just you."

So yeah, my dad sold me away to a man.

As we reach the end of the ile, my father gives me away and i look in to Eric's eyes their green with red specks.

"Rose Mary Smith, do you take Eric van Buren for your faithful husband?"

"..... yes."

Eric Van Buren so you take Rose Mary Smith 5o be your faithful wife?"


His voice sounded truely confident in his choice.

"In the power in God and I, I now propose you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride!"

I look in to Eric's eyes and see lust. He bends down and lays a gentle kiss on my lips, then it became rougher. then he stop and bended down so that his lips were by my ear.

"We will finish that to night." he says

I feel shiver go down my spin. I never have felt this for a man before. maybe this was a good thing to do or maybe he's going to use me for his pleasures.

What have I gotten myself in to.

the crowd cheers as we walk down the isle and out the doors. we walk out the main doors to the church to be greeted by a even bigger cheering crowd.

we walk and get in the black limo that is waiting for us as I take a seat Eric pushes me up against the seat.

"what.. you doing...Eric" I said in puffs of air as he fits his head I. to the corner of my neck.

"I can't wait any linger"is all he says before I feel something sink in to the corner of my neck.

"ERIC" I shout before feel like my blood is getting suck out of me. i sink against him in pleasure and groun. I cling against him, after few seconds. he stops and pulls out and I mourn as he kicks the wound.

"your...a...vampire " is all I get out before I sink in to darkness.