
Why is Mr. Lu So Two-Faced

Rumors have been circulating about Lu Enterprise's CEO, Lu Qinian, about how he had a pampered little princess at home. Everyone was curious to know what kind of girl could captivate the CEO, who was known to be indifferent to women, to the point where he couldn't see anyone else. Later, during a company's higher management video conference, Lu Qinian appeared in a sharp suit, with a serious and indifferent expression, as he listened attentively to the work reports. Suddenly, a girl's soft voice came through the speakers, "Niannian, I'm hungry..." A girl wearing pajamas appeared in the frame, and her fair arms wrapped around Lu Qinian's neck as she acted cutely. The usually restrained and cold Lu Qinian indulgently caressed the girl's long hair as he spoke with unusual gentleness, "Why aren't you wearing shoes again?" The girl pouted, "My darling husband was supposed to put them on for me..." Lu Qinian chuckled, "Alright, I'll put them on for you." The high-level executives in the video were stunned speechless! 'Sir, why are you so two-faced?!'

Swish · Urban
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40 Chs

Unknown Life and Death

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Outside the ward.

"Are you Li Rongrong?" A wealthy woman dressed in lavish attire glared at Li Rongrong with resentment.

Li Rongrong nodded instinctively, only to receive a slap across her face! She was left dumbfounded! She looked at the face in front of her that was 80% similar to Yu Xiaoyi and she was completely dumbfounded. "Why did you hit me? Is Xiaoyi inside? What happened to her?"

"You still dare to ask? I wish I could beat you to death, you are a calamity!" The woman gritted her teeth. "Because of you, my daughter's life is ruined! Get lost!"

Li Rongrong's mind was on the verge of exploding. "What is going on?"

The woman was so agitated that she wanted to say something, but she thought of something and tried her best to suppress her emotions. "If I can't afford to offend you, can't I hide? Miss, please refrain from approaching Xiaoyi any longer. We will take her abroad, out of your sight forever!" With that, she forcefully closed the door to the ward.

Li Rongrong recollected the words she had inquired from the nurse earlier. The nurse said, " Are you asking about the little girl inside? Her condition is not good at all. Her body is covered in injuries as if she was attacked by a wild beast. Her limbs are broken... As for when she will wake up, it's a matter of fate..."

Li Rongrong left in a daze. Upon returning to Li Yun'er's ward, the bodyguard hurriedly approached her. "Miss, the woman woke up and left. We couldn't stop her. She entrusted me with a message... She said you needn't worry about her, as she is doing well."

Li Rongrong wiped her eyes. Perhaps Sister Yun'er didn't want her to be concerned. "Are her injuries alright?"

"She's fine. Just a bit weak. We asked her to wait for you, but she insisted on leaving. We didn't dare to stop her, afraid that she..."

Li Yun'er had left. Li Rongrong was now lost, unsure of where to go, feeling utterly confused. Yu Xiaoyi had been bitten by a ferocious beast. She remembered the Tibetan Mastiff that Lu Qinian owned. It had bitten Shi Rui before. What about this time?

Li Rongrong's face was still swollen. She was afraid that Lu Qinian would find out, so she asked the nurse to treat her face. After a while, she saw Butler Bai rushing over with the bodyguards, nervously assessing her. "Miss, are you still running a fever?"

"I want to see Uncle Lu," Li Rongrong said, casting her gaze downward.

In the Lu Corporation, Lu Qinian was making a call at the entrance, seemingly waiting for her.

From a distance, Li Rongrong appeared remarkably elegant, standing there as the most prominent sight, as if all the world's perfection had converged upon her. She sniffled and ran up to him from behind. "Uncle Lu!"

Lu Qinian turned his head, casting a profound gaze upon her, then addressed the person on the other end of the phone. "Understood, that will do for now." He promptly hung up and looked down at the young lady who had suddenly arrived at the company, his eyes filled with warmth. "Why have you come here all of a sudden?"

Li Rongrong nervously clenched her fists. "I just suddenly wanted to come."

Lu Qinian lowered his head, his gaze sweeping over her face. "Why is your face swollen?"

Li Rongrong touched her face. "Maybe I've had some allergies recently. It's the change of season, and the wind is strong."

Lu Qinian patted her head affectionately. "Remember to apply some ointment when you go back."

"Uncle Lu, are you done? Let's go have dinner." Li Rongrong raised her head, revealing a smiling face.

Lu Qinian's lips curled up slightly. "Sure."

On the way, Li Rongrong kept telling Lu Qinian interesting stories from school. Lu Qinian listened attentively, his expression was unusually patient. After they finished dinner, they even went to a music concert. Li Rongrong felt her mood had relaxed.

When they returned home, Li Rongrong finally noticed the wristwatch on his hand, and her gaze couldn't help but become blank. Wasn't this the one she had bought to give him?

"I like it," Lu Qinian smiled, following her gaze.

"It's good that Uncle Lu likes it. Then I'll go rest, and you should sleep early," Li Rongrong lowered her gaze, feeling a bit chaotic inside.

Since that day, Li Rongrong had become even more well-behaved in front of Lu Qinian. She went to school on time every day and didn't go anywhere else. As for Yu Xiaoyi, she hadn't come to school since that day. It was heard that she had already gone abroad.

As for the comments on the forum, they disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened. The principal even personally spoke up to clarify the situation and warned against any further baseless accusations. He also found Li Rongrong and apologized to her in person.

Li Rongrong's life seemed to have returned to peace.

That night, Lu Qinian didn't come back. Li Rongrong was about to take a shower when she realized that the shower was broken. Thinking it would take a while to fix, she decided to use Lu Qinian's bathroom instead. After she finished showering, she suddenly realized that she hadn't brought any clothes and ended up wearing Lu Qinian's shirt before leaving the room.

But then the door to the room opened, and Lu Qinian walked in. He casually tossed his coat on the bed and continued undressing...