
Why Is Loving You So Painful?

All the members of Teen Titian's come together for a reunion after 5 years of being apart. After all these years secrete are revealed. Loyalties are tested and hearts are broken. Can this once super-team come together one last time or is there too much damage done.

Maze_Smith · Fantasy
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Reunion Part 1


It's been 5 years since the members of teen titans decided to split to pursue their own dreams. Raven ended up taking over her father's realm which is one of the reasons why Beast Boy and her are no longer together. Starfire returned home to take her rightful place on her throne after she and Robin broke up. Robin felt lost after the group want their separate ways, and his breakup with Starfire really pushed him over the edge.

He started to dive into solving crimes and focusing on being the best police officer on the force. Beast Boy couldn't give up the life of being a superhero and felt like he didn't fit in anywhere else. After Robin and Beast Boy decided to end things on good terms Beast Boy eventually decided to join up with the Doom Patrol, and Cyborg decided to come with him.

Currently, Robin is standing outside the Teen Titian's old hideout. He was forced by his supervisor to use all his vacation days that he never used. Robin was reluctant at first but his supervisor left no room for discussion. He didn't know where else to go so he just hit the road and ended up here.

Robin POV

I'm at the old Teen Titian's hideout and I couldn't help walking around thinking about old times. I really miss the old gang no matter how much I try to forget them I can't. I have had the best times of my life with those 4 amazing people, and I think that it's time for us to get the gang back together. I don't think that we could ever be the team we were back then, but maybe this is a chance for us to just hang as friends, and whatever happens, happen.


After a lot of thinking, Robin decided to send out an S.O.S to the old members of the Teen Titans saying that it was an emergency.

Robin POV

Dear Raven, the team needs to meet up right away I fear that our lives literally hang in the balance. Meet me tomorrow at the old hideout @ 3.

Dear Starfire, the team needs to meet up right away I fear that our lives literally hang in the balance. Meet me tomorrow at the old hideout @ 3.

Dear Beast Boy the team needs to meet up right away I fear that our lives literally hang in the balance. Meet me tomorrow at the old hideout @ 3.

Dear Cyborg, the team needs to meet up right away I fear that our lives literally hang in the balance. Meet me tomorrow at the old hideout @ 3.


Now it's time to wait to see if anyone is going to show up.