
Chapter 6 I love you

"I'm tell you it's all true." Uki stated as he countered the enemies banki and used his own."Her siblings told me that she liked me."

"Is that true?" Darkprincess asked as she looked around for more enemies."Because if it is shouldn't you make your move now?"

"No can do professor. In the dating sims you always wait until a special day tell the person you love them." Uki said as he confronted the boss and Darkprincess followed him.

"Are you seriously still going doing what they do in the dating sims!" Darkprincess yelled as she took down the boss.

"What's so wrong about that?" Uki asked as they waited for their next mission.

"What if someone tells her that he loves her and you lose your chance that day." Darkprincess said as they found a mission."Ask her out Monday when you go back to work. If that's the only advice you ever take from me I promise you won't regret it."

"I'll think about it." Uki said as they deafected the boss and Uki said he was going to bed and he logged off.

The next day Uki rushed to his computer hoping that Darkprincess was online. He saw that see was and joined her lobby.

"Hey I think I'll take your advice and tell her I love her tomorrow!" Uki shouted as he joined her party.

"Did you have another dream like the one with the How To? Because I think that's the only reason you would change your mind." Darkprincess said as she picked a mission for them.

"You know me too well. I did have a dream do you want to hear it?" Uki asked as they started the mission.

"Don't tell me all of it just get to the point this time." Darkprincess commanded as they ran into thier first opponents.

"Well basically what you said happened in my dream. Someone told her that he loved her and she accepted his proposal." Uki mumbled as he took down two opponents.

"Wow you always have the strangest dreams about her don't you." Darkprincess said sounding annoyed as she took down three enemies.

"I'm sorry I can't help it that my dreams are so weird!" Uki shouted as he tried to take on the boss.

"Did you throw away those dating sims like you did the how to?" Darkprincess asked as she revived Uki after the boss took him down.

"I sure did as soon as I woke up." Uki said as Darkprincess revived him.

"Is that why your on early in the morning? Did you just want to tell me that?" Darkprincess asked as she charged the boss and attempted to take him out.

"Yes but please give me your advice on something." Uki begged as he made his character worship hers.

"What do you need help with this time and more importantly will you actually do what I tell you?" Darkprincess questioned as she barely killed the boss.

"Yes I'll do whatever you say. Just please give me your advice." Uki begged as he picked the next mission.

"What's your problem?" Darkprincess asked as the mission loaded.

"When should I tell her I love her and how should I do that?" Uki asked as they approached their target.

"I think you should tell her sometime at work and how you do that is up to you." Darkprincess said as she killed thier target.

"So your saying I should just do it how I want to do it." Uki stated as Darkprincess picked a new mission.

"Basically that's what I'm saying." Darkprincess said as they finished the mission.

"Well I better go to be now because I have a big day tomorrow." Uki said as he logged off and went to bed.

That night Uki couldn't sleep and he tossed and turned until three in the morning when he finally fell asleep.


"I finally woke up on time for once!" Uki exclaimed as he looked at his clock and laid back in bed for five more minutes.


"No I slept for twenty minutes and not five!" Uki screamed as he rushed and put his suite on and rushed out of his apartment and stopped right in front of it."That's strange I could've swore I had my suitcase with me. No I forgot it!"

Uki rushed back into his apartment and grabbed his suitcase and sprinted to the train station.

"For some reason this feel gravely familiar!" He exclaimed in his head as he barely made it to the station on time and saw Lucy waiting for him.

"You finally made it, I thought you was sick but then I remembered it was Monday." Lucy giggled as her and Uki found a seat.

"I actually woke up on time today but I went back to sleep after looking at my clock." Uki said with disappointment as Lucy laughed.

"I'm sorry but it's just funny to me for some reason." Lucy laughed as the train started to move.

"They only time I was ever this late was on the first day because I was nervous." Uki said as the train continued to move.

"Does that mean your nervous about something today?" Lucy asked as took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah but, I think I'm more nervous about today." Uki stated as he watched Lucy rub her eyes and put her glasses back on.

"I would ask but I don't want to make you more nervous about it." Lucy said as thier train stopped.

"Thank you." Uki said as they walked out of the train.

"Oh I have to leave early today so you'll have to walk home without me today." Lucy mumbled as the walked to the office building.

"Oh okay." Uki said as they walked into thier office building."Why do you have to leave early?"

"I have to take Mary to the dentist because our moms out of town this week." Lucy said as the entered the elevator.

"Oh. Do you have to pick her up from day care?" Uki asked as the walked to thier desks.

"Yes. But the daycare isn't far from the hospital so that a good thing." Lucy said as they sat down.

"I guess I'm telling her at lunch time then." Uki said nervously to himself as they sat down.

"It's time to start working!"

Uki worked and kept on thinking to himself.

"Can I really do this? The good thing about this is i didn't sound nervous when I was talking to her. I know if i don't do it today I'll never do it."

"Alright everyone it's lunch time."

"Do you want to eat at that on restaurant again Lucy?" Uki asked her as he leaned in his chair.

"No, I made us lunch." Lucy said smiling as she brought out thier lunch and they walked to the employees eating area.

"Wow this is great!" Uki exclaimed as he ate her homemade burger and forgot about telling her that he loved her.

"I'm glad you like it." Lucy said smiling as she ate hers.

"Do you siblings always eat is good food all the time?" Uki asked as he continued to eat.

"Yes but sometimes they don't like the vegetables." Lucy laughed as she continued to hers too.

"I envy them." Uki said with envy as he finished his burger.

"But I can cook for you if you come over again." Lucy said as she finished her burger."Everyone keeps telling me to bring you back."

"Really!" Uki yelled with excitement as everyone in there looked at him.

"Yes. They really like you." Lucy giggled as she drank her coffee.

"Everyone lunch time is over, get back to work!"

Uki and Lucy worked until Lucy got up.

"I'm leaving now." Lucy told Uki as she gathered her stuff.

"Tell Mary I said hi." Uki said as he was working and Lucy left the room and it suddenly came back to Uki.

"No I missed my chance!" He yelled in his mind but then a strange thought came back to him.

"Now remember if she walks away persue her until you find her and tell her that you love her!"

"Thank you How To video!" Uki screamed in his head as he got up and ran out of the room.

Uki ran out of the room and looked around but Lucy wasn't there. He looked at the elevator and saw that someone was in it so he decided he would run down the stair and he ran down he tripped and twisted his ankle and the fall made his head bleed. He sat there for a few minutes before he went limping out the stairs area and out into the street. He looked for her but didn't see her, he decided to run/limp to the train station to see if he could get there before it left.

Uki ran and limp most of the way and finally saw Lucy who was about to get on the train.

"WAIT!" Uki screamed at Lucy who was about to get on the train but stopped and looked back and saw Uki standing there with blood coming down his face.

"Uki are you okay?" Lucy stuttered as she ran to Uki.

"I'm fine but I'm more nervous now than I've ever been." Uki said as Lucy looked at him with confusion.

"Lucy I Love You!"

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