
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Quidditch training

Jordan had a surprise in store for Cain. He walked into the room, an old broom in hand. It was a battered, well-loved broomstick named Starpiece III, and Jordan was excited to share it with his son.

"Cain, I've got something for you," Jordan said, presenting the broom to the young boy.

Cain's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, a broom! Its time for me learn how to ride it, Dad?"

Unknowly Cain became more and more like children maybe it side effect born of without memory of past life or maybe its because Information center doing his job... no one know

Jordan's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "You're going to learn to play Quidditch, the wizarding sport I told you about. But first, let me explain the positions and roles in Quidditch."

Cain nodded eagerly, and the father-son duo settled into an engaging conversation.

"Quidditch has seven players on each team, and each has a specific role," Jordan began. "The Chasers score goals with the Quaffle, and they're fast flyers and great at aiming. The Keeper guards the three goalposts and tries to stop the Quaffle from going through. Beaters use bats to keep the Bludgers away from their teammates. They're the defenders of the team. And finally, the Seeker's job is to catch the Golden Snitch. It's a tiny, fast, and hard-to-spot ball that's worth a lot of points and ends the game."

Excitement brimming, they made their way to the field. When they arrived at the field, Cain was amazed by the vastness of the open space. The field was perfect for learning and practicing.

With that, Jordan began teaching Cain the basics of broom riding. He demonstrated, saying, "First, to make the broom rise, say 'up' and gently lift it off the ground. It should land in your hand. Now, it's your turn."

Cain followed his father's instructions, and to his surprise, he succeeded on his first try. Jordan beamed with pride. "Cain, you're a natural. I knew you'd be a genius at this."

"Alright, Cain, let's start with the basics. Watch closely. I'll show you how to get on the broom and keep your balance. It's important for a smooth ride" said Jordan with a wide grin on his face as ride his broom.

Cain watched his dad in awe as he gracefully mounted his broom and demonstrated perfect balance.

Looking at Jordan flying, Cain thought " that look tricky but why do i feel i can do it?"

"Its not easy for beginner, but you'll get the hang of it. Go ahead, give it a shot" Jordan said to Cain as an encouragement

With determination, Cain cautiously mounted his broom, to his surprise his broom was balance and he can even fly to a certain degree in air.

As they continued, Jordan led Cain through a series of exercises.

"Next, we'll practice going up and down. Try to control your height and stay steady" enthusiastic Jordan said

Cain started gaining confidence as he moved up and down, gradually getting the hang of maneuvering in the air.

" I'm getting it! Look, Dad!" Said Cain excitedly

"That's it, Cain! You're doing great!" Replied Jordan as he proud his son are genius same like him, then Jordan continue talking "Now, we proceed to something challenging. We'll work on dodging Bludgers. They're these enchanted balls that try to hit players" Jordan then conjured up a few Bludgers that flying around them menacingly.

"Cain if you want to avoid bludgers, you need to use zigzags, dives, and sharp turns to dodge them and also Keep an eye on their movement."

"Alright dad" replied Cain

Cain did his best to avoid the Bludgers, mimicking all movements that his dad said before and learning how to stay clear of the fast-flying balls.

"Well its quite fun avoiding bludgers, its like playing chess, i just need to predict where its going to hit me and avoid it.. that all, thought Cain

Jordan smiling while looking how easy Cain avoid all bludger coming toward him, while those ball are not same standard as the tournament ball, it still amazing that 5 years old kid can avoid them easily. "Okay Cain, get down here" said Jordan as he wave his wand to stop all bludgers.

"Okay dad" Cain slowly got down to the field

"Now, let's talk about scoring. The Quaffle is the ball you need to throw through the goal hoops to score points." Jordan pointed to the goal hoops at either end of the field. " I'll show you how to aim and throw it. Pay attention to my stance and the right moment to make your throw" said Jordan as he throw the blow toward the goal, to Cain surprise the ball don't go straight but it swing to the left and enter the goal.

"Now that impressive" muttered Cain, but Jordan heard what Cain said, so he just smile as he proud for what he has done.

Cain watched his father demonstrate, and then he tried to score a few times, gradually improving his aim with practice. While its does enter the goal.. but ball that Cain throw are so slow that if there a keeper.. the ball surely get caught.

Determined Cain shout to his dad with a burning passion "I'm going to get this, Dad! Watch me!"

Jordan encouraging Cain as he replied" I'm watching, and you're doing great!" Jordan then continue talking "Great progress, Cain. Now, for an exciting part, catching the Golden Snitch. It's small, fast, and challenging to spot."

"Keep your eyes sharp and your reflexes quicker. Follow its movements." Jordan advising Cain for what he need to do.

Cain tracked the Golden Snitch, learning how to spot and chase the elusive ball.

" I'm going to catch that Snitch" said Cain as he almost fall when trying to catch the snitch

Cain keep flying in the sky trying to catch it but to no surprise, Cain don't found the snitch at all. Jordan just smile and say to Cain. "Finally, let's learn the role of a Keeper. Your job is to protect the goalposts, for you knowledge your dad here is number keeper in whole Europe"

Jordan then demonstrated how to position himself and make saves as a Keeper.

"Cain throw those ball at me" said Jordan as he stand infront the goal. Without talking much, Cain throw ball straight toward Jordan, but Jordan just catch it easily. They repeat the process many time until Cain is to tired to throw ball.

"Huh huh so, all this time my dad can just avoid or stop anything throw at him, but he just receive them? Huh huh, what an maniac" though Cain.

As they practiced in the field, Cain's enthusiasm for Quidditch grew with each passing moment. The dream of becoming a skilled Quidditch player started to take root in his heart.

 "To be honest, i hope my life will be continue like this" muttered Cain as he lie down on the grass and then fall asleep.


To be continue