
Why I hate Middle Class Women

"I endured this pain day after day, drowned in the ocean of tears that weren't allowed to leave my eyes. I held on for long, but they didn't love to see that, they stepped upon my head, content to watch me drown in the emotional mess they caused." Seven relationships and all were doomed from the start. The same issues and the same outcome, all the girls he loved left him, cheated on him, stabbed him in the back. Was he hexed? Was he really the problem? Why did they never last? Chang Wu didn't know. All he knew was that, they were breaking his heart to smaller pieces every time they walked out of his life because he couldn't 'afford' them. He'd tried everything to the extent everyone called him a simp for women who wouldn't even do half of what he'd done for them. 'Why were all middle class women the same?' Why hadn't he met one that wouldn't push the burden of financial responsibilities on his shoulders. The more he thought of it, the more he bore hate, until he decided to give up on them, and aim for something higher.  Dating a rich woman was his next step. As impossible as it sounded and difficult to achieve, he thought the woman on the magazine cover that caught his attention would actually love him, not because of money because she already had that. There were problems, he had to live falsely to catch her eye and watch out for potential threats to avoid the truth from getting exposed, but how long would he pretend to be the opposite of what he truly was? How long would he lie? How long would he continue to live in fear? And most importantly, how would he put an end to the facade without getting his dream woman hurt?

SofarLunar · Urban
Not enough ratings
152 Chs

Trial relationship Part IV

Wu stood in front of the biggest shopping mall that cut through the aerial sky, casting its shadow unto the earth. The ceiling domed higher than any cathedral and it was made of the most beautiful glass "So this is Zao Nix mall" He said in awe.

He heard things in the store were expensive, and only those with a lot of money could buy a thing or two. People like him just settled for neighborhood convenience stores. They were cheaper, and somewhat less frustrating, but everything still split the rich from the poor in the end.

The walkways flowed like tributaries to the main rivers of people, not a sharp angle to be seen. The polished floor shone like the surface of a lake at sunrise, and In the background, the gentle flowing notes of the music took the shopper's cares far away.

Once Wu spotted Hyuna stores, a luxury boutique lined up with other shops. A sigh of relief unconsciously escaped his cupid lips. A few foreigners ambled past with their distinct accents drifting through his ears.

He stepped into the shop, holding his hands out to the petals raining down from the clear ceiling. They were virtual, of course they were, but he never expected them.

He spotted his date examining colourful figurines created from Murano glass and the patterned shirts on them.

"Miss Qin!" 

The woman shrieked at the unexpected call, and she quickly turned to the direction of the voice. Once Wu got closer, he got his ear pulled by his annoyed date "Don't blow my cover" She cautioned and he nodded "I won't say your name out loud again." 

"Good" She picked up her bag, and the two walked out of the store.


"What were you doing there?" 

"Checking some brands. That's all." 

"So where are we going?"

"We're taking a walk." 

"Hm. If so, can I hold your hand?" 


Wu sighed as she hastened away from him. 

He caught up, and he decided to pose his questions.

"So tell me, miss Qin what exactly is this?" 

"A date. I haven't told you this yet, but I want you to be my trial boyfriend." 

"Trial boyfriend?" 


"Why not Fu Hong? Why someone like me?"

"You are rich, aren't you? My mom will give you a pass for that." 

"You're doing this to satisfy your mother and not because you're interested in having an official relationship?" 

"I'm keen on a good love life. I won't deny that. And I also won't deny that my mother was the major push I needed to take this step. As for Fu Hong, I'm supposed to get married to him." 

Wu stopped in his tracks "I'm sorry what?! You're engaged?"

"Somehow," She said. "You really look surprised."

"Yes. I thought he was an ex boyfriend." 

"No. He's not. Well, things are complicated." 

"So from what I understand, you want me to take over Mr Fu's place?" 

"Yes. Are you interested?" 

This was his chance "Very!" 

"Okay then." 

"I think a beach is close by. How about we find a place to sit and watch the waves?" Wu suggested because he didn't expect them to be walking forever. 

The primrose sand of the beach stretched out alongside the water, and the cold onshore breeze blew right through Lijuan's dress and she bowed her head to one side, closing lashes weighed down with mascara to keep out the salty sting.

"I knew I shouldn't have taken off my glasses," She blamed herself for the discomfort. 

"Let's go sit over there" She pointed at a close hut where they could talk and watch the waves, but Wu had other plans. 

"I'll be back" He led Lijuan to the hut before he excused himself. He noticed an ice cream parlour along the way, just what he needed for the torrid heat of the noonday.

The array didn't have just all the flavours, it also had all the combinations, and he knew they didn't come cheap.

He walked out with Vanilla Maraschino cherry on a waffle cone, and chocolate yoghurt for his lady.


A few minutes into the sun, the ice cream had begun to melt.

"I'm back, " 

"You take ice cream?"

Wu nodded and handed her a plastic cup "Sugar intolerant?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't take too much sugar."

"Are you scared of getting fat?" 

"That's part of the reasons. I'm also too old for that."

Wu chuckled, "You sound like you're forty. It's not bad to taste this once in a while" He poured her a cup full of the yoghurt.

"Are you trying to tempt me? If so, It's working. I had a thing for chocolate yoghurt when I was younger." 

"You haven't aged much Miss Qin, but you talk a lot like it" 

She drank the yoghurt, and a smile made her way to her lips "It's so sweet. This Is bad, but I can't stop. Maybe one more..." She thought she could stop at one, but she ended up taking it all.

Wu felt fulfilled, but she felt bad. He expected her to be happy, but her expression hinted her sadness.

"Did you not like it?" 

"I did. That's why I'm not happy" Wu was confused, but a side of him found her attitude to be very cute.

Wu got up, stretched out both arms and legs to look like a starfish, his grin growing slowly into a broad smile. He took off his shoes then held his hand out "Permission to hold your hand?" 



"Fine. Just this once." 

Wu took hold of her hand after she finally gave a positive reply to it. 

"Let's walk around the beach and get to know each other better" 

"Okay" She said as she took off her sandals, and her bare feet came in contact with the damp sand. She spent a few seconds wiggling her toes to feel the softness of the deep bronze ground.

They got closer to the water, and she pulled up her dress a little as the cool water lapped at her feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. 

"Feels good, doesn't it?" 

"Yeah, it does" She couldn't help but smile.

"Tell me about yourself, Mr Chang"

"What do you want to know?" They both walked elsewhere, following the roaring waves ahead.

"Every detail"

"In return, I want to know more things I can't find out on the internet."

"Well, that depends." 

Chang Wu sighed "Well there's not much to know about me. I'm a twenty-four-year-old guy who lives an undercover life." 

"Undercover life. You don't like the spotlight?" 

"I don't really fancy the paparazzi invading my privacy. I mean, if not for them, I'd have a chance to look at your face without the scarf getting in the way." 

"I see. Where did you school? Did you grow up here?" 

"Yeah, I grew up here, but I spent five years attending college abroad." 


Wu paused for a second as his mind circulated what lie to tell next "Avard University" 

"You got an admission there? That must've been very hard."

"No, not really. I had my highschool's recommendation, I was always at the top of my class, and I passed the entrance exam." 

"Your family?" She asked, but Wu didn't know how to respond to that.

"What's wrong?" Lijuan couldn't understand why he suddenly went silent.

"I don't want to talk about it." 

"I understand that there are some things you'd want to keep to yourself."

"I'm sorry. I'm supposed to tell—"

"Don't worry. I hope one day I get to see them."

Chang Wu would never allow that to happen. Over his dead body he would.

"What do you do for a living?"

"Well, I just finished my masters and I'm yet to take over my Father's business." 

"Why the delay?"

"I need to be ready because it won't be all that easy especially when I have no experience." 

"Okay. That's fine." 

"Hey, there's something I wanted to ask…"

"What is it?" 

"You didn't ask why I was in Darba. Someone like me isn't supposed to be there, right? Isn't that what you thought the moment I returned your wallet?"

"Not really. I was there too. The bartender already explained, and I confirmed those rumors to be true."

"Rumours?" 'what the hell did Xin tell her?' Wu wondered.

"You find comfort amongst lower-class people right?"


"So your tense attitude of yesterday was somewhat understandable. You remind me of a character from an old book I read back in literature club. A young man was shy around a rich woman, but when he was with a maid, he acted more like himself. After remembering that, I gave you another chance and today, this date is the longest I've had." 

Wu guessed why. He could only imagine how many men she'd walked out on, himself included.

"Fu Hong never really cared about things like this. To him, I'm just an object to get more wealth and boost his popularity." 

"Did you love him?"

"I was obsessed, but I ended up getting depressed." 

"I think I understand why you don't want to be with him. He sounds terrible." 

"He's an awful person, but my mom fails to see it." 

"Why don't you expose him for who he truly is?"

"He's brainwashed too many people. I'd look like nothing but a fool. Other than that, he can buy the media and ruin my family's business. This is all I can do. Not get married to him and save myself from his bondage." Wu's grip tightened around her hand.

"I should thank you for this opportunity. This seemed quite impossible. I'm glad I gave you back your wallet. Without that you wouldn't even know I existed." 

"What about you? Did you have someone you loved dearly?" 

"I loved all my girlfriends, but they only wanted my money" 

"A lot of rich men I know complain about that. They call them gold diggers, if i'm not mistaken." 

Wu was only pretending to be in her class for the time being. To him, girls like that always preyed on men, whether rich or poor, as long as they squeezed something out of him.

"Yeah, so I think I have nine lives. I'm so close to giving up on love and women." 

"They must've hurt you that much."

"Words can't explain it." 

"I've never had a conversation like this with a man other than my father before. It's nice" 

"I'm glad I made you enjoy your afternoon." 

"This sounds like a goodbye" she didn't want to admit it, but she wanted the date to continue. It seemed like Wu must be really busy at home or something.

"Yeah, I don't want it to end, but it's getting late. Maybe we'll watch the sunset some other time. What about another date? What do you say about that?" 

"I'll be busy this week. The company calls."

"Oh" Wu frowned "I understand." 

"I guess this is goodbye" She withdrew her hand from Wu's and he slowly clenched his, pressing his lips into a thin line. 

"Yeah... wait!" 

She was about to leave when he called her back "Can I get your private number?"


"No." She turned away and Wu sighed.

"Goodbye" He waved before shoving his hands into his pocket. He observed her back view while he could still see her and he spoke "Damn, she's got a big a$$" He bit his lip.

His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out from his pocket. He found out it was a new notification, and it was also a text from Miss Qin.

Miss Qin: +0 XXX-123-00X, that's my private number. Feel free to text me whenever you can.

"Thanks" He sent his text along with a purple heart emoji before she disconnected.

Wu raised his fist to the sky, "Achievement unlocked. Successful date with a rich woman!"


Updates might slow down because I'm presently writing exams. It might go back to daily updates by next week. Make sure to leave a comment and vote too. The fact no one is bringing up the book title makes me feel safe for now. I'm sure if this book does blow up, I'm in BIG trouble :')

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