
Why here!?! I just started watching this anime!

I just came home from comic con! Man I am beat! Walking home we see (Y/N) wearing his cosplay of kratos from god of war. He has the Leviathan axe holstered on his back while holding the Blades of Chaos. (Y/N):[opening door] Mom i am home as (Y/N) walks in he sees his mom watching T.V Mom: [looks at her son] hi (Y/N) you look tired? did you have fun? (Y/N):[deep breath] because i am Mom. and yes it was fun. where is Star? Mom:[un paused the T.V] she is sleeping you know she sleeps early. (Y/N): damm i must really lost time. [yawns] alright i am heading up stairs to sleep night. Mom:Night (Y/N) heads up stairs into his room and just flops on his face first. with cosplay outfit still on,and the prop blades of Chaos still in hand with the leviathan Axe on holster on his back. (Y/N) closes his eyes falls asleep. I wake up on the ground in a dark alley with the blades of chaos in my hands? and my kratos cosplay gear on? why is the Niflheim chest armor fog is moving? it feels real!?! I get up and walk to the light and see people and demi humans? and a big ass tower! Hold Up WHERE THE HELL AM I!

TheGoon187 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Hestia IS WIFEY!


We are back with (Y/N) as Enia is trying to get his attention

Enia: Y/N. Um Y/N. Y/N!

Y/N:[blinks twice] yes. Sorry I lost the train of thought.

I am not going to tell her that she is an ANIME and I am from ANOTHER WORLD!

Y/N: [clears throat] What was you asked?

Enia: That's ok. I asked if you would want a recommendation letter to join The Hestia Famila. Due to you wanting to join a newer familia. Or one with not a lot of members.

Do I want to join the Hestia Famila? I mean I know Bell is not here yet and if i join as her first member, things will definitely change….

WHO AM I KIDDING OF COURSE I DO! Look, I only watch up to the end of the Lilliruca arc,but I am already on the Hestia train. Like Bell doesn't know what he got in front of him, THE DUDE IS BLIND! Forget about Aiz or any of the other chicks in the anime! Hestia IS WIFEY!

Shit i need to sound cool because if I look cold, I have to be acting like I am HIM. Alright Y/N you watch The Eminence In The Shadow, if Cid can do it I can as well!

Y/N: No Need. Just give me the paperwork and the location of where she is and I will go myself.

Enia: Ok then. Let us continue with the rest of the questions.

30 minutes Later

Enia and Y/N leave the private room after their conversation

Enia: ok Y/N. you are all set, if you join the Hestia Famila you can come back and update your resume on the famila part.

Y/N:Yes. I will, and I thank you for the information on where to find her famila.

(Y/N) extends his hand for a hand shake and Enia accepts it, with that (Y/N) turns to walk away but stops for a moment.

Y/N: Enia one more thing… is there a bathroom i can use?

Enia:yes you keep going straight it's to your left.

(I don't know if there is a bathroom there, but it is my story so who cares ;)

(Y/N) heads to the bathroom and looks around the small bathroom. He locks it and then stops to look at himself in the mirror for the first time since coming to this world.

(Y/N) is wearing the Niflheim chest armor from 2018 God of War, with the Belt of Zeus. with the default kratos forearm armor from 2018 God of War with the Guriden shield. And has Draupnir ring/spear. On his finger,and the boots of Hermes from God of war 3. And of course he has Kratos tattoo.

Holy shit I do look built, damm! And the tattoo that looks awesome! It's not face paint! COOL! And I have Blue eyes! That is awesome! I HAVE RED HAIR! Huh, just like Atreus, at least I am not bald.

And the blades of chaos huh not that heavy as i thought it was, most likely due to my new body. Let me put that back on my back there we go, WHAT ABOUT THE LEAVTHIAN AEX!

And I can hold it with one hand, again most likely due to my new body. Ok let me place it here on the floor. And try to recall it back.

(Y/N) puts his right hand out and… the axe flys back into his hand.

YES! FUCK YEAH! Every GOD of War fan wishes they had the real thing. Screw you Lenny, my dumb ass cousin thinking that i was a muppet with my cosplay now i am the god of war!

Let me sit and think for a minute, oh wait, I have Draipinr ring do i have the spear?

(Y/N) puts his left hand out and the spear appears, he looks at it in awe and then he un summons it.

Ok that answers my question. Huh, I have the boots of Hermes as well? I got to test that but after i am done in the bathroom. Man, my dad and mom did some awesome work. My mom is a fashion designer and my dad is a 3D printer guy D.Y.W that is how I got the Blades, the axe ,the ring and the boots. Yeah my parents are pretty cool. My family, my little sister Star, she is 7 years of age and loves her barbies, princesses and modeling . She wanted to play with me but told me. I told her was going out with my friends. And I did at comic con. But I said we would hang out tomorrow… tomorrow. I might not never see them again. I mean all of this is cool but my friends, my family , all of that is gone. And I am not sure if I can get back to them. Would they even recognize me? Man you do really miss something until it's gone huh.

(Y/N) is sitting on the toilet with his hands on his lap with tears swelling in his eyes. He wipes the tears and stands up .

They wouldn't want me sitting here moping around. They would want me to move on with life.after all my mom and dad always said they are not here forever. Damm 15 years old and already an orphan really living the anime life!

HOLD UP I DON'T LOOK LIKE I AM 15 I LOOK LIKE I AM 25! What did you guys think i was 18 or something? Well you are wrong i am only 15 years old! Who happens to be 6,3 in height! What. My dad is a tall guy. Ok this is not bad i am like a reverse loil. But still! Ok let me calm down and use the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom there was a man with a girl with a big bag backpack on.

Ponytail geek:Ok runt stay here while i use the bathroom!

The girl did respond. All she did was nod her head.

Ponytail geek: To the gods! Who is in there?


The toilet is heard flushing and then the sound of the sink turning on and then off a couple of seconds later and then the door opens.

Lilliruca POV

I see the adventure I am with knocking on the door to the bathroom. Then the door opens and a tall guy walks out with big muscles, red hair and the type of weapons and armor you see on an more experience adventure. Who is that guy?

He walks out and towers over the adventure i am with. He looks at him then at me! Oh no what does he want?

Ponytail geek:[looking up at the man} uh (stammers) sorry thought you were one of my friends.

???: You should be more careful with your words. You never know who you might anger.

Ponytail geek: y-yes you are right haha.

Then the man walks out of the bathroom and the adventure i am with goes in. but then the man stops and looks at me again!

???: Girl.

Lili: Y-yes

The man kneels down in front of me and reaches for something in his back, he takes out a light up crystal?

???: here take it. It is a bifrost. You can sell it for good profit.

I take the bifrost. But why would he give something that valuable to me? He gets up and starts to walk away but i call out to him and he stops for a moment.

Lili: why? Did you give me something that valuable to me? You don't even know me?

???: … because I have no need for it. If you need something like that again, come and find me. My name is Y/N remember that Girl.

Then he starts to walk away.

Lili: Hey! My name is Liliruca not Girl!

He continues to walk away ignoring me?!? But before I walked up to him with the bathroom door opening I quickly put away the biforst. And then the adventure I was with comes out.

Ponytail geek: come on runt time to go to the dungeon.

I nod and we go. But i can't stop thinking about that guy Y/N why did you give me this? Whatever he is, an adventure they are all the same!

Back with the MC!

Holy hell I just met Lilliruca. She is as tiny as I thought she would be. And that ponytail ASS HAT! I would kick his ass if i was not new here.what i can not make a scene yet. First let me get in wifey famila and then I will save her from that beatdown. Although that will not happen until at least Bell gets here, whenever that is. And as for why I gave her the biforst? Because I really don't need it. And I don't know if it works the same as it did in the game. Oh well I got all of the good shit anyway, for now let me find Hestia and hopefully she will accept me.

(Y/N) keeps walking but stops for a minute. And then turns into a alley

Wait a minute, I have the boots of Hermes. This will be good for me to test it out and how fast it is. In the games you could only dash at forward you really had no control over kratos when running. But this isn't a video game, this is real life and now I have the boots! OH YEAH! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!

(Y/N) activates the Boots of Hermes they start to light up the alley and then he runs at breakneck speed!


He was running and running past people all they saw was a golden blur.


Random man: what the hell was that!

A woman with wine in her hand, all the way up in the tower of babel looks down at the city and sees the golden blur.

???:[takes a sip of wine] Interesting.

(Y/N) finally stops because he runs straight through a door somehow still standing up but dazed.

Y/N: note to self need to practice more with tha-

Then he throws up due to how fast he was going but he does not realize who's place he broke into.

And then a short woman with black hair tied into twin-tails with a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, and a pair of white gloves also she is barefooted. Quickly opens her door.


She sees the MC BARFING


She walks up to (Y/N)

Y/N:[looks at her eyes blurred) well i made it to you.

Then he passes out.

1 Hour later

Ugh my head yeah i am never doing that again without more practice.

(Y/N) sits up form the couch he was laying on

Where am i?

Then the short women form before opened the door.

???: oh you are awake, good first of all are you ok?

Y/N:[eyes widens a bit] wifey?!?

???: [confused look on her face] What?

what did you guys thinks should i do more?

TheGoon187creators' thoughts