
our duty

As you would expect the power of a narrarator is quite large as we hold the power to destroy and create we can kill and revive but what can we not do

Of course it is to ruin the plot if we ruin the plot the entire story will fall apart

Oh i was just told that our young main charcters have been born

Let leave this topic to a later date shall we

Let us start with the young master of the eternal flame sect

His father is the grandmaster of one of the most prestigous sects on the northren continent of the cultivation world

He was born surrounded by servents and worshippers

Gosh his going to grow up spoiled isnt he ugh i swear if his going to grow up as one of those trash mcs im going to delete his folder

Anyways shall we fast forward some of this theres nothing intresting in the birth of a prodigy...

"Where am i" thought leon the reborn otaku

"I was just crossing the street and- wait a second i know what going on WHY TRUCK- KUN WHY WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS ESPECIALLY AFTER THE PROMOTION THAT TOOK MONTHS FOR ME TO GET!!!"

As he calmed down he started to take note of his postion and current state

"Well it seems like i was reincarnated as a small child, and a wealthy one at that..."

" guess i should try my best in this current situation " he thought as he slowly fell asleep

Man im bored nothing intresting to watch well lets go to the storm baby the wind gods kid

Lily woke up in a defensive mode


In her past life Lily was one of the top assasins in the world but sadly she has died in combat on one of her missions

Lily slowly calmed down and began to worry

"Oh my gosh what will i do i left my siblings all alone they cant take care of themselves who will take care of them now?!"

Lily is from a more middle aged western world rather then a 21 century world like Leon

Lily soon started to cry from the stress that her new young body could not handle

"Shhhh calm down young lady shhh" said her new nanny

She was born into a high noble family that was highely related to the royal family

Soon more and more maids started gathering near her and started trying to comfort their young lady