
Why do I have a Fortnite system in Naruto

Owen_Defailly · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

chapter 1 - the start of a new world

third person Pov


The Void is where every soul goes to seek oblivion but there's only one soul there that is as bright as a sun Their names may be forgotten but they still have the spark of life so a god was interested in the soul the god is one of storms and shadows and it decides to take the soul and reincarnated for it first entertainment.


soul Pov


 the soul Felt a tug of his being confused in the endless space of the void all It could remember was playing Fortnite before his MPC blew up he must have accidentally left it open for too long in his PC for four too long making it blow up in his face ' I must have been making some wrong mistakes when I accidentally left an MPC like that it did look a little bit broken and I didn't mind it now I had to regret it now somehow I died and I'm looking at the void who is that guy why is he looking at me OK that looks terrifying why is he grinning oh god it makes me feel kind of scared right now.' the god didn't mind the soul panic.

"Welcome to the afterlife my new entertainment of my first soul to be reincarnated to Naruto from dying by MPC from playing Fortnite so I make the Fortnite system the system is properly made just for you oh yeah whatever you do don't die that quick my entertainment is all about fun if you die quick I will obliterate your soul oh before I sent you to this world do you have anything to say," he said with a marvelous smile that you will see from the being that likes to see human suffering. 


"yes," said the soul who is scared out is with.


"Good because I don't give a damn," said the god the Glennt in his eyes made me afraid to ask what he said next " And your skin will be one of the Fortnite skin," he said with a smile " and my name is shadowstorm hope you live long enough so goodbye and see you in the next afterlife "and everything went black.


third person Pov


Back in the void where the Soul stays again, there is a light that looks like a computer the words in the light say System the soul Look at the system and it says


System [please spin for the Fortnite skin the skin that you'll be choosing with the skin going to also be permanent if there are any side effects you gotta help yourself and try to cure their side effects please spin now.]


There's a button that says spin he touches the button and the names start to appear one by one all the skins of Fortnite that are in their one stair even the past ones are go and go until it reaches the final skin. 


System[ you have a gotten the dark sanctum skin. ]


System[ This skin allows you to have life still is productive to taking chakra from other people that you damage A disk and allows you to have night vision and also it lets you spot enemies far away in long distances the side effects of this is that you are a vampire in the light is kind of damaging to you but the longer you stay in the sun the longer your resistance will be built but it may hurt a lot the longer you stay but the better resistance you get. ]

System[ furthermore your gift pack is going to be sent to the next world please open it when you see the world have a good time don't die.]


From that light starts to bloom all over and the soul is teleported to the world of Naruto the distant world of shinobi, bounty hunters, and crazy power-hungry peacemakers, with a literal rabbit goddess behind them.


soul(dark sanctum) Pov

Waking up in an orphanage of a 4-year child in a body gave me a headache from the memory of the body once the headache died down I knew my name was Chizuki Amara.


 I looked at what village am I in from the Elemental nation when I saw the Hokage's faces in the mountain I knew that I was in Konoha the one place where people get manipulated by the third Hokage Saratoga Horizon talking about the will of Fire think that I regret everything on how I was born somewhere with a lot of manipulated it's so much that the people in this Village are hypocrites.

while I was thinking a kid tapped my shoulders on the wrist asking me if I was okay I said yes and he went back to his thing now I thinking about where should he go and whether should he escape now or learn something from this Village like chakra and then leave. 


now there could be a downfall for this like Shinobi will track me down and try to kill me secondly how am I going to deal with types of Shinobi that are literally anbu and for the Hokage of himself won't even acknowledge me if I'm still here and if I try to leave they could try to kill me so I have to find a way to leave without actually being a real ninja and finally be a Bounty Hunter I do not want to get involved in this okay may be a little bit

I look up in the sky and say system open the system appears and says.


system [ The host skin repertoire host is too young to act to get his gift packs host must be at the age where kids are Shinobi's host chakra it's not countable. Still, the host could take a gift pack now this gift pack is God's gift pack please choose now which one would you choose. ]

as the system says that a golden line appears four circler Emily appears 

system [ The Emily of Zeus, the Amulet of Hades, the Emily of Cerberus, and Emily of Aries. ]

system [ please pick one. ]

when I saw these I was thinking about which one should I get maybe something overpowering. Still, when I asked to check the items out, the system showed the effect of the items.


system [ Zeus Emily -allows you to control a little bit of lightning helps your agility gives you super strength gives you better vision allows you to control Birds for eyesight with the ability to control a little bit of the winds to and fly. ]

system [ Hades Emily - allows you to steal enemy chakra that you killed and add it to your Reserves for extra regeneration of chakra enables you to use the chains of Hades for better weaponization and slow down the enemies


system [ Cerberus Emily -summon a wolf chakra Beast that could grow with you and allow you to also store chakra in the boating skulls allowing in making you to have better agility you could use the skulls to teleport the skulls are also used to store extra chakra just in case you chakra depletion allowing to gain better chakra or storage for later uses the total number of skulls, once you gain, is three. ]


system [ Aries Emily - allows your weapons to give more damage and to burn the enemy from the inside once it's hit with a bullet once the bullet is hit it could cause flame damage if it is shot directly or if it's even a clutch it allows you to gain slightly fire manipulation it also helps you gain better defense mechanism and also helps you last longer in battle. ]

looking at the items that could help me in the future I restrained myself from touching one of them deciding to choose it later on once that was finished I checked if I could go to the Shinobi School before I did that I should Search and get more information about this Village

because I do not know anything about this Village properly too I don't even know a little bit of information I forgot about Naruto a lot this anime was a little bit old.

but oh well at least I could start knowing what I could do secondly the main protagonist should be Naruto that guy I don't know how people like him there are a lot of problems with that child oh well so I should be almost in the same age as the Naruto character as a kid and the Fortnite guns I wonder which one I could have once I'm at the age.

Once I'm done thinking about my future I move my hand and stand up off my bed once I'm off the bed I walk near the outside door checking if it's day but it is night time so I go back to bed and fall asleep waiting for the next day I hope nothing goes wrong this Village, for now, I stay a little bit longer to learn a few things about this Village before I turn to Bounty Hunter that would make me not involved in all those Shinobi shenanigans.

{thanks, guys for waiting for so long for my book or chapter one to be published sorry I'm not good at long chapters I'll try my best to make a long chapter in chapter 2 thank you I'm going to review Naruto for this so it's going to take me a few months}