
Why Did You Summon Me?

Imagine being forced to live, after death, as incorporeal bodies trapped in a vast space of nothingness for thousands of years, with nothing to do but exchanging past memories with other cohabitants (read: weirdos). Everybody wanted out, but there was no way to leave the Void... Until one day, a young man was finally summoned, as a powerful but reluctant mentor, by a bubbly and motivated but completely naive young girl. Baiyi, finally out of the Void, was the only one who could save all of the other 32 souls from their prison and his summoner might just be The Key to their freedom. However, Baiyi had to use the techniques and abilities the other souls had taught him throughout the years, and together with his own extensive knowledge of anime and game tropes from his shady and dangerous past as an otaku, to face the biggest challenge of them all: training the clumsy young girl he was forced to partner up with… into a competent sorcerer!

Sixteenth Basket of Mantaos · Fantasy
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621 Chs

Gaining Allies Against Expectations

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No one knew if Grant's soul could be saved in the Void by the Voidwalker that was currently asleep. However, it was a fact that the Church had felt the impact of the Voidwalkers' 'sucker punches'. One of the three was not precisely anticipated — not even by the most calculating Voidwalkers.

More bad news came to the Pope's attention, almost causing the man to suffer a cardiac arrest. If he had not received many years of religious training, the man would have already lost his cool and flown into a rage. 

Even if he did lose it, could he be blamed for that? The Church had just lost a fifth of its supplies; its fort, which was not even a day old, had been destroyed; its armories and a good number of its soldiers had been decimated in a lone wolf terrorist's suicide attack. The Church had suffered massive losses. Most of its mercenaries, which its noble allies had hired, were dead, and to add insult to injury, the Church had yet to meet its enemies in a frontal clash!