
Why did the Emperor chose the Empress [BL]

(Very mature content upcoming.) Merai's misfortune began when his childhood friend and the current emperor died without marrying, leaving his 12-year-old younger sick brother as the next emperor. When Merai's line to the royal court was cut off, the people around him changed. A conspiracy was enacted against him to frame him for a crime he did not commit. And the charge was being led by his ex-fiancé and his step-sister. Once a respected general and the only beta commander of the royal army, he was forced to step down and renounce his right. It all seemed doomed for Merai when a miracle happened, making Merai step into a role he did not expect - The Empress. Now married to a 12-year-old kid who looked and acted eerily like his dead best friend and a court who wanted to use Merai for his new position, he would have to step into his new role as soon as he could if he did not want to die. Thankfully, he was a calm, cold-blooded person who did not let anything phase him, right? Everyone was waiting for the revenge to rain cold on Merai's ex-fiance. ____________ 'Fuck! Why did my fiance betray me? Did he finally figure out that the cool-blooded general is a timid omega? Is that why the 12-year-old kid wanted to wed me? To secure himself an alliance?' Merai thought as he was pushed on his back. The familiar shade of Golden eyes, which once belonged to his best friend and now his husband, looked at him with a heated expression. "Brother Merai, you are finally mine, right? I don't have to hold back since you are going to become mine. My wife." The child emperor looked delighted before he nibbled at Merai's neck to mark him. Unfortunately, his fangs were too immature to leave a permanent mark. ____________ Warning - it is BL, has omegaverse, and has age regression. Ratings will change. Hints of a love triangle and a lot of pinning and misunderstandings. It will have a lot of othersXMC, but the main ending will me MCXML.

Holy_mackrel · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
114 Chs

Ch 64: Relaxing bath...

'I…what did I do? How will I be able to look Kerin in the eye again?'

Meria brought his hand up to his face to hide it.

Moving was impossible for him, and his body ached every time he breathed.

Every breath forced another bout of slick out of Meria's body, and something… questionable was mixed with it.

But it all paled compared to the pair of arms pulling Meria back against a toned body.

After a whole year, Meria could see his best friend, but helping that 'best friend' (crush) with their rut and then being marked by them was not in Meria's plans.

"No one can find out about this. I will not be able to live this down, and I-I should first get myself cleaned up."

Meria's mind was all over the place. 

He had been ready to help Kerin, but now that the deed had been done and the result was clear, Meria no longer knew what he could do.

But bathing sounded like a good idea, so Meria decided to do that.