
Why Did I Become a Baby Dragon!?

Entry to WPC #300 After I died, I suddenly reincarnated and became a dying baby dragon. Why did I become a baby dragon? Why!? Ah dammit, I have to survive in today's huge labyrinth and a lot of terrible monsters!

Fallen_Tear · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 : Previous Life.

In his previous life, the soul that was sent to Azure's body was a man whose name was Hanz von Gustav. Hanz von Gustav is a soldier who has been trained very hard in the military field so he is resilient and has a strong determination to fight until the end.

Hanz is a soldier from a country that has had a very great military in its time. Of course, Hanz was part of the military.

Before he died, Hanz was about 28 years old, and he had not married or had a girlfriend. Of course, this is quite unnatural considering Hanz's age is supposed to have a lover. This is because most of his time is spent in the military.

Hanz is a soldier who is very obedient to military regulations and orders from his superiors. At that time, Hanz had the rank of Lieutenant General, and Hanz was also the youngest Lieutenant General in the country's history. Hanz prefers to join the Army rather than the special forces. That's because he can be freer in the Army. Hanz is not

only talented on the battlefield; he is also talented in military strategic planning. He is very talented at using military supplies such as armored vehicles, or tanks so efficiently and effectively that it makes it difficult for the enemy.

Before his death, Hanz was in a hut that was heavily guarded and had a secret location. At that time, he and several others were discussing the enemy troops that continued to attack non-stop.

Hanz is a man with brown hair, and he is always in full military attire. On his chest, visible several military awards given by the leader or his superiors. In the room, several people had a fairly high ranks. They are,

1. Lieutenant General Raimond.

2. Colonel General Manfred.

3. Colonel General Gustav.

4. Brigadier General Rudolf.

Of course, Hanz was one of the top officers present at the meeting. The meeting was said to be at the back and very closely guarded. The five of them, including Hanz, we're currently sitting around a rectangular table.

On the table, a clear map of the territory controlled by their country, and the territory controlled by the enemy country were visible.

"According to reports, the enemy continues to push back our troops," Brigadier General Rudolf started the conversation.

"If we don't retreat soon, our troops will almost certainly be surrounded,"

The Brigadier General said, "The 1,2,3,7,9 Panzer Groups also began to be repulsed by the endless hordes of enemies,"

"Is there a solution to this problem?" Rudolf asked quite seriously.

The other three officers, apart from Hanz, appeared to be fairly old, and they were all wearing glasses because their eyesight was already quite short-sighted due to age.

On the other hand, Hanz seemed to be seriously paying attention to the map as he was trying to find gaps in the enemy's defenses. If only Hanz had found an opening and taken full advantage of it, then Hanz would most likely be able to repulse the enemy. Inside the hut, there were only tables and chairs, nothing else.

The bags from the officers were also not there because it was quite dangerous. Although it has been checked, there is still the possibility of a bomb in one of the bags. Of course, because their country is currently in a state of urgency, sabotage by enemies or partisans is becoming more and more common.

Of course, losing a high-ranking officer would be a crushing blow for a country that was in a state of war. Preventing any risk is something that must be done for now.

The five of them looked seriously at the map. On the map, there were also several miniature tanks, motorbikes, and soldiers. Of course, this is to signify tank troops, motorized and infantry troops.

"What is the condition of the troops on the front lines at the moment?" Hanz asked in a serious tone.

"Many are already too tired. The number of tanks and fighter planes is also limited, and we must be able to use them wisely," Brigadier General Rudolf answered Hanz's question.

Hanz was quite satisfied with the answer. He then immediately leaned back in his chair while continuing to stare at the map.

"I have an idea. How about we apply a pull and installment strategy?" Hanz asked the generals.

"What strategy do you mean, Lieutenant General?" Raimond asked.

"What does it mean?" Manfred and Gustav also asked.

Meanwhile, Rudolf remained silent and watched the meeting.

"We will build defenses, especially dragon teeth, and a lot of mines in the rear, then we will pull our troops behind those defenses," Hanz explained the plan he had in mind. "


course, we will do it repeatedly and will cause as much damage to the enemy as possible,"

"Interesting, but will the resources at our disposal be sufficient to mount such a defense?" Raimond asked Hanz.

Hanz lowered his head slightly, his face quite sour because he had forgotten about it.

"It is true that our resources are limited,"

"That's right, we are short on resources," said Colonel General Manfred.

Of course, Hanz still hadn't run out of ideas, and he planned to continue explaining the plan he had thought up.

"How about we use the strategy of pinning down the enemy troops who are pinning?" Hanz asked all the officers present.

"Hmmmm, interesting plan, sir, but can you explain the details of the plan?" Colonel-General Gustav inquired.

"The plan-" Suddenly,

there was a mysterious explosion in the hut where the high-ranking officers were discussing. It was also confirmed that there were no bombs or anything that could explode around the hut. Of course, Hanz and the rest of the generals were instantly blown away because the center of the explosion was in the center of the table. Hanz died instantly, but the fate of the other officers is still unknown.

Hanz's body can be said to be quite terrifying because it was destroyed by the mysterious explosion. Of course, the soldiers on guard immediately panicked and tried to save their high-ranking officers. But it was of no use to Hanz because he was already dead.

Now Hanz is reincarnated into Azure, a baby dragon, and is about to start his new life.

The tale of a high-ranking military officer reincarnated as a baby dragon has begun.

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