
Why Are We Still Friends?

THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL FRIENDS TO LOVERS BOOK "Why Are We Still Friends?" "I want more than friendship." are the most commonly asked questions in most friends to lovers tropes, and every time I read those kinds of tropes, I feel something in my chest, and my heart, and it's always telling me to tell her what I actually think about her. Still, when I did tell her, I regretted every moment of it. That was the time I realized that not all secrets are worth telling.

TheMetroNovelist · Realistic
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13. Hate To See Your Heart Break

I parked my car in the parking lot of Karah's apartment, got out of my car then went up the stairs, I'm glad that her apartment is only on the second floor so it's no rush. When I reached her apartment door, I knocked on it. I heard someone shout hold on, I'm coming! I waited for 15 to 20 seconds for her to open the door.

"Oh! I didn't expect to see you here, Micah." She said in a surprised manner, I noticed that she was either blushing or just hot from the summer heat. The funny thing is, it got hot when I got rejected. I don't know why. Is God watching me right now?

"Hi, Karah. Can I come in? Something happened between me and Sandy a while ago."

"Really? Something happened between me and Mikayla as well." She said, "Come on in." She added as she moved to the side so I can go in, I guess me and Mikayla got turned down, huh? That was one hell of planning shit on Sunday yet to be friend zoned by ones we had a crush on. Kinda funny when I think of it.

I walked over to Karah's apartment couch. It seems that she just lives here alone without a roommate. I wanna move here. It just looks beautiful. The interior itself is beautiful. The building's exterior design is just pure crap. But looking out of the balcony glass door, the view looks magnificent. I can see the city skylines from here. I can just watch people fall in love from up here. I envy them. I stop looking at the glass door and looked at the black TV screen. I can see my reflection. I feel sorry for myself. I look so pathetic. All those years for nothing.

"Hey," Karah sat as she put two mugs of coffee on the coffee table in front of the couch, "What happened?" She asked me as she moved closer to me. "I'm always here to listen, you know?" She reassures me

"Well, what happened is that, uh. The first thing is that Sandy messaged me to go to the pier we always went to. Like, all of us, our friend group. To look out to the vast blue ocean, right? I probably sound cringy and corny right now but it's true, right?" I say

"Yeah, that's true."

"Then we talked for a couple of minutes, just the both of us there, no other friends with us, just reminiscing about the past and all, then I asked her why are we still friends? Do you get what I mean? It's just that, she told me she wasn't into me, whether it was five years ago, or eight years ago." I said, starting to tear up, "I just wasted my love on someone for eight years just to get this." I added while I wiped my tears and covered my eyes, while doing so, I heard my phone sound, and a notification appeared on the screen.

"Hey, uh, can you look at it? You don't have to open it, just, look at the notification, if it's a message, please read it out loud for me, please?" I ask her.

"Sure, sure," She replied, "Oh, uh. It's a message from Kass. It says here that;"


I'm sorry for a while ago.

I just want us to continue being friends.

To be honest, I've never really had feelings for you. I know I sound like an asshole, but I'm sorry.

It hurts me to see you sad.

I hate to see your heartbreak. I really do, I'm sorry if this hurt you, and I'm sorry if I broke your heart. I'm really sorry.

And that's what she wrote in her messages." Karah said as she finished reading it aloud.

"Thank you, uh. Can I stay here for a while?" I asked Karah.

"Sure, you can! You're always welcome here. My house is your house, Mi casa es su casa." She said, then chuckling at what she said. I chuckled too. "Hey, as I said, I'll always be here. Now, well, this is just a suggestion, but would you mind if I went just cuddled you here? You know. To get that loneliness outta you."

"I wouldn't mind that," I said as I looked at her and smiled, she laid down on the couch and laid down next to her, she wrapped her arms around me, playing with my hair. Who could've thought that this would make you feel safe. I really feel safe in her arms, she's a good friend. She really is.