
CH 35: New Quests

After Hela's speech, the students were excited to start their journeys at Pantheon Academy. The room burst out in cheers of confirmation, effectively giving me a headache.

"Alright, quiet down," Hela said, her smile turning into a frown of annoyance. The class' cacophony of voices lowered in volume until it eventually stopped and the focus was back on the professor. "Now that I've gotten confirmation you all want to stay, I can introduce you to how grading will be done."

Hela turned toward the board and grabbed a piece of chalk. She began to draw a large pyramid split into 4 sections.

"By now, you should all know your rankings. These rankings are not just your entrance exam results but your grade for this academy as well. Your grade is the result of your placement among your peers and we evaluate it through a few subjects."

Next to the pyramid drawing, she listed 4 subjects.

"Strength, Talent, Intuition, and Results. These are the four subjects that will determine your grades," Hela explained, breaking down the evaluation criteria in a clear and concise manner. "Strength encompasses both physical power and the potency of your mana. Talent is measured by your proficiency in wielding mana and your aptitude for martial arts. Intuition is assessed through written tests and your ability to perform under pressure, making wise decisions during battles. And finally, the majority of your grade will be based on Results."

Her words simplified the complex web of assessment, offering a straightforward framework for the students to grasp. The significance of each subject became apparent as Hela elucidated their importance.

"You may possess immense strength, unparalleled talent, or exceptional intellect," she continued, her tone emphasizing the point. "However, none of it holds true value unless it translates into tangible results. Results are the cornerstone of your academic progress here at Pantheon Academy. They speak volumes about your practical abilities, your dedication, and your capacity to apply your knowledge effectively."

The classroom fell into a contemplative silence, the students absorbing the weight of Hela's words. They understood that true growth and success would be measured not by mere potential but by their actual achievements. The pursuit of strength, the cultivation of talent, and the development of intuition—all were essential, but they needed to be validated through tangible results.

Returning her attention to the pyramid diagram, Hela addressed the students once more. "To progress beyond your first year at the academy, there is a crucial requirement that each of you must fulfill," she stated, firmly gripping the chalk and crossing out the bottom quadrant. "You must achieve a rank higher than 750th, or else you will not continue in the program."

The room remained unusually calm, devoid of any visible reaction. This lack of response was not due to indifference but rather because everyone present in the classroom had already achieved a rank within the top 100.

"I am well aware that your current rankings may lull you into a false sense of security," Hela acknowledged, a faint smile reappearing on her face, sending a chill down the students' spines. "However, let me make it clear—your current rankings were determined solely by the duration you lasted in the entrance exam. Your strength, talent, and intuition were not taken into account. This week, however, the rankings will undergo significant changes. Some of you will plummet to rock bottom, while others may maintain or even improve upon their positions."

Her words hung in the air, a palpable sense of uncertainty settling over the classroom. The students understood that the upcoming ranking adjustments would be determined by their true abilities and their performances in various assessments and challenges. The reassurance provided by their current ranks was about to be tested, and each of them would have to rise to the occasion to solidify their place within the elite ranks of Pantheon Academy.

"Now that we have addressed the necessary details," Hela's voice carried across the room, as she left the chalkboard for the podium. "It is time to inform you about your first test," she announced, her tone unwavering. "Commencing from tomorrow and throughout this week, each one of you will be assigned an opponent for a duel."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "It is important to note that these opponents have not been chosen randomly. They have been selected with careful consideration. The intention behind this deliberate selection is to shed light on your weaknesses and areas in need of improvement, enabling you to grow and overcome your limitations in the future."

'My weaknesses, huh?'

I pondered to myself what my shortcomings could be and how another student might shed light on them.

'Emy? Do you think I have any weaknesses?'

[As for any obvious and detrimental weaknesses, I can't find any. But you are still inexperienced in fighting against people and sentient mana beasts like the dragon from the entrance exam. Your adaptability to different opponents is good, so I don't foresee a loss to any of your fellow students in the near future, especially with your new item and the skills you have acquired.]

'You're right. Besides Hageshi and Grandmother, I haven't fought against other people yet. I guess that could be a weakness.'

While I was thinking about my shortcomings, the class was growing excited. They were anticipating the coming week with fervor.

Breaking through the commotion, Hela's voice pierced through, restoring order to the classroom. "That will be all for today, class," she announced. "In preparation for your upcoming duels, training areas are available on floors 90 to 99. I highly recommend utilizing them to sharpen your skills. Class is dismissed."

With Hela's guidance, the students embraced the opportunity to refine their abilities, knowing that the training areas provided a space to hone their techniques and skills. The anticipation and determination within the room remained unabated as they dispersed, eager to embark on their personal journeys of growth and development in preparation for the duels that awaited them.

As the students filed out of the classroom, I also got up to leave.

"Stay for a minute, Kaiser," a stern, womanly voice said from behind me.

I turned around, surprised at Hela's command. We both waited for everyone to leave and she finally spoke.

"Yesterday, during the entrance exam, you fought against a mana beast that could utilize an elemental domain, effectively making it a lot stronger than what the academy deems safe for new students. So I, on behalf of Pantheon Academy, would like to apologize to you for our mistake," Hela said as she bowed in apology.

Sweat formed on my brow seeing the stern woman suddenly lower her head to me. "You don't have to apologize, Professor. It was just a mistake. And besides, it was a good fight. I learned a lot from it."

Hela raised her head and a genuine smile graced her features. "I'm happy you feel that way, Kaiser." Her smile faded. "But the academy still would like to apologize. The exam room we use for the entrance exam can only contain the strength of anything less than S-rank, so there was a chance that our safety measures would fail, meaning we couldn't protect you if anything bad happened."

My eyes widened in surprise. "You mean I could have actually died?"

"Yes. We are very sorry for unnecessarily putting you in danger and it will not happen a second time."

I relaxed and smiled softly. "I understand. Tell the academy I appreciate the apology and thank you professor for apologizing as well." After my words of thanks, my eyes changed to show a firm determination. "But if it does happen again, I won't be powerless to fight against it."

I turned and left the room after saying goodbye, leaving Hela behind in the class alone.

The words of Kaiser and the look in his eyes made Hela curious about him.

'What an interesting boy.'

Later that day, I found myself on the 91st floor, surrounded by a lush indoor grass field teeming with mana beasts. This floor served as a training ground specifically designed for combat against various types of mana beasts in different environments.

I had taken off my robes and replaced them with the training jumpsuit the academy gave us after class today. It was black with white lines tracing around it, making it look like a futuristic piece of clothing.

As the battles ensued, I realized that these creatures were actually summons rather than inhabitants of the Zones around the Mana Realm. The intelligence of the higher-ranked beasts was limited and they only attacked one-dimensionally. Although I couldn't gain experience points from defeating them anymore, I wasn't discouraged.


Suddenly, a thunderous boom shattered the air as a barrage of spells converged upon me. The mana beasts, each a different type I had encountered before, unleashed their attacks with fervor.

"You'll have to do better than that if you want to beat me," I confidently declared, my body suspended several meters above the ground using the spell -Rocket- to maintain my elevated position.

The mana beasts growled and roared in response to my taunt, launching yet another volley of attacks. In a swift display of my mastery over water manipulation, I raised my hands, conjuring a massive sphere of water that encased me, serving as a protective shield.


The onslaught of attacks was effectively blocked by the watery barrier. However, my spell was far from over. Multiple streams of water erupted from the shield, lashing out at each of the beasts, ensnaring them completely. Despite -Vortex Bind- being a proficiency 2 spell, my Mana Control, which was now tier 4, made it effortless to capture anything below A-rank.

The captured mana beasts struggled against their aquatic restraints, their futile attempts to break free showcasing the efficacy of my spell. I surveyed the scene, satisfied with the results.

Over the past few hours, I had been working on new combinations of spells that I hadn't used much before. My most used elements were Fire and Ground, so I solely focused on using Water and Wind.

As the beasts struggled in my binding, I flicked my hand and the water surrounding them started to condense and coalesce into many skinny fish with sharp teeth. -Barracuda Barrage- and -Shark Fin- were by far my favorite spells to use because of their strength and the look of the spell. I could even sever control from them and they would maintain my instructions for a short time.

The barracudas of water chewed through the mana beasts and they burst apart into motes of light, signaling the end of the battle. The particles of light then began to shift and form new shapes. After every stage is completed in the training room, new and stronger mana beasts would form. But this time, unlike the entrance exam, the cap for the summons would be at low-tier A-rank.

This was my third time going through the training, so I was prepared for the new enemies. All around me, around 10 new beasts formed. Two, I recognized as wyverns I had faced before in Silvercrest and the others were different big cats or apes. There was one unique mana beast, however, that was a swirling mass of wind with two bright green eyes hovering in the middle of its body. It resembled a living tornado.

'Haven't seen that one before.'


Another hour later, I was sitting in the empty training room with sweat covering my body. The landscape had changed to a blank white room with luminescent lights, just like the room for the entrance exam. By now, my curiosity had grown into a full-blown fascination with the way all of it worked. Every landscape the room took felt perfectly real and the mana beast's attacks were tangible and powerful.

The training regimen I had set for myself before I had entered the room was now completed and I recuperated my stamina. Using -Mana Leech-, my mana reserves had already recovered a long time ago and now I was just waiting on my body to catch up.

But, my special breathing techniques were interrupted when a buzz came from my wrist. Lifting it up, a screen shown with a message on it.

[Report to the arena tomorrow at midday for your assigned duel.]

Match: Kaiser Raijin vs. Reyla Snow

'Isn't that the person in second?'


[New quests have been distributed, master.]

Name: Kaiser Raijin

Level Up Quest:

[Defeat Reyla Snow in a duel]

Bonus Skill Points Quest:

[Defeat Reyla Snow in a duel without sustaining any injuries]

Item Reward Quest:

[Defeat Reyla Snow in a duel in under 5 minutes]

Random Skill Quest:

[Defeat Reyla Snow in a duel in under 1 minute]

Skill Points: 5


Health: 100%

Stamina: 62%

Mana: 100%

{Skill Trees}

{Skill Store}

I looked at the quests with an annoyed smile. "So you want me to publicly embarrass her…"