
Chapter 70 Yue Linger Is Shocked


Hearing that it was a "very good" part-time job, Yue Linger didn't dare to slack off.

To make a good impression on her future boss, she quickly went back to her room to choose a few outfits and eventually picked a light-colored dress that looked fresh and bright.

A sun hat, the dress, and a pair of transparent sandals were the killer outfit Yue Linger threw together in a very short time.

After repeatedly checking her skin condition and demeanor in the mirror, Yue Linger noticed her lips were a bit dry and not as pink and moist, so she hurried to the kitchen for a big gulp of water.

Yue Ping watched the drama unfold, "Sis, going out to meet a boyfriend?"

Yue Linger glared at him and retorted, "So what if I am?"

Yue Ping dared not make a sound.

Because he knew that no matter how busy his sister was, she could always make time to beat him up.