
Why Am I In a SciFi World?

Daisuki Anna, A Girl whom just wants a peaceful life. Goes to meet her mom after leaving them for their whole life. but, Not everything goes to plan. After going on her mothers office, Someone suddenly covered her face with a towel, Leaving her unable to breathe. But when she woke up, shes in a scifi world. Wait, What? This is the story of a girl whose gone to a SciFi world

Pz15 · Sci-fi
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Chapter 2: What is this place?

After that.... Thing that happened earlier, i was very confused and to be honest, kinda scared

Where am i?

What am i doing here?

Why did someone bring me here?

These questions popped up in my head. Think self! Think! What should i do?

After brooding over this for 30 mins, i cannot and did not think of anything. WHYYY!?

Anyways, i figured i should look for someone first. Oh? You dont know what kinda place am i? Well, same. I dont know where the hell am i. Tons of skyscrapers around, no vegetations at all? Or at least at the place where i am.

I found a note in the table in the room i was in. So i read it

"Help the people"

No name huh? What does this mean though? I brood over it again, but as usual, nothing came to mind. So i just used my original plan and that is looking for someone.

I wandered around,looking for someone. I eventually found not one, but three people.

Uhh can i ask about this place? Where is this?

Huh? Are you lost? Then why dont you come with us? We'll show you the way.

Yeahhh these guys are looking kinda sus, so of course i wouldnt oblige. But.... They arent exactly letting me go either.

Hey come on! Trust us. We're not gonna do anything. We just wanna help you.

Uhhh thank you but I kinda need to go now so please move.

Miss, we are gonna help you. Why do you dont wanna accept our help?

Im sorry but, i really need to go.

Yea i dont want anyone hitting on me especially in this unknown place but they kinda got around me. So i dont know what to do.

Screw this!

So i just ran

Of course they followed me. Wait what? How are they that fast at running?!?!!

Hey! Wait up! We were just trying to help you!

I didnt mind that. All im thinking about is getting away from that place. But they are too fast for me. So i almost lost hope.

I almost got caught. But someone in an alleyway held my hand and pulled me.Follow me! He said. I didnt mind it. considering i was being chased. But i took a good look at the one who is holding my hand, one scrawny boy who looks like a highschooler. He seems so fragile that if i touch him, he would crumble. All that thinking stopped when he pulled me into an abandoned factory.

Shhhh, the boy said

I heard them in the distance. Looks like they were still chasing me.

Phew! Looks like im safe. Then i forgot that boy who saved me

Oh! You scared me! But thanks, i didnt know if i can lose those people.

its fine, this normally happens in this place, it is the slums after all.

Uhhh who are you? I asked

Ohh! Forgot to introduce. Im Bert, i live around here. Whats your name?i havent seen you around here...

Ohh... Im anna, thanks again for helping me.i just wandered around here. Soooo... What place is this?

Wait. You dont know what place is this?

WELL IM SORRY THAT I DIDNT KNOW is what i said in my brain but i only nodded.

He laughed


I got flustered

That was one of my best laughs yet! Oh im sorry for laughting at you, i just pfttt couldnt contain it.... Hahahaha

I smiled

Im sorry im sorry! Hey... Did someone said to you that your smile is kinda creepy?

Well sorry for being creepy!

He laughed again.

Well then, i should tell you where you are right?

I nodded

Hahaha i still dont know how did you come to this place. Anyways this is Alt City

Alt city? I asked

Yea, Alt city. It is called that because the CEO of the megacorporation, Milan, said that this was the alternative to the main city, mildar. And this is the Iort slums, were at the northern part of alt city. This is a big slum, so-

Wait wait wait! This is too much information and my head cant understand a thing!

Hahaha well then, you can talk with my sister to that, she can explain things way easier.

Well then, take me to her.

Whoa whoa! Dont trust someone so easily anna.

Well you saved me, so i owe you one right? And i cant trust anyone here so i have no choice.

And i really have no choice. I dont want old men running at me again.

Fine. Ill take you to her. But dont be surprised.

Sure! Is what ive said, but i havent really expected this to be honest.