
Why am I holding on you

Him - "You took away my first kiss, you have to be responsible for it" Her - "That was my first kiss too Senior. Am I asking you to be responsible?" Him - "Ask me... I am waiting" Her - "Shut up, get away otherwise I will call my brother" Him - "I am sure he will support his friend, atleast for this" Her - "You- BROTHER" Bro - "Yes my lovely sister" Her - "Brother this friend of yours is asking me to be responsible for his first kiss" Bro - "Serene I taught you since we were young that we should be responsible for our deeds" Her - "But that was just an accident, you told me too, that I shouldn't be bother with it!" Bro - "Well I didn't knew it was him" Him - "Love can you stop getting angry" Her - "Who is your love!!" Him - "Except you, no one was, no one is, no one will and no one is allowed to be." Her - "Ahhh... Don't talk to me." (Not a part of story but how the character is designed and how story it would be.) A love story between two college students Serene and Soham. Serene's childhood was messed up because of her struggled childhood with her brothers in orphanage. And Soham's life was too peaceful that it irritates him. There first encounter was not good but the last will be sweetest. There story doesn't have those lots of up and down in relation or life but it do have some spice. This story isn't like FL settings up an empire from scratch or anything related to business or revenge or creating her identity to show to the world (because she already have everything) but a cute love story with some love hate relation initially and then about persuading someone to accept him. This is more or less all about love. How a egoistic man fell in love with her who don't even give a damn about his presence even though they both are each others first kiss. ML hated her for snatching away his first kiss but in span of time, he was the most grateful person in the world for having that moment with her. But he wants her to be around him only... But she didn't even recognized him as a acquaintance in her life, leave, not even a human being relate to her in her life... poor him.... Initially it was love hate and later it was love in the air. Initial chapters will be little fast to show her and her siblings love for each other. Later it will be cute little love story. Hope you will like it. If you can than just try 10 to 15 chapters. Might you like it #I am writing another book too... please check out... OPPOSITES ATTRACT MY LOVE... #English is not my first language. And I can't afford to say it as my second one either, so don't be pissed by it. It is at least bearable. #Cover photo doesn't belong to me.

P_A_S · Urban
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Lesson for her brother

"Get aside!" General manager walked swiftly towards serene with all sweaty face "Good afternoon miss"

"Well very good afternoon to you too, but that assistant-manager doesn't need to know any more anything" Serene said and looked towards the receptionist and continued "You know what to do with them handle him right away with her."

When Receptionist heard how the General manager called her mam, she was shocked and her legs almost gave up but after hearing things will go against her she rages again "Who are you to-"

"Shut up!" General manager was profusely sweating because of these two idiots already; he doesn't want things to be messed up by a bit more even. 

He looked towards the asst-manager who was all stiff by turns of the event "Pack your things and get out of here with your slut. Go to the finance department and settle your salary and no need to work over here ever again, you are also blacklisted from any of our restaurant branch" Without leaving any leverage he asked them to leave immediately.

When the asst-manager got his senses back he knew that he fucked up. He messed up with the wrong person, the girl is no ordinary or nouveau rich with no background but someone very influencing. He immediately bow down towards General manager "Sir please, please I was wrong I shouldn't have said those words please forgive me"

"Are you joking out with me do you even know who you offended right now"

"Who is she?" Receptionist asked unconsciously. 

"She is our third largest shareholder of our restaurant and you dare to offend her. Do you even know what she can do to you?" General manager answered immediately

When receptionist heard him her leg at last gave up and she fell on the ground on her knees "Mam-"

Before she could say anything general manager stopped her and yell "Who is your mam get out of her sight now you both"

Assistant-manager didn't lose his hope and went forward towards serene but Harry stopped him in middle before he could disturb the comfort zone of Serene but Asst manager still didn't stop himself from speaking

"No, no please forgive me this time. I will never dare to do something like this ever again please forgive me, please demote me if you want. It wasn't my fault, this bitch told me that you are some kind of beggar and insulted our restaurant that's why I tried to protect our restaurant's dignity nothing else. Please mam forgive me mam..."

Serene wanted to end this thing as fast as she could. That's why she stopped him in the middle and said "Are you done? Now get out. Do you think I don't know why you are here? Do you think I didn't notice that this Receptionist is your fucking slut?

Do you think I didn't notice how this ill-mannered receptionist got her job and why you precisely, the assistant manager, came down from the top floor to protect her?" She looked towards the receptionist and then manager once and said again

"Now get out of here with your bitch before I put a defamation case on you!"

General manager faced Serene and bow down to show his sincere apology "Sorry mam whatever happened today shouldn't have happened I must apologize for what you faced today" 

"I just hope that it will be the last. It won't happen again! Plus promote Ashish to assistant manager"

"Sure mam"

When Ashish heard those words he was shocked and then only he got to know why Serene asked his name. He bowed down his head immediately in respect "Thank you mam, please let me escort you to your table. Please mention your name." He didn't forget his professionalism.

"Serene, no last name" Serene replied nonchalantly but that's something strange about one people because having no last name means no background but this also shows that she achieved this much by her own hard work and patience.

Henry looked up towards his super woman and said "Sister you were so cool" his eyes were twinkled by seeing how powerful his sister is. He got goosebumps.

When she looked down towards his brother she smiled gently and gave him his first lesson in this cruel world "No Henry. I just did what I should've done. And you know what they are?"

"What sister?" Henry asked expectantly 

"Stand up for yourself only if you are right. Always have what you have earned with your hard work. Never misuse your power for your own benefits. Never looked down on others. Never be ungrateful to those who helped you by anyhow in your life. Never forget your origin". Then she caressed his head

And Harry continued after her "You must learn all this Henry. One must have a good character to achieve his or her bigger dreams. One must never use back hand ways to be successful. Understand?"

Henry nodded like a good boy. He know that her sister has struggled to get them out of that orphanage. He understands how his brother struggled by having him since infants. He will study hard not because of anyone but because for himself. He understands that only then he can make his brother and sister be proud of him too. He can clearly see how much big brother is proud of Sister, same way as how he is also proud to have her as his sister.

Today his sister told him that everything will change from now on... Nothing will remain same for them anymore. They will have power, money, everything they need but one must not forget about his past struggle to achieve this much today. Now the life will change for betterment. We Brothers and sister will go to school. We will have a new world, our small one. We don't need guardian anymore we three are all good enough for each other. We will support each other from own. We are family of three

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