
Why A Tree?: Reincarnated as a tree

Alex Smiths, yeah my name is you know (creative) like that but I just got to live with it (for 17 years that is). But one day walking to home after one of my great blunders. I died a death that at the same time i saw and didn't saw coming and got reincarnated as a ... Tree?! of all things why a tree?! An unknown god giving me a blessing? A Intelligent bird? A game like system? Well this is gonna be one hell of a ride So this is the beginning of my story on a world of sword and magic ... as a tree. or trees? Ok that sounded cringe and generic I don't know what me 4 months ago was doing but for people who want to know what to expect then here: Mc would be a little carefree clever smart and stupid at the same time. Mini trees that are parts of him that will help him The bird would be someone he meets early on. I have no plans on making him op early on nor making him super ultra op that he can one shot gods. A world full of monsters Tension on nations is always as high as snoop dogg I have plans on giving him, a tree a skill tree So if any of that gets you interested then please read

erchi · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Rank Up and Monsterization

Year 1 Month 1 Week 3 (Day 3)

Let's Turn back time a bit ...

It was just another normal Day for Alex. It is already the afternoon and Alex is using his skill bait to try and catch a bird flouting near by.

Just a little more ... Wait no don't ... ok good ... . Alex was focusing on catching birds today because of how fast the feeder skill is making his consumption speed increase he is slowly about to fully consume his food stock so for upmost efficiency he will try to always have to at least have enough for all of his feeding roots to have something to consume, or at least this is his conclusion because of my experimenting I now now that having all roots absorbing nutrients does more good and at almost no bad.

"Tsk, that was the first time a bird escaped from me in a while"

This was true because of his bait skill level increasing coupled with Alex himself getting better at baiting birds that he now rarely let's a bird escape his grasp.

Even though he failed just now. He didn't feel sad or dejected at all because his current status is showing that he has 98 Nutrients meaning that because there is still the afternoon and not even night yet. His first rank will likely Happen today.

Where the heck is Maya she should be here by now. As the sun slowly starting to set and bating the entire forest with golden-orange rays of sunlight. Alex was already staring daggers at his Status because It has Already been at 99 for quite a while now.

Where Is Maya she Is about to miss a very Important life changing moment for me. To Alex this really is life changing comparable to graduating elementary or even maybe getting a job.

And then suddenly the counter went from 99 to 100 and suddenly his surroundings morphed and distorted by a white ray of light.

'Wait this is'.

At first Alex thought he might have been hit by a weird skill meant to kill something like a judgement ray of light that was about to kill before he can get any stronger but Alex quickly realized this isn't the case because of the feeling of power he is receiving.

'I feel like I'm changing and slowly getting stronger' Then suddenly he saw something in front of him.

He tried to look away from it but quickly realizes that it feels like the projection is actually in his eye. And not long before the "projection" slowly gained color and showed what is written within it.

<<Before Continuing You are required to choose one skill or ability from the three choices below>>

And then there it appeared in the panel. Three choices.

<<Learn: Hardening>>

<<Learn: Basic Magic>>

<<Acquire: Random Element Affinity >>

"Three choices ... obviously I would have liked 'Hardening' cause you know it might be useful for my Tree body wink* wink*."

"But on a much more serious note I need to carefully choose one. This decision can even be the difference between life and death. So I need to focus."

And Thus Alex's gamer geekiness awakens.

In his previous life he had always been the type to do no research at all when doing his homework but is willing to commit hours researching what is the best and most efficient upgrade he can do in a game and now this seemingly useless trait has it's time to shine.

On one hand hardening can probably help me have a higher defense and attack power by hardening the edges of my spikes and coupled with tree editing I can "refine" the edges and make it sharper.

On the other hand I could risk it in learning magic. In this world he never truly knew how versatile and effective magic is and how useful it can be to him. Let alone how effective the basic rank of magic is.

His mana seemed to increase due to the rank increase but he is still unsure on how useful magic can be to him but he also has to consider whether he is a Treant that has a natural magic affinity and speaking of affinity he decided that Its best for the long term but he is doubtful whether he can maximize this or even use it all, after all he could die easily and he doesn't have anything to use it on. There might be a chance that this could give him resistance on the affinity he has but this isn't worth it so he is left with a difficult choice between magic and hardening.

You should also note that he is using the mysterious "system" to ask question but it can only give him the most basic and vague knowledge and how it does this is by "teaching" him and it kinda feels like remembering something I forgot.

"So with that I can only hope that the system get's better when I get stronger because It seemed to improve with my rank so I can only hope for now."

Through asking the system he came to know that he can eventually and naturally learn magic and hardening as a Treant but this could speed it up a lot.

"I'm really tempted to just go eenie meenie miney mo" So after agonizing for what felt like hours he made a choice.

Their is also his feelings of magic being cool and hardening is something he could do in his previous life but he can't do magic then so he is really starting to think magic is the best choice.

"I'm choosing magic." Then after "clicking" the panel he suddenly saw the learning magic side of the panel disappear and turn into an orb on which it without warning went straight into his body.

But before Alex can rejoice after receiving the light which he assumed means he received it, he suddenly realized something. It went straight into his body ... into his body.

"What the? I'm in my old body?" He was stunned he just thought that it was just a mental image of his body because he often imagines himself in his old body when thinking.

This time though It was clearer and more vivid but he thought it was just because of him being surrounded by lights and having no distractions. But before he could fully understand what was happening the space squirmed once and made him choose.

<<Before Continuing You are required to choose one power increase from the Four choices below>>

<<Defense>> <<Attack>> <<Speed>> <<Magic>>

<<Note that these are all general increase for example the defense increase increases both magic and physical defense in general etc.>>

Before he could over think he chose magic because he already is learning magic so this will help if it is a general increase then it can increase it's attack speed of casting and other stuff. And then a deep and ominous sound came like a slowed and echoed deep pitch boom.

"T-the light. did I do something wrong" The golden light slowly like ink in water is being tainted by darkness.

"C-one-nnec-tebd" It said the voice sounding both male and female but young and old.

The Magic and Attack panels suddenly shot at me like the Learning magic. And felt them hit me and get absorbed by my body.

After that I can hear a distorted voice calling out to me I can barely make out the voice saying 'A extra reward' and then I heard the voice complain about how rugged and distorted it is before everything slowly disappeared and I felt myself experiencing a sensation similar to waking up and here I am back at my Treant body.

As I was about to try and see what changes happened to me and whether what happened was just a dream I heard Maya calling out to me from the sky.


As looked up I saw Maya get swallowed up by darkness before emerging after a little while and then when I saw Maya to my shock she is now a Bona fide Monster.