
Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

In contemporary Japan, Yuu Tachibana lives a seemingly ordinary life with his beloved family. However, Yuu harbors a secret: he has lived a past life in another world, making his current life his second. Having no one to call family in his previous life, Yuu cherishes his family all the more. One fateful night, Yuu discovers an unidentified phone in his room. The message displayed on its screen is cryptic and foreboding: [Do you want to save your family from their terrible fate?] With a sense of dread, Yuu is faced with a choice: [Yes] or [No]. Yuu must decide if he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Will he choose to save them, or let fate run its course? -------- So, before you jump into the fic, let me address the frustration of some readers, This fic is slow. The Dimensional Chat Group, is not given to the MC in the first or fifth chapter. No, no! Not even in 8 chapter, It decides to make a fashionable entrance in chapter 11. And we don't even get to fully explore it until chapter 15. Isn't that just great? The delay in the chat group's appearance seems to be a point of confusion for many readers. While the chat group is indeed a central aspect of the story, it's important to understand why the MC would use this unknown and potentially dangerous power. If the MC is reckless or unintelligent, the chat group's usage might begin in the first chapter. However, if the MC is depicted as a self-proclaimed genius or cautious individual, the story will reach the point of the chat group's involvement by chapter 3 at the latest, followed by a mission. In the initial 8 to 9 chapters, we get a glimpse into the MC's ordinary existence. He leads a regular life, surrounded by his loving family. He attends school, where he has a small circle of friends. Financially speaking, his family doesn't face any difficulties or hardships. And he is content with this simple, everyday life. Now, you might be wondering, why on earth would a person like our MC take a risk with the Chat Group? Hear me out. He's not some thrill-seeker, or a martial arts enthusiast looking for stronger opponents, nor is he a genius bored out of his mind. He's content with his life, and he doesn't crave anything more. So, why would he put his neck on the line? That's precisely why it takes so long for the Chat Group to enter the picture. The initial chapters focus on showcasing his everyday life with family and friends. It's all about giving you a glimpse into why he wouldn't initially desire the chat group. But, of course, he eventually takes the plunge because he discovers a reason that speaks to him. Now, I know some of you may say, "Hey, couldn't you have summed it up in a single chapter?" Well, sure, I could have, but I didn't want to. Summarizing the MC's relationships and motivations would have resulted in a shallow excuse that you—yes, you—would probably complain about later. Plus, there's more to this story than just his daily life. But enough about that. Let's get one thing straight: this fic is slow. If you're expecting a quick summary with occasional fights and snappy dialogue, do yourself and me a favor by clicking off this fic. You'll find what you're looking for in less than 10 seconds, guaranteed. So, if you're still here after this warning, I don't want to hear any complaints about the story's pace. You've been duly informed. And hey, as you read, try paying a little more attention to uncover the hidden meanings within the dialogues and monologues. Also, I am not saying that I have done a fantastic job on the writing, No that’s not the point of this. The point is that you the reader don’t waste your time reading something you don’t like. And I don’t get 1-star reviews for a reason as petty as ‘The Chat group took too long to appear’ That's all for now. Thank you for reading. https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

To School

"Thank you, I'll go first," Yuu left the house after keeping the lunchbox in his bag as Koharu waved at him.

Just a minute later, heavy footsteps were heard behind Koharu prompting her to look back and see Yuuka, she had now changed into a black off-shoulder top with dark blue jeans.

"Did Yuu leave already?" She asked as it took her longer to dress.

"Yes, We should leave soon or we'll really be late for our classes," Koharu nodded as she saw Yuuka grumble running back to the kitchen while using her phone.


Feeling his phone vibrate Yuu reached into his pocket to take it out.

'Do your best in school or you'll be punished,' He saw it was a message from Yuuka and smiled slightly before sending a reply.

'I'll keep it in mind,' Yuu kept the phone back in his pocket as he continued to make his way towards the school at a normal pace.

'I should be able to make it by 7:55,' Yuu looked at the time and it was 7:35.

"Yuu-kun going to school early?"

"Yes, there is an opening ceremony for new students today," Yuu answered an old woman who lived a few houses away from him.

"Do your best alright," The old lady smiled and Yuu nodded moving ahead.

He greeted a few people in his neighborhood along the way most of them were housewives who were about to go shop for the day or office workers who were leaving for work.

He had a good reputation in the area he lived in and was well-liked around the area.

And just like he thought he was in front of his high school at 7:55 A.M. He saw a lot of students dressed in the same uniform as him entering the school gates with excited smiles with many parents coming to see off their kids who were about to start their high school lives.

'Sobu High Welcomes The new First-Year Students!!' there was a large banner on the right side of the school gates as cherry blossom trees fluttered in the background, along with the joyous atmosphere created by the children and parents taking pictures, the scene was very harmonious.

'There are still 5 minutes left before the ceremony,' Yuu thought as he moved through the somewhat crowded school grounds as the new students were guided to the gymnasium by the student council members and other senior students.

Even with the crowd, Yuu was able to move through the area easily making his way to his classroom inside the school building.

"Looks like everyone else is already in the gymnasium," Yuu muttered as he entered the classroom numbered 2-1, he didn't see any of the students there but the seats were already occupied with bags placed on them.

The classroom had 30 seats arranged in 5 columns and 6 rows, The 1st column being near the door with the 5 being the one near the windows.

Yuu made his way to the seat he wanted to sit in, it was the last seat of the 4th column.

'I should get going quickly,' Yuu left the classroom after he placed his bag on the seat ignoring the textbook that was there.

He quickly made his way to the gymnasium entrance and entered the gate finding himself a seat in the back of the area.

"Is this seat taken?" Yuu asked a female student next to the seat. She was a beautiful teenage girl with average height and a slender build, her long black hair spilled over her shoulders with an ahoge on top of her head laying down flat.

"No, it is empty," The girl looked at Yuu with her piercing large blue eyes,

"Thank you for telling me," Yuu sat down without saying any more than his thanks. He felt the girl's gaze linger on him for a few seconds before she looked ahead again.

Yuu looked ahead at the stage that had a large banner similar to the one outside the school gates, The school faculty sat on the front row a little distance away from the stage with the new first year behind them followed by the second and third-year students.

Half a minute after Yuu sat down a good-looking girl with shoulder-length brown hair worn in a twin braid came up the stage.

She stood in front of the podium and adjusted the microphone before speaking.

"Welcome to Sobu High first years, I am the Student Council President Shiromeguri Meguri," The girl spoke in a cherry way which wasn't a surprise to people as she was just that way. She was a third year currently, she was very well-liked by the students and teachers alike.

'It can get a little annoying even if she is not faking it,' Yuu thought as he heard the small speech from Meguri.

"…..Then I would leave the stage for our principal to impart some of his wisdom on us," Meguri said as an old man in his fifties climbed onto the stage using the stairs and stood in front of the podium. It was the principal of Sobu High School, if it wasn't obvious.

"It is very a joyful feeling to see you younglings eager to start a new chapter of your life with such zeal..." The principal continued to talk or like Meguri previously said, Imparting his wisdom.

'…On how to make people fall asleep faster,' Yuu commented in his head because the principal was going on for 15 minutes straight talking about experience of his in high school and how easy it was for all of the younger generations.

Most of the people would've fallen asleep by now if they didn't try their utmost to stay awake.

Finally, after 20 minutes, it seemed that the principal remembered the time they had left and stopped his hypnotic speech.

"Next, We will have a few words from the freshmen representative," Meguri spoke as a boy stood up from the first year's section going up to the stage.

This guy spoke his piece in 3 minutes like how it is supposed to be done and came down from the stage. After this Meguri introduced the first-year homeroom teachers and told the first-year students to follow their respective homeroom teachers back to the class.

This marked the end of the ceremony as everyone started to leave the gymnasium to go back to their classes.

Yuu naturally stood up from his seat and left, which caused the girl who was sitting next to him to look at him for a bit before she too left her seat.

Yuu walked back at a normal pace going to the washroom first before he went to the water dispenser to have some water.

'It is just about time for the lecture to start,' Yuu looked at the time and it was 8:27 A.M. just three minutes left as he made his way to the classroom.

One could hear the noise of a girl giggling and boys joking around even from outside. However, as Yuu opened the door….

"..." Silence reigned over the classroom as they looked at Yuu.

"Good Morning everyone, the homeroom teacher will be coming shortly," Yuu said as he closed the sliding door. Their homeroom teacher was going to be a tough one so it was normal that they were all tense.

"M-Morning Tachibana-kun,"

"T-Thank you for the heads up,"

Some of the people who had come out of their initial shock and greeted him back, they all settled down quickly, Yuu nodded his head and sat down on his seat as well.

"Morning Miyamura," Yuu greeted the boy sitting to his left near the window, the boy had a slim figure wearing the full school uniform. His shoulder-length black hair fell down hiding his ears fully, he also wore thick-rimmed round glasses.

"Morning Tachibana," Miyamura looked over with his deep blue eyes and spoke with a small smile.

"I'll be in your care this year," Yuu and Miyamura weren't in the same class last year but the two got acquainted late into the first year and became friends from then on. But they were in the same class this year sitting next to each other.

"Same," Miyamura answered as Yuu smiled slightly looking at the person sitting at the desk ahead of Miyamura.

A boy of average build sat on it with medium-short black hair along with an ahoge on top. He had his head down on the desk with his arms folded under his head, he was sleeping or more like pretending to sleep.

"Hey, Hachiman," Yuu called out and he saw him jolt a bit but the boy named Hachiman didn't raise his head and stayed still, like a human playing dead so that the bear walks away losing interest. But too bad for him this bear had his eyes set on him...

"Haaachimaaan~," Yuu drew out his voice like he was the main villain of a horror movie trying to find the protagonist in the climax.


Well, I was thinking of doing daily chapters for the first week only. I'll go back to the planned schedule starting next week.

What do you think?