
Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

In contemporary Japan, Yuu Tachibana lives a seemingly ordinary life with his beloved family. However, Yuu harbors a secret: he has lived a past life in another world, making his current life his second. Having no one to call family in his previous life, Yuu cherishes his family all the more. One fateful night, Yuu discovers an unidentified phone in his room. The message displayed on its screen is cryptic and foreboding: [Do you want to save your family from their terrible fate?] With a sense of dread, Yuu is faced with a choice: [Yes] or [No]. Yuu must decide if he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Will he choose to save them, or let fate run its course? -------- So, before you jump into the fic, let me address the frustration of some readers, This fic is slow. The Dimensional Chat Group, is not given to the MC in the first or fifth chapter. No, no! Not even in 8 chapter, It decides to make a fashionable entrance in chapter 11. And we don't even get to fully explore it until chapter 15. Isn't that just great? The delay in the chat group's appearance seems to be a point of confusion for many readers. While the chat group is indeed a central aspect of the story, it's important to understand why the MC would use this unknown and potentially dangerous power. If the MC is reckless or unintelligent, the chat group's usage might begin in the first chapter. However, if the MC is depicted as a self-proclaimed genius or cautious individual, the story will reach the point of the chat group's involvement by chapter 3 at the latest, followed by a mission. In the initial 8 to 9 chapters, we get a glimpse into the MC's ordinary existence. He leads a regular life, surrounded by his loving family. He attends school, where he has a small circle of friends. Financially speaking, his family doesn't face any difficulties or hardships. And he is content with this simple, everyday life. Now, you might be wondering, why on earth would a person like our MC take a risk with the Chat Group? Hear me out. He's not some thrill-seeker, or a martial arts enthusiast looking for stronger opponents, nor is he a genius bored out of his mind. He's content with his life, and he doesn't crave anything more. So, why would he put his neck on the line? That's precisely why it takes so long for the Chat Group to enter the picture. The initial chapters focus on showcasing his everyday life with family and friends. It's all about giving you a glimpse into why he wouldn't initially desire the chat group. But, of course, he eventually takes the plunge because he discovers a reason that speaks to him. Now, I know some of you may say, "Hey, couldn't you have summed it up in a single chapter?" Well, sure, I could have, but I didn't want to. Summarizing the MC's relationships and motivations would have resulted in a shallow excuse that you—yes, you—would probably complain about later. Plus, there's more to this story than just his daily life. But enough about that. Let's get one thing straight: this fic is slow. If you're expecting a quick summary with occasional fights and snappy dialogue, do yourself and me a favor by clicking off this fic. You'll find what you're looking for in less than 10 seconds, guaranteed. So, if you're still here after this warning, I don't want to hear any complaints about the story's pace. You've been duly informed. And hey, as you read, try paying a little more attention to uncover the hidden meanings within the dialogues and monologues. Also, I am not saying that I have done a fantastic job on the writing, No that’s not the point of this. The point is that you the reader don’t waste your time reading something you don’t like. And I don’t get 1-star reviews for a reason as petty as ‘The Chat group took too long to appear’ That's all for now. Thank you for reading. https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

I Won't Let Anything Happen To You

'No matter what happens to those girls no one is going to care about them,' The man grinned since the girl's father had already sold them to him in exchange for having his debt waived. So no matter what he does to them no one is going to come looking for them because no one was going to file a missing complaint. And above all, he has done such a thing a dozen of times, a fuck ton of times,' The man licked his lips as he saw the hope building in the girl's eyes as they looked at the guy who came in. He wanted to crush that hope so he spoke…

"Work under me kid," The man was impressed by how smart Yuu was given he was able to deduce such things in a short time, he didn't look out of breath so it meant he didn't follow the van rather he was able to figure out their location from a small number of clues he had.

"I refuse," Yuu didn't even give it a second thought, the idea itself was ridiculous.

"Looks like your mother thought you morals kid, but she forgot to teach the about the consequences, You guys fuck him up and bring his family in here after that, I wanna see if you can hold onto your petty morals after what I do to you family," The man ordered as it seemed like things will be getting more fun than initially thought. After Yuu is beaten up he can easily get his address from his ID. And…

'No need to worry about anything else just show them a picture of this guy after he is beaten half-dead and his family will cooperate,' The man smirked as he lit up a cigarette taking in a puff.

"Haha, you got it, boss,"

"Looking at him his mother would surely be a bomb,"

"I hope you let us in as well boss,"

"Whoever knocks him out first can have a go after me," The man smiled as he saw Yuu standing in place as the other guys.

One of the guys reached Yuu and Swung the baseball bat at him.

"Hahaa, Did ya get scared? Puss-"


Yuu punched the bat sending it into the guy's face and breaking the bat on his face along with the guy's chin.


The guy fell flat on the ground eyes opened with only the whites visible. Blood came out of the guy's mouth, his jaw was shattered with his bloodied teeth falling a little distance away from him.

The others guys were rooted to the ground as the scene. Some of them were even trembling as they saw the guy's body spasming on the ground even though he was passed out.

Yuu looked at two terrified women and their faces started to morph. He saw their face turn into the same as his family's, Yuu looked at the wounds on them and turned toward the guys in front of him.

"Which one of you said they wanted in?" Yuu's voice resounded in the empty shrine. But even when he asked there was no response so he opened his mouth again.

"I see, then I will treat it as all of you said that," Yuu spoke as he rushed forward grabbing the face of the one and driving him to the ground.


"Argh*" The guy screamed in pain unable to move as Yuu moved to the next one punching him in the face and breaking his nose as his head bounced off the ground.

"What are you fucker looking around for?" The man raged as the guys broke out of their stunned state Yuu had already laid down five guys unconscious.

'This fucker, there might be some small-time gangsters but most of them are from my father's gang, how is he fucking them up like nothing,' The man gritted his teeth as he saw Yuu break his men's arms and legs with punches and kicks like it was nothing.

"Fuck surround him," One of them shouted as he took a knife from his pocket trying to stab Yuu in the chest. Bats and steel rods weren't working on him at all. They didn't hit for them to deal any damage.

Yuu grabbed the guy's arm and threw him over his shoulder straight into the bricked floor with full force.

"GAH," The guy shouted as his shoulder was broken from the impact but he didn't have the time as Yuu stomped on his foot on the guy's face breaking his cheekbone and jaw, knocking him unconscious

'I should end them quickly,' Yuu saw a few people pulling out the knives as well. He deflected the knife heading for his neck by hitting the attacker's forearm before landing a calf kick breaking the guy's knee joint and punching him in the face making him fall to the ground.

"Fuck, Who is this guy?" The jacked man from before cursed as he saw that only 5 people were remaining and the others were out cold some were still groaning but they had broken bones leaving them useless.

'Ah, yes the gun,' The guy finally remembered he had a gun, reached into his jacket's inner pocket, he looked away from Yuu, and took out his gun with trembling hands. It isn't that he hadn't held a gun before but it was the first time he had to draw it against an unarmed person.

'I have to kill him,' And above all the scary glint in Yuu's eyes made him tremble. Just as the guy looked back wanting to point the gun he saw something appear in front of him.

It wasn't Yuu but rather a baseball bat was thrown by him.


"ARGHHHHHHHHHH, FUCK FUCK," The guy screamed in pain as the bat hit his right shoulder, breaking it along with his collar bone making him drop the gun on the floor.

"UGH motherfucker," The guy groaned in pain as he picked up the gun with his left hand and stood up. But just as he turned to look at where Yuu was previously he was hit in the face making him see two Yuu in front of him.

"Fuck, you're good," The man groaned as no matter how many times he tried to press the trigger he couldn't shoot. Yuu had already stuck his thumb behind the trigger while pointing the gun away from him, it was useless.

"…" Yuu just started at him wordlessly before driving his knee in the man's face over and over and over.


The sound of Yuu's knee crushing the man's face as blood came out of the latter's nose and mouth and his shattered teeth fell down.

"Ugh," The Man was barely conscious as Yuu had already taken away the gun from him holding the guy up by his neck.

"Are…you…Going to kill me?" The man asked barely able to speak. But seeing that Yuu wasn't speaking back he grinned with his bloodied mouth.

"Whether you do or not, You and your family are fucked either way, Haha," The guy laughed as he heard the sound of police sirens.

"…It looks like you weren't taught that being silent can sometimes save your life," Yuu looked into the man's eyes squeezing his broken shoulder.

"ARGHHHHH," The man screamed in pain trying to move away but he couldn't get away from Yuu's grip, he could feel his broken bone driving into the muscles poking at the skin.

"I am not going to kill you," Yuu spoke as let go of the guy making him fall to the ground.

"H-Heh," The guy laughed but as he looked up his face was frozen in fear.

"Death is far too much of a luxury for you, For every breath you take from here on, I'll make you wish you weren't born into this world," Yuu looked the guy dead in the eyes with a cold glint in his eyes as he threw him on the ground.

Yuu walked towards the two girls from before, they were still shaking in fear as Yuu walked towards them.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," Yuu spoke to the two, and it made calmed them. The gentle smile paired with the worried look made them feel like it was all ok.

"Waaahhhh," the younger girl hugged Yuu and cried while the older one sobbed silently as she felt his warm hand on her head. His presence gave them a sense of security they haven't felt.

'I won't let anything happen to my family,' Yuu looked at the two. To Yuu, they still looked like his mother and sister.


120 powerstones to go,