
Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

In contemporary Japan, Yuu Tachibana lives a seemingly ordinary life with his beloved family. However, Yuu harbors a secret: he has lived a past life in another world, making his current life his second. Having no one to call family in his previous life, Yuu cherishes his family all the more. One fateful night, Yuu discovers an unidentified phone in his room. The message displayed on its screen is cryptic and foreboding: [Do you want to save your family from their terrible fate?] With a sense of dread, Yuu is faced with a choice: [Yes] or [No]. Yuu must decide if he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Will he choose to save them, or let fate run its course? -------- So, before you jump into the fic, let me address the frustration of some readers, This fic is slow. The Dimensional Chat Group, is not given to the MC in the first or fifth chapter. No, no! Not even in 8 chapter, It decides to make a fashionable entrance in chapter 11. And we don't even get to fully explore it until chapter 15. Isn't that just great? The delay in the chat group's appearance seems to be a point of confusion for many readers. While the chat group is indeed a central aspect of the story, it's important to understand why the MC would use this unknown and potentially dangerous power. If the MC is reckless or unintelligent, the chat group's usage might begin in the first chapter. However, if the MC is depicted as a self-proclaimed genius or cautious individual, the story will reach the point of the chat group's involvement by chapter 3 at the latest, followed by a mission. In the initial 8 to 9 chapters, we get a glimpse into the MC's ordinary existence. He leads a regular life, surrounded by his loving family. He attends school, where he has a small circle of friends. Financially speaking, his family doesn't face any difficulties or hardships. And he is content with this simple, everyday life. Now, you might be wondering, why on earth would a person like our MC take a risk with the Chat Group? Hear me out. He's not some thrill-seeker, or a martial arts enthusiast looking for stronger opponents, nor is he a genius bored out of his mind. He's content with his life, and he doesn't crave anything more. So, why would he put his neck on the line? That's precisely why it takes so long for the Chat Group to enter the picture. The initial chapters focus on showcasing his everyday life with family and friends. It's all about giving you a glimpse into why he wouldn't initially desire the chat group. But, of course, he eventually takes the plunge because he discovers a reason that speaks to him. Now, I know some of you may say, "Hey, couldn't you have summed it up in a single chapter?" Well, sure, I could have, but I didn't want to. Summarizing the MC's relationships and motivations would have resulted in a shallow excuse that you—yes, you—would probably complain about later. Plus, there's more to this story than just his daily life. But enough about that. Let's get one thing straight: this fic is slow. If you're expecting a quick summary with occasional fights and snappy dialogue, do yourself and me a favor by clicking off this fic. You'll find what you're looking for in less than 10 seconds, guaranteed. So, if you're still here after this warning, I don't want to hear any complaints about the story's pace. You've been duly informed. And hey, as you read, try paying a little more attention to uncover the hidden meanings within the dialogues and monologues. Also, I am not saying that I have done a fantastic job on the writing, No that’s not the point of this. The point is that you the reader don’t waste your time reading something you don’t like. And I don’t get 1-star reviews for a reason as petty as ‘The Chat group took too long to appear’ That's all for now. Thank you for reading. https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

How Did I End Up Here?

"You are better looking than I had heard, maybe I'll pickle your head in a jar as a decoration," Daki grinned and sent three of her obis towards Yuu wanting to capture him.

'Keep the edge straight,' Yuu thought and swung the katana sharply.


Three swings and the three obis were cut, not wasting any more time Yuu started to dash towards Daki who was on the roof of the shop in front of Yuu.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Daki asked as five of her obi went forward to attack Yuu at full speed. She wasn't messing around as she did with Tanjiro in manga even though her hair was black she seemed really focused for an obvious reason.

Seeing them come straight at him Yuu had no choice but to dodge his way through as the Obi struck the roof breaking the tiles.


After dodging the obi's Yuu dashed again jumping over the space between the shops, he has been trying to keep the use of the katana as less as possible right now, that was because…

'As durable as the katana is, the less it is used in a battle the better,' Yuu thought back to what Shizuka had told him when they finished their morning training...

'I doubt you'll ever need to put this to use, but the one thing you should focus on while using a katana is your speed,' Currently Yuu was just 7 feet away from Daki, a little more and he'd be in striking range.


Just then Daki slashed horizontally at Yuu's legs with an obi making him jump in the air to dodge, but it wasn't the end of it as two more obi came to attack his upper body not letting his feet land.

Yuu had no choice but to use the katana to block the obi and…


Use it to push himself back to the ground quickly before another attack comes. Right now Yuu was in striking distance on Daki's right side, he swung the katana towards her neck while thinking.

'This should be enough,' But then he saw Daki smirk and use three of her obis as a whip to attack Yuu.

"Did you really think that would be enough to reach me?"


Even though Yuu was able to Block the Obi slashes, he was launched in the air over the alley, there was tremendous power behind that attack.

Currently, he was in the air upside down his eyes darting around to figure out the place he'd land. He needed to be mindful of many things but…

"You appear to have a lot of time," Daki reached near as he was midair, her hair had turned silver with lime green tips and her status was reflected across her eyes.

'Upper Moon Six'


Daki kicked Yuu with her full power which was blocked timely as he used the katana, but he landed a bit roughly on the roof of a store two alleys away. He nearly fell down the roof but was able to stop himself at the last second by using his hands.

'I should avoid letting that happen again,' Yuu thought as he got into stance again as Daki a little distance away from him again.

Being knocked in the air was something that could be very dangerous since not only can he not respond to the attacks but he also had to worry about how he'll land down without getting too injured to continue.

This time she was swinging around all thirteen of her obis to attack Yuu at the same time.


Dodging, deflecting, and cutting the Obi Yuu was running around the rooftops as Daki was in hot pursuit.

And even though Yuu wasn't hurt the same couldn't be said about the rooftops of the Shops, they were in a sorry state as Daki was showing zero remorse about anything, it was like she didn't care about anything.

"Are you a mute?" Daki kept on talking in between while casing Yuu and attacking him "Or are you going to scream in pain when I cut you apart? Hmm, that sounds quite rewarding."

She had this triumphant smirk on her face while doing all this as she used all thirteen of her obi to slash at Yuu at the roof at the same time so that he has little to no place to plant his foot.

While minimizing the area Yuu could use, she left him no choice but to change locations again, and as he was jumping from one roof to another, another obi shot up from below aiming to slash at him.


Yuu quickly brought the katana down and the blade crashed with the obi creating sparks as Yuu was thrown off the roof of the two-story store landing in the empty alley below.

'No damage, that's good,' Yuu look a quick second to check up on his body and there was nothing wrong with him that could affect things going forward, the katana was also good from what he observed.

"You are quite strong, almost as strong as the Pillars I have faced," Daki spoke from the top of the store, at first she thought Yuu was just a small fry but till now no matter what she tried, he hasn't been hurt and he didn't even look tired.

Some Pillars she had faced would be wounded badly at this point, and here he wasn't even affected.

"But even then you can't do anything to me, You'll die in the end just like them," Daki sat down on the roof's edge with a smirk "How about this, if you become my pet I'll let you live."

Yuu looked at her and for the first time spoke to her.

"You are really an ugly person,"

"What?" Daki was stunned.

"I called your character bad, it is so bad that even your outer appearance can't save it," Yuu explained as Thick veins started to appear on Daki's face and neck.

"You fucking insect, Don't cross the line just because I showed a little interest in you," Daki's face twisted in anger as she launched herself forward from the store's wall breaking into pieces.


In less than an instant she was in front of Yuu wanting to punch him, but she only hit the ground as he backed away easily.

'I don't know where Kocho-san is at this moment,' Yuu thought as he looked at the Obis that were flying at him.

"Stop running around like a rat," Daki screamed angrily as she used her obi, but even then they were either cut or dodged as Yuu kept maintaining his distance.

"Is that the best you can do? Are you really the Upper Six?" Yuu spoke as more veins started to appear on Daki's forehead and neck, she was gritting her teeth in anger.

She was beyond furious right now and shot toward Yuu in a straight line like a bullet.

"Just you fucking wai-BOOOM*" And while she was in the middle of speaking the sound of an explosion came from behind her and before she knew it, her face was heading for the ground.

'My Legs?' Daki felt that her legs were gone and there was a cloud of dust around her from the explosion, she used her hands to stop her body from hitting the ground and regenerated her legs quickly.

"Where is that insect?" Daki gnashed her teeth as she knew it was Yuu's doing, she was about to use her obi to clear away the dust and smoke in the air, but all she saw was a quick flash go past her vision.

'This should be enough to notify her,' Yuu thought and he had thought correctly.

Let's go back in time for a bit.

'How did I end up here?' Kanae thought as she looked around the room she was in.

Nearly fifteen minutes after Yuu left, Kanae was approached by some pimps from the Tokito house, as you can guess she failed at being firm enough, she was swept away by the experienced pimps as they stole her hat running away.

Kanae chased them to get the hat back and ended up in Tokito house, they got her perfectly right where they wanted her.

"Kanata-sama here's your tea," The woman in front of Kanae offered her a cup of tea after refilling it.


Hello again...