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It is said that a man himself never becomes bad.

Rather, it makes his situation and his time bad.

And we humans create such situations unknowingly or intentionally for each other!

This story is on top of one such story.

A small poor man whose name was :- Mohan.

Who lived with his 6 year old son in a rented small house. And was a small worker in a factory.

Who used to work there and feed himself and his son. One day Mohan came to his house at 6:00 pm, he was feeling very sad.

After coming home, he went to the room, in the room his son was lying on the bed.

He had fever. Mohan had also brought fever medicines for his son. His son was sleeping on the bed.

So Mohan lovingly put his hand on his son's head and came out, after some time there came the sound of some utensils falling outside the hall which was heard by Mohan's son and he woke up and he got up from the bed and went out to the hall. Started coming.

When Mohan's son opened the door of his room and outside all I saw that his father Mohan had hanged himself by hanging from the fan. Seeing this, that innocent little 6 year old child could not think of anything, that innocent child hanging from his father. Keep watching.

For some time he kept looking at his father, neither he was crying nor he was smiling.

There were no tears in that innocent eyes. And there was no smile.

He was just calling his father Papa.. Papa.. by doing.

When Mohan's friend from outside came to Mohan's house, he saw that Mohan was hanging from the fan.

Then the man made a ruckus and gathered the whole locality and came to Mohan's house and cut that rope and made Mohan lie down.

But by then Mohan was dead.

That innocent little child was unaware of what life is and what death is, he did not know anything.

But now he had understood one thing that now his father will never talk with him.In this manner 16 years after this accident.

[lesson 1]

[who is that]

One Honest Police Officer ACP Avnish Rana. People used to call him Rana as well. Till date, all the cases he had taken, he had solved all the cases by solving 100% percent.

A lot of medals and a lot of promotions and was a very honest and street police officer.

[Everyone has a family in all of us and family is also the weakness of all of us.

Because we never live for ourselves, we live only for our loved ones.

Be it our parents or our children. Every person has got some reason to live.

And one who does not have a reason to live, does not want to live.

That's why every person needs his loved ones, maybe that's why this is the belongingness...!]

ACP Rana was going to drop his children to school one day.

So Rana gets an emergency call.

Rana drops his children from school and goes straight to the Police Head Quarter.

Taking a team from there, he goes straight to a factory.

Where a man's blood was found.

The man who was murdered was the HR manager of this factory.

When ACP Rana starts his investigation.

He shows the body to the people of the forensic department.

So the people of the department tell that...

This man has been strangled first and then his throat has been stabbed with a sharp object. And very ruthlessly ripped the vein of its neck and pulled it out.

Rana was very surprised to hear this because only a ruthless person can kill someone so ruthlessly, this is what Rana is thinking.

After that ACP Rana interrogates all the people who were in that factory.

After interrogation, Rana tells all the people in the factory there!

No one will leave this city till this case is solved and till then this factory will also be closed

Saying that he seals that factory.

After that all the workers of that factory become unemployed and all those workers start working in other factories.

One of them was Manish, Manish was also a poor boy and used to feed himself only by hard labor.

Manish also goes to another factory and starts working.

On the other hand ACP Avnish Rana. He would have continued his investigation.

Then he learns that many people have been killed in many other places in the same manner. He too has been killed with an exact blow on the throat.

Then he starts investigating this case even more deeply.

One day a beggar was begging on the street.

But no one is giving him alms, then Manish is passing through that path.

So he sees that beggar Manish goes to him and that beggar does not have a leg then Manish takes out his purse from his pocket.

There are about 5$ to 6$ in it and smiling, he takes out all the money and puts it in the hand of that beggar.

Then the people around there say to Manish!

What are you doing, why are you giving money to such people, brother, all these are robbers, don't spend such money on them.

Then Manish listens to those people and tells tha