
Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint

saszeta · Video Games
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Orks registered the demonic incursion as a minor interruption in their daily life. Mainly because they still weren't in the warp but in real space. After all this fiasco Boss went back to his usually boring life of ruling, killing, eating, and drinking but he only grew more bored day by day. Zorko who won the duel now spotting brand new red, shiny iron jaw was avoiding Boss, because he was one of the toufest boyz and the prime target for stress relief at the same time. The situation worsened when he found his Pet squigioth's remains. The rats eat him to the bone so only his skull remained. At the time Boss went on a rampage krumping all the nobz that could fight and half of the boyz in the asteroid. Boyz loved him for this and would jump into the fire for him but he still felt empty inside, sitting in his throne room playing fetch with Lob.

Then one day an alarm roar could be heard through the whole rock. The WAAGH was being attacked by another WAAGH that had an old Ork Krooza that looked more like a rust bucket held by Waaaaagh Power alone. It even had oars to move faster.

Everyone was so happy that they had a new enemy to krump that they forgot to call Da Boss. Who was asleep on the other side of the rock. 

Enemies rather quickly caught up and started the boarding action. With guns, they cracked open the surface and made big holes so the boyz could enter inside the asteroids. Then with ropes they swung to the rock's surface and entered with favor, only to be met with boyz ready for the foight. Zorko as the biggest was leading the defenders. 

Hogger launched his rocket and flew towards the ship engines and sort of safely landed with his team. Only half exploded on touchdown. While the rest started to krump anyone they could find. After some time they found an engine control room. In a truly orky fashion since they did not know how to shut the engines down they broke the whole power generator so da loot wunt escape. Besides Nuthead and Graxmek will fix it or make betta one instead. 

Meanwhile, Mauork sneaked to the ship and sneakily started throwing grenades, and explosives and spewing flames from his new burna wherever he could. He just loved the fresh smell of burna juice in the afternoon. 

But the grandest slaughter was still in the corridors of the asteroid. Da Boyz were fewer in numbers but larger and tougher. While Zorko was the biggest nob of the 1st something, they could not find a propa name, but he was the best frontline foighter , of the waagh, not including Da Boss. He was chopping left and right so much that he was mistaken for the boss of the WAAAGH . So ship Captain issued a challenge which Zorko did not think much and accepted as he thought that this guy that was slightly bigger than him was the nob of the enemy Waaagh. 

Without a word, they clashed while roaring and screaming. Blow for blow they hit each other. Orks that were witness to this duel just stood back and watched in awe, but the enemy captain was bigger and had more experience. With a swift sidestep, he dodged a grand downward swing and hit him in the temple, knocking Zorko to the ground. He put his foot on his chest and with a laugh proclaimed. 

-Oiz defeated ya! Yar boyz are mine now. I am Da Boss now.- His roar could be heard throughout the whole asteroid. The echo of that roar stopped all fights that were happening. – Good, now….

-Stoopid git, oiz iz not Boss. Iz only Nob. – Said Zorko with an evill grin, because he knew that a great show is incoming, because Boss had that magical ability of knowing who and when was talking shit and or smack, and he did not like it. 

Da Boss woke up from his nap when the roar that someone was the Boss reached him. This enraged him.- How many times, do I have you krump you all to understand that OI iz DA BOSS!!!! –He run to the place the sound originated from! – Oi iz making quick snack and nap, and ya all find yourself new boss!? Iz gunna krump ya all!

Da Boss boyz immediately started to run away. The last time he was so mad only mushrooms and few nobz survived. The attacking orks on the other hand laughed and readied for combat. Only to cower in fear when they saw the hulking mass that was charging at them and smashing their toughest nobz with a single blow of da Cloba. 

Capt`n being the boss of his waagh to issued another challenge but this time to the correct enemy.