
WHTI : Lotus being

WHTI, a boy formerly named Koado Willy, dies in his sleep, and is sent to Gensokyo to become the new priest of Hakurei Temple. In truth, those responsible are Moah causing his death and Yukari trapping him. It will cost what it costs to make them pay whatever the consequences, as well as in particular will become perfect. However, the path remains long and full of obstacles.

Croix09Lotus · Video Games
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14 Chs

The lotus being against a deity?! The road to hell continues

"Yukari... So it's you!"

Yakumo Yukari

Frontier Yokai




Border manipulation

We stare at her, the lotus on her shoulder, before disappearing. If my mind remains stunned, when she discusses with Reimu, a grayish place emerges in my thoughts - in the future - negative towards her. I call him back to my mind to return to his place. Also, I put away my portable temple before leaving Hokora. I join my hands, opening a gap that I borrow with confidence; I come out of it, arriving in the world of flames, intact.

"So this is where Kikuri is."

However, I can't get that blonde's face out of my head. His gaze and his seductive air lands many attentions. I come to wonder: How many poor humans does she invite into her clutches? A dozen, a hundred, thousands? The more I think about it, the more my teeth grind, my fists clench, my eyes turn red with anger. I pound the hot ground, creating cracks until they become craters, then collapse, on the verge of tears, screaming these words:

"I hate you, Yukari! I've never hated anyone so much in my life, and you're the first tie with Moah, since you killed me and brought me here! And even though you did it for the good of your land, even if I know that you are fundamentally good, your actions remain reprehensible. And for that alone, you deserve that I teach you a lesson, and this for all the lives you have destroyed and sacrificed, you filthy damn utilitarian!"

Finally, I am about to take this path to defeat you. Because with you, the end justifies the means, huh?

"Get ready, because once my bond with the Hakurei Shrine Kami is broken, I'll make you pay."

I wipe away my tears, resolved to do the worst to accomplish my goal, standing in front of this immense landscape. Nonetheless, a golden hand lands on my shoulder, to the point where I teleport behind it, a talisman like Reimu's in my hand, bringing it closer to her throat. Nevertheless, its spherical aspect does not make my task easier. Her confident smile forces me to threaten her:

"One sound and I'll exterminate you! Do you understand me?"

Her mouth closes, then she nods; which calms me down, then I release her. The frontier yokai's face returns like a soccer ball to the face. My heartbeat speeds up, similar to the speed of sound, but Reimu and Mima don't produce such an effect on me. How can it be Yukari? I remember what the Kami told me before: my ability acted like All for One, but it didn't tell me everything; My ability to understand everything allows me to manipulate everything, to feel everything, as well as to act accordingly. The same goes for the people I get all the information from; which explains why I manage to use their powers and combined with the pink lotuses, I can do it perfectly. Alas, this strength is just as much a weakness, because just like Made In Heaven for Pucci, the weak point is me, WHTI and my original human condition.

"Divine power in the body of a mere mortal." Kikuri declares, compassionate. "This is very difficult for you, isn't it?"

"That will be fine. I had a similar power in the past. You shouldn't worry about me."

"As long as you stop being tough, young WHTI. That doesn't sit well with you. Believe me!"

"Omniscience... Coming from you, it's almost telephoned. Besides, I need you to answer my question: Did Kongara destroy the Hakurei temple?"

"Yes it is."

"Why? Did Reimu and his ancestors do anything to him?"


"Did a former Hakurei try to kill him?"

"Possible !"

"Did he just want to vent his nerves?"

"Congratulations, you found the answer. That's right!"

I raise my parchment to her, annoyed. Smiling, Kukuri says:

"You should reconsider your behavior, otherwise how you could go out with a girl, or a man it depends."

This is too much ! She annoys me talking like she knows everything about me. Oh I'm stupid! I'm going to finish her, here and now. The silver lining is that this discussion recharges my batteries. So, I just have to call on the powers of the shamans. In an instant, the ardor of the flames is placed in a flowery field, not of pink lotus, but purple. A pink lotus still lands on his shoulder; which opens the ball.


hell moon


Kami (?)

"It's duel time, young WHTI! Get ready!"

I beat her with flaming fists, adorned with purple lotuses, except that she resists it thanks to her sphere. Worse, it becomes a reflecting mirror; another version of me comes out, then fights back. I dodge with ease, then swinging yin yang orders at her backwards, when she counterattacks by firing a death ray from her crystal ball. The shock of the two projectiles almost caused damage to the surroundings. Too bad for her, the power of my orbs boosted to my lotus wins over the Kami who ends up out of reach. Let's not let our guard down, though! I feel the presence of two people: Reimu and her. Should I inform them in a border? No, it'll just delay them a few seconds. Also, they don't work together.

I just hope they won't bother me. My fight is not over against Kikuri. If I calculate the distance they travel, I only have a few hours left. Either, I can consider a second round, and I have an idea: If I drink Kikuri's blood, I become a Kami and thus free myself from the link that binds me to Kami Hakurei.

My muscles relax. I can now control my body. Then, I jumped several meters, landing on Kikuri, feet together. Six yin yang orbs filled with purple lotus surround it. I wonder how I'm going to go about it. Please Ms. Kikuri, can I have your blood? No, that won't work. Give me your blood and I'll spare your life! That too, out of the question! AH! AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH! AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH! AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH! AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!AH! Why am I laughing? It's good, she breathes again! Immediately, I step back:

"Kof! Kof! You didn't walk away. I'm surprised I'm still alive...Kof!"

"In your place, I will look at the orbs around you. I am not an angel either."

"You're lying there, if I can put it that way."

"Prove it! Prove it if you're so smart. I blasted Mima earlier. I didn't hold my punches against you. discomfort."

"You've been through a lot, haven't you? I feel it...And I want to help you, but on one condition."

"You are not ..."

A danmaku nearly hits me on the back. I avoid it, despite the urgency of the situation, and straighten up after landing. I snap my fingers, causing the orbs to disappear, letting my opponent get back up. After all, if this one doesn't want to die without a fight, I have to grant her that wish. Our eyes meet, to the point of nodding. Our lips exalt each other although we are going to kill each other, or else it would be in the face of this sad reality that we cherish our moments between people. To say that I already know everything about her despite the fact that she hasn't told me anything and vice versa. A confusion settles in my mind: Do we really have to fight? Do we really have to kill her just for massive revenge? No am I really going to kill her for this? I shake my head, then notice several marks on me, especially that my clothes have been damaged. Mad with rage, I rush at her, fists charged in red lotuses, grapeshot shots, in several places of the field, even everywhere at once. Each attack passes through a gap that I open to accentuate the number. Blood runs down my hands, from all over his body. Thus, I pierce the abdomen, withdraw my hand there, but receive it before it falls. His hands touch my cheek; which makes me cry.

"Well done you won !"

I feel his bloody hand on my cheek causing me to wipe away my tears.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to drink my blood anymore?"

So you knew it.

"So, drink it now. If you do, you can reach the level you want and free yourself from your chains."

"What if it doesn't work?!"

"Then we will have tried."

I see. In view of her condition, she doesn't have much longer, Kami or not. In this case, I close my eyes and nourish myself with his blood, until the last drop. A Machiavellian smile forms on his face during this process. However, it fades, giving way to surprise and despair:

"Wha... Why didn't you die?"

"It's simple though. I have the power of the pink lotus. So I'm immune to anything that could kill me, including your blood. That's what you wanted to do, right? If you have one last will then speak or be silent forever!"

"What I wanted was to at least take you with me, and that you never feel alone again. I... I wish you good luck for the future..."

At the end of the fight, Kikuri takes her last breath in my arms, her hands still on my cheek. Once on the ground, I dig a grave for him then bury him there on a red field, offering this soul a last prayer.

"Farewell Kikuri! If I weren't the lotus being, you would surely have killed me. You were a hell of an opponent."


* *

At the point where I am, I have not yet advanced in my research. I'm starting to believe that Reimu is not in this place. Thus, I try to push back when I suddenly stop:

"Wait a minute. Since I'm here I might as well find the culprit! How proud Reimu will be of me and I will have learned a lot of things. Yes, let's do that! Now that I beat Mima, I feel proud of what I understood."

Suddenly, I locate via the aura a dark energy; a malevolent being that wanders around with the sole purpose of devouring its victims. Flying through the skies, I intend to escape it with my speed. This one catches me easily. I try to drill her, but the two shots to the shoulder bring me back to reality, followed by four shots that pierce my body. Fortunately, I retreat into one of the breaches but spit blood. I can't move my arms and my vision is fading. Am I going to die...again? No ! No I don't want to, not after they went out of their way for me! I refuse !

I cry my heart out in my dimension when I receive a speed from my sister of borders: Yukari. Still, not sure she deigns to save me. After all, I now have the same power as her. I definitely feel like I'm going to die...

"Hang on! I'll give you first aid...."

"Yukari, I'm sorry..."

"Hush! Don't talk; you have to save your strength. You'll go back."

"But....I got screwed like a rookie.

"You are a beginner. But you possess the perfect understanding of my powers as well as that of Mima and two other people."

Obviously ! How could I forget Shingyoku and Reimu? And I know exactly what to do with it. I look at Yukari, eyes filled with determination. Once healed, I say thank you, while she smiles. I breach my enemy's back, then use pink script scrolls on her. I reappear while disappearing, and reappearing in her blind spot without giving her time to breathe, until she plays the same game as me. So I place thousands of scrolls combining with the powers of Mima as well as those of Yukari to create a gigantic magic circle that can be heard up to several kilometers. On the other hand, I empty myself of my energy for lack of habit. But no more time, this will be my ultimate map for what's to come. A huge Yin yang order appears in the sky making a third of hell.

"Now undergo divine judgment! By absolute order!"

Everything gets destroyed including my opponent who turns out to be a deity named Kikuri. In other words, I just made a decide. Unperturbed by this, I fall asleep for many weeks, while life seems to go on. Reimu basically defeats Mugenmagan, Ellis, and Sariel, one of those responsible for the destruction of the temple.

"In reality, they are two to have destroyed the temple, and the second is called Konngara nicknamed the astral knight"

"So I'm going to have to get rid of him too, otherwise he'll come back and destroy Reimu's temple."

"Indeed, however do you have a plan? Otherwise, I'm not going to let you risk your life for nothing."

"First, I need more information about him. Then, based on his physical and magical strengths and weaknesses. Then, you could indicate the places he is used to and finally, put a bait to attract him because I understood one thing in the fight: Kikuri and Konngara are together."

"Fufufu! You have a quick mind and you analyze things quickly. Very well, I don't mind doing this. After all, nothing is impossible for the tall, beautiful, and voluptuous Yukari."

She laughs following my neutral expression then becomes serious again:

"However, it will not be free. Indeed, you have awakened a powerful power but if its user turns out to be dangerous, I may take good care of you in every sense of the word. You understand ?"

She's kidding, isn't she? Looks like she's planning to kill me any minute. As if I was going to let myself go. A lotus flower appears in my eyes as a symbol when my aura manifests with all blooming flowers. In response, she shows hers when more eyes appear and she flashes me a creepy smile. Glued to each other, our foreheads colliding, our eyes affirm it: The one whose one falls first becomes the servant of the other. The more the minutes pass, the more our auras fight for each our victory. Thus, we performed a very solemn dance: that of death.

I give the rhythm and the tempo that she replicates with hers and vive versa. The atmosphere gives way to a whitish void in which there is only us: a human, no, a living spirit and a yokai. However, she begins to take advantage.

"Are we giving up? I'll understand if that's the case."

"Never. Never, I will! You, on the other hand,...don't let your guard down!"

"What ?!" She exclaims surprised.

I just reversed the situation. However, I do not want to dominate anyone. In this case, I knock us both down at the same time, then say:

"Sorry, but it's a draw!"

And what has to happen, happens. If she strays, she disqualifies herself anyway. But that's without counting on his smirk that never lets go. Fortunately for me, I anticipate its action so that we eat the ground.

"As expected, it's a tie."

"I see... So you managed to bring about this status quo."

"I would never have made it without you Yukari. You know my flowers don't only help me to understand your powers, but it's above all the beings that all this is aimed at. That's how I was able to foresee this what you're planning to do and double-cross yourself. I'm sorry."

She kisses me on the cheek which makes me blush while she teases me:

"Dependent contrast !"

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"I will never be friends with you Yukari! You can still run!"

I jump, covered in sweat. Thank goodness it's just a horrible nightmare! Shit, I almost forgot! I must go to the Silent Temple! At this precise moment, several red eyes look at me, then gloved hands surround me with a certain softness, while remaining firm. I now understand that I find myself stuck with the person responsible for my kidnapping, in addition to the fact that this preposterous dream is her work.

"We haven't had a chance to talk, young Gensokyo native. Pleased, my name is Yakumo Yukari!"

WHTI is on fire !

Croix09Lotuscreators' thoughts