
Who you can find in DC

when Lilly decides to drop out of medical school because it is below her intellect.....she moves to DC to start fresh after a big fight with her parents. when she moves to DC, she catches a darkly handsome young man 3 years her senior and falls in love. when she finds that Bob is FBI, she is attracted to him and his profession. but when her family finds out that she is in love with rebel FBI, an agent will their love last or be hindered.

Toughcheekie · Urban
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2 Chs

Alien abductions

One day the wildest thing happend after our first make out session. He was smiling at me and  when his eyes when I saw a tear come from his eye.   I asked what was wrong.  He did want to talk about.

Then he started talking about  the fact that his mental.health clean of anything....that when he said.

"I was taking and hurt by aliens."

I was wondering and asked more. "Bobby hun," I asked when did this happened?"

"When I was thirteen." He said.  "Then I was bullied to death by my peers and teachers."

"I dreamt then of being an FBI agent, who would come after them...."

"They called me crazy, psycho and scitzo.   It was awful!"

"Do you still want to be in the FBI"

"I just entered thr academy, I will be a special agent in a few month 16 weeks."

I thought I was in love before.

Then I told him that I loved him.   But was it for the right reasons.

He had the same iq as me. We both been tormented in school for being different. When I decided to make love to him and take off his t shirt.  I realized that he had the y-incision what looked was tattooed into his skin...then I realized that it was scar tissue.

When I ran my finger tracing the y- incision on his torso he took me and kissed me deeply.

"Scars are sexy to me," I said.

"You are sexy to me," he said.  He kissed me three times, almost making out.   When he reached under my blouse he was taking it off and started to Kiss my chin, neck and collarbone.

"I love you Lilly,"he said. " first girl who wasn't afraid of me."

Whispered in his ears that i loved him so much.

Then I finished by saying "I was the freak in my family and school." That and his scars were sexy.

That night, we made love.   It was the first time and the first genuine thing some did gir me.

Then he went on to say that all the girls where intimidated by him.  

When I was looking at what looked looked in his wallet.  That's when I realized that it was his fbi badge.  He looked handsome.

I kissed him passionately.

"Make love to me, Bobby."

"Love me Bobby!"