
Who would imagine

[Slow Burn] Beloved, Though these words may reach you beyond the veil of existence, know that my heart speaks to yours with every stroke of the pen. In this moment of reflection, I am filled with gratitude for the joy and warmth you have brought into my life. As a son, a friend, a rival, or a lover, each of you has left an indelible mark upon my soul. If the tapestry of fate should weave our paths anew in another life, let it be known that I eagerly await our reunion. May the threads of destiny guide you back to me, wherever I may be. With enduring love, Velor

DawnGT · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: A glass of wine

2024 present day

As Zach followed the twins toward the wooden door that looked like it had been there longer than the house, he could hear the voices of people talking, the music rumbling behind, and the intoxicating perfume of roses and the sweet, tangy aroma of cherries.

Despite feeling uneasy about the cult-like atmosphere, Zach marvelled at the grand gothic design of the interior. The dark wood and red accents created an air of opulence. The guests, impeccably attired, radiated wealth—as if money itself flowed through their veins.

As Zach soaked in the ambiance, the twins approached him with a glass from the nearby drink bar. It contained a thick, ruby-red liquid that looked almost like mud. Zach thanked them and began to wander around the room, scanning for an available seat. Every seat seemed to be occupied until his eyes fell upon an armchair beside the velvet drapery, partially concealed by a plant pot. He hurried over to claim it before someone else could beat him to it

Setting his glass down, he pulled out his phone and texted Eva. 

'This place is stunning but creepy as hell. Like a cult hideout.'

'Why do they all look rich AF?' she replied instantly.

'Like movie millionaires on a bender. Dunno if I should bail.'

Eva responded swiftly. 'Call if you need an exit. Be careful.'

Zach pocketed his phone as the velvet drapery parted, a man striding through. He clipped the table, sloshing Zach's drink to the floor in a viscous ruby puddle

"You bastard!" a woman's scream tore from behind the curtain before it swung shut.

The man's calm, velvety tones cut through the sudden stillness. He scooped up the empty glass, meeting Zach's eyes with a disarming smile. The man had crimson hair neatly groomed, wearing a loosened shirt and a deep blue blazer

Zach smiled, expecting an apology, but none came. The man simply returned the smile and walked away.

"What the hell is that guy?" Zach muttered, frowning.

Zach made his way toward the drink bar, eyeing the list of drinks on the menu, all sounding rather strange. 

"Ambrosia E..car…late?" Zach said the name of the drink out with the confusion in his voice. 

"It's Ambrosia Écarlate," The woman's voice said. 

"Oh, thank you," Zach said, smiling at her

"First time?" A raven-haired beauty in a skintight black corset dress sidled up, lips curved in a predatory smile that exposed glistening fangs.

"Uh, yeah. The poster online made it sound...interesting." Zach swallowed hard.

"I'm sure it did." She laughed, a low, throaty rasp. Her kohl-rimmed gaze raked over him.

"Would you like me to order you a drink?" she offered, gesturing for the bartender.

"Aiden, a Lunaris Libation for fresh meat," she instructed, winking at Zach. Despite her youthful appearance, her manner of speaking hinted at age beyond her looks.

"You're going to love it," she assured Zach, who felt wary of her knowing demeanour.

"I won't poison you, don't worry," she added with a smile, scrutinising Zach's expression.

"Well, thank you…" Zach felt uncomfortable under her intense gaze.

"What's your name, let me guess…" She paused for effect. "Zach?" she said, pretending to be clueless.

"How did you..?!" Zach exclaimed, surprised.

"It's a secret," she said, shushing him with a gesture.

As Zach attempted to speak further, the bartender handed him a drink. It was a beautiful clear concoction, shimmering like the surface of a glowing pond under the moonlight, garnished with cherries and strawberries. Zach sniffed - a delicate melody of fruit and flora, ripe cherries and sugared blooms. He sipped, and kaleidoscopic flavours burst over his tongue, the drink's subtle sweetness unfurling like a blossoming flower. His eyes widened, and a smile he couldn't contain spread across his face, mirrored by the woman's own smile

"How is it?" she asked.

"It's… amazing," Zach said, taking another sip.

"I knew you would like it," she said, giving the bartender a light touch. 

"Aiden, my usual?" She turned her gaze back to Zach. 

"You're really cute"

"What's your name? So I can properly thank you," Zach asked.

"Mable," she said, smiling warmly.

"Thank you for the drink, Ms. Mable," Zach said, placing down the glass and looking around. The room was even more crowded.

"It's almost time," Mable said, taking the glass the bartender handed her. It was a deep purple drink resembling a richly hued gemstone. She took a sip and stood up.

Mable's smile widened as the crowd began migrating towards an adjacent moonlit garden. "Prepare to be amazed, handsome."

As the room filled with people, the music changed to a light, ethereal melody. The guests began to gather and walk towards the open garden. The silvery moonlight painted the garden in ethereal hues, casting long, dancing shadows across the manicured lawns, where shadows danced among the flowers and foliage, creating an enchanting tapestry of light and darkness. Delicate blooms, like ivory roses and midnight blue lilies, shimmered with a silvery luminescence, their petals catching the faintest hint of starlight. The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of jasmine and lavender, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil. In the centre of the garden stood a statue, its form illuminated by a gentle halo of light. Carved from marble, it depicted a figure frozen in time, its face a mask of serene beauty. The statue seemed to watch over the garden, its presence both comforting and unsettling.

As Zach wandered through this nocturnal oasis, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty that surrounded him. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, where dreams took flight under the watchful gaze of the night sky.

People took their seats on the benches and began talking. When the man who had knocked over the glass walked up, everyone fell silent. Even Mable, who had been smiling, now looked more serious. She took another sip, and her eyes sparkled.

The crimson-haired man mounted a dais. Silence crashed over the garden like a tidal wave.

"'My kin," he intoned in a soothing lilt. "After twenty-nine years, the time has come." His gaze seemed to bore directly into Zach as he smiled, just a hairsbreadth too wide. "Savour this moment."

The sky above, a tranquil canvas painted in soft hues of blue, captivated his gaze. The gentle glow of twilight cast a serene radiance across the horizon, soothing his senses. As he looked up, he felt grateful for the chance to witness such natural splendour.

The air crackled with tension as the twins emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by the massive oak barrels strapped to their backs. An eerie hush blanketed the garden.

Mable's throaty laugh cut through the silence. "The sacred rite begins."

The crimson-haired man raised his arms on the dais and launched into a ritualistic cadence. The sconces flared brilliantly, casting elongated shadows behind the crowd.

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the guests. Unease prickled up Zach's spine as the twins upended the barrels into an ornate obsidian bowl, the thick ruby liquid smouldering faintly.

With practised movements, they began filling crystal wine glasses from the bowl, distributing them one by one to the awaiting guests.

A twin extended a brimming glass to Zach, her penetrating stare boring into him.

"Imbibe, and transcend," she intoned.

He accepted the chalice reluctantly, his gaze flicking to Mable. She offered the faintest of nods as the twin moved on.

"You want me to drink this?" Zach eyed the glass warily.

Mable's eyes gleamed with a predatory light as she traced a sharp nail down his arm, her touch sending a shiver down his spine

"Of course not, sweet Zach. You're not quite...ready for that step."

The twins turned in unnerving synchronicity, pinning Zach with intense stares. The crimson-haired man also looked at him, a mix of curiosity and expectation in his eyes. The other guests followed suit, an almost predatory cohesion settling over them.

"But play along, hmm? Let them think you've partaken and awakened..." Mable lifted the glass with disturbing strength. Her lips curved in a calculating smile as the elixir's heady aroma wafted towards him. Zach fought the instinct to recoil as she extended the chalice once more.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll make sure you remain...untouched."

Her words carried a subtle undercurrent that made his skin prickle. Play along and don't drink it—the thought repeated like a mantra in his mind as twin sets of eyes bored into him with escalating intensity.

"To the awakening!" the crimson-haired man's voice thundered, upraised hands slicing through the tension blanketing the garden.

The initiates knocked back their elixirs in unison, a ragged chorus of approval rising up. Zach looked at Mable and copied her movement, toasting with the guests. All around him, others raised the elixir in salute before drinking deeply. A few swayed momentarily, then straightened, renewed vigour coursing through them.

"Oh yes..." a bearded guest rasped rapturously. "I can feel the awakening take hold."

Zach looked at the man, then at everyone else around him. They seemed younger, stronger, and even their impeccable outfits took on a more formidable air. Then he wanted to try the drink, but before he could react, the crimson-haired man stopped him

"Don't be silly, you wouldn't actually drink this," the crimson-haired man said, plucking the glass from Zach's grip. His words made Zach frown.

"Mable," the man addressed her curtly.

"What is it, Velor?" she replied, turning her gaze towards Zach.

"He almost took a sip of this," Velor explained, shaking the glass he'd confiscated and then promptly downing its contents in one gulp

"You would've made him violently ill, wouldn't you?" Velor glanced towards Mable

"Oh dear, we can't have that now, can we?"Mable patted Zach's head with a maternal air. 

"Keep a close watch. Before the azure falls, we can't afford another debacle like last time."Velor's penetrating stare pinned them both. 

"Of course." Mable smiled tightly. "I'm simply enjoying a nightcap while I can."

"Do as you please, but watch him. I'm going to check on that scumbag in the cellar," Velor stalked off, his mouth set in a hard line, disappearing between the ornate hedgerows

"Did you two just discuss me openly, right in front of me?" Zach asked, bewildered.

"Forgive him, he lacks tact. But he's right - I must keep you under my protection for now."Mable sighed. Her obsidian eyes drifted skyward. "It's nearly over. Just another half-hour left."

She guided Zach to an unoccupied bench, patting the space beside her. As he joined her, she arched an inquisitive brow. "That man...he seems quite rude, doesn't he?"

"You could say that," Zach agreed, thrown by the whiplash shift in her demeanour.

"Velor's like a bird dropping - well-meaning at his core, but thoughtless with his words." A rueful smile played across her lips. 

"Perhaps he's grown too old to filter himself properly."

Zach furrowed his brow. "But he looks younger than me. How could he be old?"

"Ah, you'd be shocked by how old he is"

Their hushed conversation was interrupted by Velor reappearing from the shrubbery, looming over them with quiet menace.

"Mable, Where are the elixirs?" he hissed under his breath, making Zach start.

"Oh for heaven's sake!" Zach whispered fiercely. "What is your problem?"

Ignoring him, Velor fixed Mable with an intent stare. "Well? Answer me." 

Velor fixed Mable with an intent stare.

Mable pursed her lips in thought. "Did you check with Aiden? I believe I entrusted them to his keeping."

"Ah yes, the casket in his quarters." Velor seemed to relax infinitesimally. "My thanks."

Mable let out a low chuckle as he melted back into the shadows. "Told you - a complete bird turd."

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to refresh my drink. It's not often I get to imbibe so freely." Squeezing Zach's shoulder, she rose and drifted toward the bar.

Left alone, Zach's unease resurfaced as he surveyed the garden's ethereal tableau - guests moving with an almost preternatural grace amidst the moonlit flora. Lost in his troubled thoughts, he was startled by a gentle voice

"Mind if I join you?"

Zach blinked, finding himself face-to-face with a young woman exuding warmth and kindness. He exhaled, returning her smile.

"Please, be my guest. I could use some normal company right about now."

As she settled beside him, her hazel eyes brimmed with friendly amusement. "I'm Emily. And you're...?"

"Zach. It's nice to meet you, Emily."

The two slipped into easy conversation, Emily's calming presence steadying Zach's nerves until Mable reappeared, two ruby-filled glasses in hand. Her eyes narrowed at Emily.

"You again? Trying to interfere?"

Emily sighed, unruffled. "Come now, Mab. Is that any way to greet an old friend?"

"Don't use that name," Mable snarled, voice descending into an inhuman growl. 

"Haven't you tormented me enough across the decades?" She gestured wildly between them, her eyes wide

"Do you plan on butchering me like last time?" Emily's answering tone was mild, almost bored - yet it carried a disturbing undercurrent. "In front of this poor young man?"

Zach's head swivelled between them, panic and confusion welling up. Just what twisted history bound these two?

"Leave, Emily. Before I do something I'll regret."Mable's feral snarl melted into a look of pained exasperation. 

Emily stood with an insouciant shrug, tossing Zach a final enigmatic look before drifting away

"My apologies, Zach," Mable murmured, settling beside him, her outburst already fading. 

"Some nights are...more difficult than others to endure." She drank the glass in one go and looked at Zach

"Don't mind me, it's almost ended, I have to drink this as much as I can," she said, putting the glass down before drinking another one. Zach noticed her intense gaze and felt a surge of curiosity mixed with a hint of fear.

"You can ask if you want to," Mable said, noticing Zach's confused and somewhat scared expression.

"No, no, I don't want to ask if it makes you feel bad," he replied, trying to calm himself down. Mable smiled warmly at his concern.

"Thank you," she said, then looked up at the sky as she finished another glass. Zach followed her gaze, feeling a sense of unease settle over him.

The sky had returned to normal, the hues of blue deepening into the familiar darkness of night. Stars shimmered above, and the moon cast its glow, illuminating the garden with a gentle light. The clear sky created a serene backdrop, a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere below.

"The night has ended" Mable smiled and stood up. 

"And are you planning to stand right there for the whole night?" Mable said and turned to Velor, who was now standing against the garden pole. His eyes were closed. 

"Don't ruin the mood," Velor said as he closed his eyes for a while, then opened them. 

"How's that guy?" Mable asked. 

"Like a dog with rabies," Velor said, fixing his eyes on Zach, who did the same. 

"Well, he doesn't like that all the time," Velor added. 

"I know, dumbass, but did he act worse than the last time or...?" She paused. 

"Worse, but I can handle him," Velor said, his eyes still fixed on Zach. 

"And why are you looking at me like that?" Velor asked Zach, who got frustrated. Mable turned and looked at Zach, giggling. 

"No, you're the one who looked at me like that first," Zach said, maintaining the stare with Velor. 

"Seems like someone has an attitude problem," Velor chuckled and looked at the ballroom door that connected to the garden. Zach stood up, prepared to curse him out, while Mable giggled at the side, amused by it all. 

"You!!!" Zach said. 

"Since the first time you knocked out my glasses, not even a sorry has come out of your mouth. I suppose the one with the attitude is not me, but you!!" Zach raised his voice, catching some guests' attention. Velor looked at him, not even trying to argue. 

"Well, let's not fight here," Mable said, pushing Zach to walk inside the ballroom. 

"I'll take him to the room before we get more mass," Mable said, whispering something to Velor.

She led Zach into the ballroom, where the soft glow of chandeliers bathed the room in warm light, and elegant guests mingled, their laughter and conversation creating a vibrant hum. As Zach scanned the room, looking for a seat, she suddenly grabbed his hand, her grip firm and urgent.

"Wait, where are we going?" he asked, surprised by the sudden change in direction.

She didn't answer, her eyes darting around the room as if making sure no one noticed them. With a quick, purposeful stride, she guided him towards a discreet door at the back of the ballroom. Zach's curiosity and apprehension grew with each step.

The door led to a dimly lit hallway, far removed from the opulence and noise of the ballroom. The air was cooler here, and the only sound was the echo of their footsteps. She hurried down the hallway, and Zach followed, a mixture of confusion and intrigue swirling in his mind.

At the end of the hallway, she opened another door, revealing a staircase leading down to the cellar. She descended the stairs, her pace quickening. Zach hesitated for a moment, glancing back towards the ballroom before deciding to follow her into the depths below.

The cellar was vast and grand, far more than Zach had anticipated. It was a labyrinth of elegantly carved stone archways and high ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers that cast a warm, eerie glow. Antique furniture and ornate tapestries filled the space, giving it the air of a grand yet secretive mansion. The air hung heavy with the scent of aged oak and fermenting grapes, intermingled with a subtle, earthy musk that hinted at secrets long forgotten

She finally stopped in a secluded corner, turning to face Zach, her expression serious. "Zach, there's something you need to know."

"There is someone that you will meet..." She paused, glancing at Zach with a mixture of apprehension and amusement. "Well, he is weird, and I don't know what to say, but he is a crazy guy and really annoying, more than Velor. So, keep an open mind, okay?" She smiled, trying to reassure him as she led him to a door, a door that looked more grand than the whole mansion.

Zach raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. The door was ornately carved, with intricate designs that seemed to tell a story of their own. She knocked once, waited a second, and then opened it.

Inside, the room was vast and opulently decorated. Shelves lined the walls, filled with ancient tomes and strange artefacts. The air was thick with the scent of incense and a faint, metallic tang that Zach couldn't quite place. At the centre of the room, a man with black ponytails, sat at a large wooden table, surrounded by a clutter of papers, vials, and peculiar contraptions. His wild, dishevelled hair and eccentric clothing gave him an air of chaotic brilliance. Behind him was a painting portrait of a man with a clean-shaven moustache and honey-brown hair, exuding an aura of calm and beauty. The man's gentle eyes and serene expression gave the portrait a sense of tranquillity, almost ethereal in its execution. The delicate brushstrokes and soft colours made the painting stand out as a beacon of peace amidst the chaos.

The man looked up and showed his mist grey eyes, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and a hint of madness.

"You are here!!" The man said, standing up and walking toward Zach, opening his arms to hug him. Zach tried to back away, but he was too slow.

"It's been so long since someone like you stepped foot inside our base during the azure, aye? Ya know," The man said out loud as he tried to sound like a teenager.

"Who are you?" Zach said, looking at Mable for help.

"I'm Dominick. You might have heard my name, but it doesn't matter," He smiled widely, showing his sharp fangs.

"But why did you bring me here?" Zach asked Mable.

"Care to explain?" Mable glared at Velor, who was sitting on an armchair nearby. Zach had no idea how he had gotten there.

"Oh, you both didn't explain anything?" Dominick said.

"Then…"Dominick started

"We were getting to it," Velor cut him off, his voice laced with irritation. "Don't say a single word."

"Well, I'm just trying to be helpful," Dominick retorted.

"Whatever here the thing is …." Dominick tried to continue, but his words faltered

"Don't you dare, you asshole," Velor's voice sliced through the tension, directed at Dominick with a sharp edge

"Why not? Are you still stuck with what happened to that woman? Edith?" Dominick asked.

"That's like a century ago, but yes, I don't want him to end up like her," Velor took a book nearby and looked through it.

"Velor, my friend, it's 2024, not 1947. We can protect him, like the last azure we didn't have any problems," Dominick walked and sat across from Velor.

"Because there was no h...I mean, stranger who came here during that time, you idiot," Velor paused, looking at Zach.

"That's right, but come on, we have Mable's elixirs. How bad could this be?" Dominick tapped Velor's hand.

"Since the first time, I always ask myself why someone like you would be a vampire lord," Velor muttered, then facepalmed as he realised what he had just said.

"Oh boy," Dominick looked at Zach, who appeared thoroughly confused.

"Huh, a what?" Zach asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"It's nothing," Velor said quickly, standing up and avoiding eye contact.

"You two don't change at all after all this time," Mable interjected, shaking her head. She reached into her dress and pulled out a small perfume bottle. Spraying a little in front of Zach's face, she then walked toward Velor and Dominick.

Before Zach could react, he felt a sudden drowsiness wash over him. His eyelids grew heavy, and the edges of his vision began to blur. The voices of Mable, Dominick, and Velor swirled around him, growing distant and muffled. He tried to fight it, to stay awake, but the darkness was closing in.

"What... what was that?" he mumbled, trying to stay awake.

As he slipped into unconsciousness, he caught a glimpse of Mable's face, her eyes filled with a strange mixture of concern and amusement. Her voice echoed in his mind, "Just something to help you relax, Zach." Then, everything went black. he felt himself being gently lowered into a soft chair.

When Zach's consciousness returned, he struggled to open his eyes. Blinking against the haze, he gradually discerned the figures of Dominick and Mable standing beside him, their faces etched with concern.

"Did you spray it too much?" Dominick's voice cut through the fog, laced with worry.

"The normal amount but maybe he's just tired," Mable replied, her tone soothing as she shook the bottle in her hand.

"He's awake," Velor's voice chimed in from somewhere nearby.

"What... What are you doing to me?" Zach's gaze darted between them, his confusion mounting.

"Well, this night is going to be so long for you, Zach," Mable said gently, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and resolve.

"No, I want to go home," Zach protested weakly, attempting to sit up but feeling a heavy weight pressing him down.

"Not tonight," Dominick's voice carried a firmness that brooked no argument as he paced around the room.

"We do this for your own good," Mable added, her voice tinged with regret.

Zach's eyes twitched, searching his jacket for his phone - gone.

"Looking for this one?" Velor's voice interrupted, and Zach turned to see him sitting on the same armchair, holding Zach's phone aloft.

"Give it back!" Zach demanded, rising unsteadily and stumbling towards Velor in a futile attempt to retrieve it.

"Ah, can you guys let me go? I just wanna go home," Zach pleaded, but his efforts were thwarted as Velor swiftly handcuffed his hands.

"We will, but until you listen," Velor said, gently pushing Zach back towards the chair.

"Please listen, Zach, and we'll send you home" Mable implored, guiding Zach back to the seat where he had awakened.

As Zach struggled against his restraints, Dominick seemed lost in thought, a half-formed memory flickering in his mind.

"Yes, Cutey Zach, please listen and we'll send you home," Mable guided him to the chair.

Dominick eyed him intently. "Reminds me of that g--"

"Don't start," Velor cut him off with a glare.

"Can you two stop barking?" Mable shot them both a look, then turned to Zach. 

"Here's the thing..." She took a breath. 

"We're vampires." she declared, her eyes locking onto Zach's, awaiting his reaction.

Zach's eyes widened in shock

"A WHAT?!?!"